
作者&投稿:牛贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be excited about=be excited at 对……感到激动 也有 兴奋的;激动的[(+about\/at\/over)]\/[+to-do]be excited about+doing作名词性短语 excited 形容词 a.1.兴奋的;激动的[(+about\/at\/over)][+to-v]She was excited to learn the news.她听到这消息很兴奋.She is very excited about ...

be excited at be excited about
be excited at “在.的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动”She is very excited about\/at winning the first prize.赢得首奖,她激动不已.常可以互换 be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your...

i was excited at being in a new place这句话里的being怎么理解,语法...
at 是介词,后面跟名词或者宾格代词。如果跟动词,必须变为动名词形式。这里的be就是动名词,表示呆在,处在。能呆在这个新鲜的地方,我感到很激动。

英语问题:是be excited at 对还是be excited about 对?要求快一点啊...
都可以用。但有区别:1.Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置.Foreigners got excited at Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. 老外在北京奥开幕式中老激动了.2.Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动 Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics\/the 2010 World Cup?I was excited about ...

详细内容 01 excited是excite的过去分词和过去式,作形容词表示激动的;兴奋的;受刺激的;紧张不安的;性兴奋的。作动词表示使激动;使兴奋;刺激;使紧张不安;激发;引发;引起。02短语:series excited 串励。be excited about\/at 对…感到兴奋。be excited over 因什么而兴奋。be excited to do sth...

be excited about的区别是什么?
be excited with 和be excited about的区别:be excited about:对什么感到兴奋、激动(后面接事)例句:I'm excited about the 2008 Olympics be excited with:因什么感到兴奋(后面接人)例句:He's excited with his new computer.区别:前者后面接的是事,对什么事感到很兴奋;后者后面接的是人...

get excited about 和get excited at有什么区别
回答:他俩没什么严格的却别,可互换使用,若要真区别的话那就是:get excited about 和 get excited at 后面跟动词的时候都必须用v-ing,但后面如果跟的是名词的话使用at更多一些。 例子:I get excited about playing basketball I get excited at basketball. 其实他俩没那么严格的区别的,希望能帮助你...

she is so___at the___nows.(excite)
She is so___at the___news.(excite)参考答案:She is so excited at the news. 听到新闻,她很激动。The news is exciting 这条新闻令人兴奋。上二句显示了, exciting 和 excited 用法的不同。exciting 用来描述物,excited 描述人。祝您快乐,阿弥陀佛!

excited on\/about\/at 三者的区别拜托各位大神
1.Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动 Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics\/the 2010 World Cup? I was excited about a job interview. 我对那个面试老激动了,当时. 2.Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置. Foreigners got excited at Beijing Olympics' opening ...

有没有be excited at?和about有什么区别?
也有be excited at ,不过be excited about 更常用,两者没有什么区别。

印杰13264956062问: be excited +什么介词 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: 用什么介词得看介词后面是什么呀.如: be excited to you 对你动了情 be excited to do sth 很高兴做某事 We were all excited by the news. 我们都为这消息感到兴奋.Everybody feels excited about it. 人们无不为之高兴.

印杰13264956062问: 英语问题:是be excited at 对还是be excited about 对?要求快一点啊 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: 都可以用.但有区别: 1.Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置. Foreigners got excited at Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. 老外在北京奥开幕式中老激动了.2.Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动 Why should we be excited about the 2008 ...

印杰13264956062问: get excited about 和get excited at 的区别 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: 他俩没什么严格的却别,可互换使用,若要真区别的话那就是:get excited about 和 get excited at 后面跟动词的时候都必须用v-ing,但后面如果跟的是名词的话使用at更多一些. 例子:I get excited about playing basketballI get excited at basketball.其实他俩没那么严格的区别的,希望能帮助你!happy new year

印杰13264956062问: 有be exciting at这个词组吗 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: 没有.因为人做主语时,形容词用-ed形式,即be excited about=be excited at 对……感到激动

印杰13264956062问: excited和exciting的用法 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: 1、excited表示"兴奋的",指人、物对......感到兴奋; 2、exciting表示"令人兴奋的;使人激动的",指人、事、物本身让人兴奋、激动. * 一般情况下,是人做主语,用v-ed; 物做主语,用v-ing. He was excited at the news. The news that our ...

印杰13264956062问: excited的用法excited to ,excited with,excited about,excited for,的意思及用法. -
夹江县鲨肝回答:[答案] excited意思是“被……激动了的”,常常是人作主语.如:She was excited to learn the news. 她听到这消息很兴奋. .活跃的 the excited buying and selling . be excited about:I'm excited about the 2008 Olympics be excited at:Were you excited at the last ...

印杰13264956062问: be excited at 和 be excited about 的区别 -
夹江县鲨肝回答: be excited about doing sth. be excited to do sth. :前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢, 后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢

印杰13264956062问: be excited in,be excited at,be excited about哪个对,或者有什么区别? -
夹江县鲨肝回答: be excited at “在......的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动”She is very excited about/at winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已.常可以互换be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property. 就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动心.

印杰13264956062问: be exicited at 和be excited on有什么区别和共同点
夹江县鲨肝回答: be at :从事于,做 be on:已经开始了.be exicited at/on.它们的用法以及意义基本一样,只是时态稍有不同.据个例子:I am exicited at the basketball tomorrow.明天的篮球赛让我感到很兴奋.这种情况就不可以用excited on 因为球赛还没开始呢.I was exicited on the basketball yesterday.昨天的篮球赛让我很兴奋.一个很大的共同点就是at和on都是是介词 所以这两个短语的后面都只能加 名词或 动名词.

印杰13264956062问: get excited about 和get excited at 的区别 -
夹江县鲨肝回答:[答案] 他俩没什么严格的却别,可互换使用,若要真区别的话那就是:get excited about 和 get excited at 后面跟动词的时候都必须用v-ing,但后面如果跟的是名词的话使用at更多一些.例子:I get excited about playing basketb...

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