
作者&投稿:夫坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, ...(英国诗人 布莱克.W.)I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what ...(Bernard Baruch, Averican economist)在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。(...

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press the confirm or enter button to switch to AV mode. Additionally, some Philips products come with dedicated quick-switch buttons, such as \\"AV\\" or \\"Source\\", allowing you to directly switch to AV mode by simply pressing the button. Whether through menu options or quick-s...

windows 进程介绍
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To inflict a punishment or penalty in return for; revenge:惩罚:为回敬而施加惩罚或刑罚;报复:avenge a murder.惩罚谋杀者 To take vengeance on behalf of:复仇:avenged their wronged parents.向他们有恶行的父母复仇 Middle English avengen 中古英语 avengen from Old French avengier 源自 ...

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sweet.fiavor 中文是什么意思
你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:sweet fiavor 甜的口味 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

鲍面13415172512问: sb with sb+is sb and sb+are是什么意思啊?那位高手来帮帮忙. -
青山区金络回答: 这是指英语中“sb with sb+is” 这个结构,在意思上等于“sb and sb+are” 这种结构,“某人和某人是...”.要注意,前者做主语时,谓语动词用单数is,后者做主语时,谓语动词用复数are.

鲍面13415172512问: keep+sb+adj 和with+n+adj和leave+n+on和leave+n+adj的意思和有什么区别 -
青山区金络回答: 让某人保持..的状态 with是表示伴随的 leave .... on就是开着...一般用leavn the light on就是开着灯 最后一个也是让某物保持某种状态的意思

鲍面13415172512问: 介词+sb+doing还是do -
青山区金络回答: 你好 介词+doing或+名词 加动词的现在分词(doing)或者加名词,加sb的话看情况:例如for sb to do sth, it is +adj+for sb to do.名词+介词+doing 有些名词,其后通常接“介词+-ing分词”作后置修饰语,而一般不接to do,例如:aptitude, ...

鲍面13415172512问: 固定句式it is 形容词+of or+sb+to do 中of or sb是插入语吗 -
青山区金络回答: 该句式应为:It is +形容词+of/for sb to do sth..意为“某人做某事是……的”.其中of/for sb不叫插入语.of/for sb与后面的不定式构成不定式复合结构.

鲍面13415172512问: if+sb+动词什么形式 -
青山区金络回答: 在条件状语从句中,这个地方通常用一般现在时表示将来 如果是if引导的虚拟语气 那么后面有过去完成,过去式,were to, could或should+动词

鲍面13415172512问: it is +adj+for+sb+to+do+sth和 it is+adj+of+sb+to+do+sth有何区别?什么情况下用for,什么情况下用of -
青山区金络回答: 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.. It's very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我,真好. It's clever of you to work out the maths problem.你真聪明,解出了这...

鲍面13415172512问: It is wrong(of)you to speak to your teacher that way.A,for B,of C,with 为什么选B -
青山区金络回答: 翻译: 你对你老师那样说话是不对的.it's+adj(表示事物的性质特征的形容词)+for+ sb+to do 这类的形容词有:possible, necessary, convenient, difficult, easy 等 It is possible for him to come here it's+adj(表示人的品质特征的形容词)+of+sb + to do 这类的形容词有:right, wrong , kind, nice, wise, foolish, friendly , polie, impolite 等 如:It is wise of you to do so.

鲍面13415172512问: lt is+形容词+for sb或to sb+动词不定式什么情况下用for什么情况下用to? -
青山区金络回答: 1、动词不定式作主语是被动语态时用 to sb 例如:It's a great honour to Mary's birthday partyto be invited.2、动词不定式作主语是主动语态时用 for sb 例如:It was impossible for lost time to be made up.

鲍面13415172512问: t is+adj+for sb+to do sth和it is+of sb +to do sth有什么区别? -
青山区金络回答: t is+adj+for sb+to do sth和it is+of sb +to do sth的区别:1.it is+adj+for sb+to do sth表示事物特征特点.It's very hard for him to study two subjects. 对他来说学两门科目是很难的. 2.it is+of sb +to do sth表示人物的性格.It's very nice of you to help me...

鲍面13415172512问: 超简单英语句式题 it is +adj +of+sb+to do和 it is +adj +for -
青山区金络回答: 1)for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult,interesting, important, impossible等: 2)of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right.

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