
作者&投稿:边邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

wit的发音:美 [wɪt] 英 [wɪt]wit的意思:n.智力;风趣;才思;头脑 v.(wist ) 〔古语〕知道 例句:1.We have found in her a woman of wit and intelligence , with a master's degree in business administration .我们发现她是一位充满幽默感和智慧的女士,有商务管理硕士...

Snoop Dogg的《Promise I》 歌词
i promise that you'll never be alone this house will always be your home and our hearts will always beat as one as long as i can breathe i swear i promise that i will never let you down be strong for you, i'll always be around look into my eyes you'll see that we ...

Begun in the 1980s and published in its current form in the mid-1990s, it is an extensive collection of notes and short essays on poetics, semiotics, literary history and related topics written in classical Chinese.Qian's command of the cultural traditions of classical and modern Chinese, anci...

Orz有种无语向天长叹“天啊”或者是拜服的感觉,无可奈何失意的意思,反正很多意思的 与他相象的有 orz 这是小孩 OTZ 这是大人 OTL 这是完全失落 or2 这是屁股特别翘的 or2=3 这是放了个屁的 Or2 这是头大身体小的翘屁股 Or? 这也是头大身体小的翘屁股 orZ 这是下半身肥大 OTz 这是举...

It is helpful to remember that different cultures consider some matters more important than others . Wit Americans , however, trust and truth are most important. One of the worst tings that can be said about someone in America is that " you cannot trust him" Considering such differences in ...

3、你对困难的态度 It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world wit 高考英语话题作文:有关信心与希望 例:1、生活中困难不可避免,面对困难需要信心… 2、试举一例说明信心在学习(考试、生活等)方面的作用… 3、你对困难的态度… It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with variou...

Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation"不满是进步中的人或民族的第一步"I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments."我喜欢和自己说,因为节约时间和预防争论Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit"格言是智慧耐用的替代品A ...

1.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。 1.Great minds tnk alike. 英雄所见略同。 1.well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。 1.It is hard to please all. 众口难调。 0.Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 1.Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot. 纵然天下雨,休把水壶丢。 Always taking out of the meal-tub and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. 坐吃山空。 A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst. 少女有了许多求婚者往往选中了最差的一个。 A maid that laughs ...

女生唱的英文歌,高潮有I talk to you,so啥啥啥的
Jadakiss Yea, I need to talk to you, ok can I talk to you C抦on c抦on c抦on (hey, let me holla at you)C抦on c抦on c抦on (yo, stop runnin from me)A yo this Cassidy & niggas is not fuckin wit me man,And yea, I抦 talking wreckless but you gotta respect it,...

年蒋13791351144问: fit in with sb造句 -
陕县卡洛回答: You will fit in with him if he was your boyfriend.

年蒋13791351144问: fit in sth.和fit in with sth.有什么区别 -
陕县卡洛回答:[答案] fit in sth.或fit inside sthfit into sth.表示(容器/箱子/盒子/等等) 够大,比如all the books fit in the box 箱子够大,足以装下所有的书fit in with的意思是相处得来,适合,适应,融入,配合,符合例:As an oversea...

年蒋13791351144问: fit in sth.和fit in with sth.有什么区别 -
陕县卡洛回答: fit in sth. 或 fit inside sth fit into sth.表示(容器/箱子/盒子/等等) 够大,比如 all the books fit in the box 箱子够大,足以装下所有的书 fit in with 的意思是 相处得来,适合,适应,融入,配合,符合 例:As an overseas student in America, I must ...

年蒋13791351144问: adjust to 和fit in 的区别.必采纳! -
陕县卡洛回答: fit in ( with sb/ sth)与某人、某事相协调,相适应(in 是副词) He has never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in ( with the other employees) adjust to适应..(to是介词) The former soldiers have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life

年蒋13791351144问: fit for、fit with、fit into、fit in with的区别? -
陕县卡洛回答: 第一种情况:fit in (BELONG) :phrasal feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by them: E.G: It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really fitted in.2.If one thing fits in with another thing, they look pleasant together or are ...

年蒋13791351144问: fit in with sth. -
陕县卡洛回答:[答案] fit in with 适合; 使与...一致; 与...一致;与 ...相适应例句:His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims.他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致.His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快...

年蒋13791351144问: 英语高手来一道翻译题
陕县卡洛回答: fit in with sb / sth 有(使)适合, (使)与…一致的意思,这主要是指意见或者建议,安排等等事情,或者与某人合得来.get used to是适应于……;习惯于

年蒋13791351144问: fit in with sth. 是什么意思 -
陕县卡洛回答: fit in with 适合; 使与...一致; 与...一致;与 ... 相适应 例句:His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims.他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致.His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐

年蒋13791351144问: adjust to 和fit in 在表示“适应”时有什么区别啊? -
陕县卡洛回答: adjust to 一般用来表示适应,调节的意思,一般说适应什么样的环境、情况.而fit in除了能表示环境、情况外,还能表示合适,一致的意思.比如:They fit in there.他们在那里很合适.Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? 这些计画与你的安排一致吗?

年蒋13791351144问: 求fit in , adjust to , adapt to ,的区别 -
陕县卡洛回答: fit in 一般指和人合的来,或者适应某事物,通常与with sb/sth l连用.adjust to ,适应,习惯.to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave or think . adapt to ,to change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new sitiation.适应新情况

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