be excited about的区别是什么?

作者&投稿:闻聪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be excited with 和be excited about的区别:

be excited about:对什么感到兴奋、激动(后面接事)

例句:I'm excited about the 2008 Olympics

be excited with:因什么感到兴奋(后面接人)

例句:He's excited with his new computer.



1、其它 be excited 句式:

be excited by:被动结构

例句:Mary is excited by her good test results.

be excited at:后面接地点、场所、环境

例句:Were you excited at the last Olympics?


v. 激发的;兴奋的,激动的;活跃的;受刺激的;使兴奋( excite的过去式和过去分词)

adj.  激动的;兴奋的(about/at/by sth) | ~ (to do sth)


"be excited about" 和 "be enthusiastic about" 都是表达对某件事物感到兴奋的动词短语,但它们之间有一些微小的差别。
"Be excited about" 着重表达的是感觉上的激动和兴奋,是指因为某件事情而感到非常兴奋和激动。
- She's excited about her upcoming trip to Hawaii. (她对即将到来的夏威夷之旅感到兴奋。)
- He's excited about his new job. (他对自己的新工作感到兴奋。)
而 "be enthusiastic about" 则更强调某人对某件事情的热情和热爱程度。这个词语通常用于形容某人真诚地、热情地对某件事物表现出浓厚的兴趣和投入。
- She's enthusiastic about her job as a teacher. (她非常热爱自己的教师工作。)
- The participants were enthusiastic about the new ideas presented at the conference. (与会者对会议上提出的新想法感到热情洋溢。)

故城县13275996245: be excited about是什么意思 -
郜洪速碧: be excited about 英[bi: ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaut] 美[bi ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaʊt] 对…感到兴奋 [例句]However to get business buy in you need the business to be excited about what you are doing.但是想要让企业买你的帐,你需要让企业为你所做的事情感到兴奋.

故城县13275996245: be excited about意思用法 -
郜洪速碧: 参考翻译由于…而激动be excited about的用法和样例:例句You must be excited about leaving for America.对去美国一定很兴奋.What's there to be excited about?有什么好兴奋的?

故城县13275996245: be excited in,be excited at,be excited about哪个对,或者有什么区别? -
郜洪速碧:[答案] be excited at “在.的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动” She is very excited about/at winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已. 常可以互换 be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't...

故城县13275996245: 对……很兴奋 英语怎么翻译, -
郜洪速碧:[答案] be excited about 例如:She is very excited about winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

故城县13275996245: be excited at 和 be excited about 的区别 -
郜洪速碧: be excited about doing sth. be excited to do sth. :前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢, 后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢

故城县13275996245: 因什么而兴奋英语怎么说 -
郜洪速碧:[答案] 正解是,be excited about 有时候在句子里面,也可以用by,如:The audience were very excited by the show. be excited with这个词组,有时候也会用到,但是很少.

故城县13275996245: be excited about造句 -
郜洪速碧: That's one thing we 're excited about.

故城县13275996245: be excited 加什么介词(英语) -
郜洪速碧:[答案] be excited about

故城县13275996245: be excited about doing sth; Get excited about sth; Be excited about/at sth三者的区别及例句以利理解 -
郜洪速碧:[答案] 1.如果强调“听到”某事而激动,就用be excited at.如:He was very excited at the news.听说这个消息,他特别激动.2.如果只想说什么事让某人激动,就用be excited about.如:I was excited about going to the zoo.去...

故城县13275996245: be excited about doing sth.与be excited to do sth.有何区别? -
郜洪速碧:[答案] "be excited about doing sth."和"be excited to do sth."的关系与"like doing sth."和"would like to do sth."是一样的:前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢,后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢.

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