
作者&投稿:芒琦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

原文内容When the family of a young Chinese girl is brutally murdered by the evilwhim of the Emperor, young Wing Tsun avows revenge. With no knowledgein the art of Kung Fu, she sets out to learn all she will need to knowin order to avenge her family. With only youth on her...

跪求英文的中国的历史,成语或神话故事 最好七到十段 尽量长一些 各位拜 ...
It was built for her a temple to commemorate the Chunghsiao queen. Song A poem reads: Different military siege Wai-yi soldiers, crescent siege city of Khan MA; Fu Chou Wai difficult 2 Jian Xue, Liu-Fang Chung Hsiao name through the ages.二十四孝_上书救父 汉文帝时,有一位叫淳于意的人...

Not from the hands of the bicycle; No Pan Fu other vehicles; Not riding on the pavement. In...Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。 Stick to it, and you'll succeed. 只要...Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 勤勉是幸运的右手,节约是幸运的左手。

an \/ An \/ art. (元音前)一个(只,把,台……) and \/ And \/ conj. 和;又;而且 answer \/ 5AnsEr \/, \/ 5B:nsE \/ n. 回答;答复;答案 any...her \/ h\\:(r) \/ pron. 她的 here \/ hIr \/, \/ hIE \/ adv. 这里;在这里 Here you are. 给你。 he's (=he is) hi \/ haI \/ int. (...

(玩笑言行)同义词:play 'You fool!' she shouted...“你这个白痴!”她大叫道。He'd been a fool to get involved with her!他竟然跟她扯到了一起,真是傻瓜!What a damn fool thing to do!...做的什么蠢事啊!What can that fool guard be thinking of?那个愚蠢的守卫能想什么?Art ...

Yip Man (traditional Chinese: 叶问; simplified Chinese: 叶问; pinyin: yè wèn, Cantonese Jyutping: jip6 man6; main spelling Ip Man[1]; also known as 叶继问 1 October 1893-2 December 1972) was the first martial arts master (Chinese: Sifu) to teach the Chinese martial art of Wing ...

The film is the chief choreographer of the film director Anni Fu Fletcher debut, tells the story...Art Institute of Maryland, Baltimore super elite competition, a bright future is waiting for her

抖包袱是相声专有词,意思是笑点,英文对应的是 punch line 至于 抖, 应该就是适时的释放 的意思,严肃点的话 用 release 口语化点 可以说成 come up with the punch line (come up with ... 提出,拿出)

an \/ An \/ art. (元音前)一个(只,把,台……) and \/ And \/ conj. 和;又;而且 answer \/ ...her \/ h\\:(r) \/ pron. 她的 here \/ hIr \/, \/ hIE \/ adv. 这里;在这里 Here you are. ...kung fu \/ 7kQN5fu: \/ n. 中国功夫 last \/ lAst \/, \/ lB:st \/ adj. 最后的;上一个的 ...

Selina Ren (任家萱) was born on 31 October 1981, in Taipei, Taiwan. She is, as of 2005, the only member of S.H.E to have a bachelor's degree, as her parents wanted her to have a good education.The name Selina was chosen by her company after taking a personality test;...

韩武18265627953问: farther与further在词义和用法上有什么区别? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答: far—farther—farthest far—further—furtherst 但是它们在词义和用法上却有不小的区别.farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”: 1. On the farther side of the steet there was a large shop. 在街的那一边有一家大商店. 2. We can't go ...

韩武18265627953问: farther和further的用法有区别么? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] 2个都是far 的比较级 但是 farther 强调在距离上更远 强调的是广度 比如 He jumped farther than Mike.他跳的比麦克远 而further 是强调在程度上更深远 强调的是深度 比如 He studied more further in this area tha...

韩武18265627953问: farther与further有什么区别? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”: farther既可表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”,还可表示“更多的”;“另一些”;“进一步的”;“而且”;“此外”等等:

韩武18265627953问: farther与further有什么区别? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答: farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”: farther既可表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”,还可表示“更多的”;“另一些”;“进一步的”;“而且”;“此外”等等:

韩武18265627953问: farther 和further 的具体区别? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] 这俩都是far的比较级 farther强调的是距离、广度 例如:He jumped farther than me. 而further强调的是程度、深度 例如:He studied further in this area than anybody.

韩武18265627953问: further 和farther的区别 -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] farther / farthest指距离上更远/最远.further / furthest既可指距离上更远 最远,又可指程度上更进一步 最进一步.例如 He lives farther (=further). (指距离) Can our Chinese Team go further? (指程度) .谢谢....

韩武18265627953问: further和farther有什么区别? -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] far的比较级可以是father,也可以是further;最高级可以是further,也可以是furthest. further比father更加抽象 farther 和 further farther是距离的远 further指程度上的 adj.更远的,更多的,深一层的 vt.促进,增进,助长 adv.更进一步地,更远地.

韩武18265627953问: further和farther的区别老师说是什么程度的深浅,我还是不大清楚, -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] farther / farthest指距离上更远/最远,而further / furthest既可指距离上更远/最远,又可指程度上更进一步/最进一步.如 He lives farther (=further). (指距离) / Can our Chinese Team go further? (指程度) 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳! 祝你学习...

韩武18265627953问: farther和further的区别 -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答: farther: [ fɑ:ðə ] a. 更远的,进一步的 ad. 更远的,此外 例句与用法 1. On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店. 2. We can't go any farther without a rest. 不休息我们就走不动了. 3. The nearer the ...

韩武18265627953问: 在形容词比较极中farther和further的区别亲们,快些哦 -
新疆维吾尔自治区苯唑回答:[答案] 2个都是far 的比较级 但是 farther 强调在距离上更远 强调的是广度比如He jumped farther than Mike.他跳的比麦克远而further 是强调在程度上更深远 强调的是深度比如He studied more further in this area than an...

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