
作者&投稿:年贸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be excited ab0ut sth=be excited t0 do sthover
be excited about sth=be excited to do sth over 对某事感到兴奋=兴奋地做某事 望采纳,谢谢

be excited about的区别是什么?
be excited about:对什么感到兴奋、激动(后面接事)例句:I'm excited about the 2008 Olympics be excited with:因什么感到兴奋(后面接人)例句:He's excited with his new computer.区别:前者后面接的是事,对什么事感到很兴奋;后者后面接的是人,因为人或者是人的原因而感到兴奋。

be excited about doing sth跟be excited to do sth有什么分别_百度知 ...
一、指代不同 1、be excited about doing sth:对做某事感到兴奋。2、be excited to do sth:兴奋地做某事。二、用法不同 1、be excited about doing sth:基本意思是刺激某人使之激动或激励某人做某事,强调激动的强烈程度和激励的巨大作用。2、be excited to do sth:用作及物动词时,可接名词...

she is excited about going to the movies为什么用about?

be excited about是什么意思
be excited about[英][bi: ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaut][美][bi ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaʊt]对…感到兴奋;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.However to get business buy in you need the business to be excited ab ...

they are ___children's day(exciting,exciting.ab
excited about

be excited about是什么意思?
be excited with 和be excited about的区别:1、两者后接内容不同。be excited with +人(sb.)是对……感到激动的意思;be excited about+事(sth.)对...感到兴奋,激动 2、be excited about:对什么感到兴奋、激动,通常后面加的就是感到兴奋的对象;be excited with:因什么感到兴奋,通常后面加的...

be excited about和be excited todo都表示什么意思?
1. be excited about表示对某事物感到兴奋或激动。它后面通常跟名词或名词性物主结构作宾语。例如:I'm really excited about my holiday trip. 我对我的假日旅行感到非常兴奋。2. be excited to表示对要做某事或即将发生的事感到兴奋。它后面常跟动词不定式作宾语。例如:We were excited to ...

be excited with还是be excited about?
- "be excited with" 强调与他人或某种情况共享兴奋感。- "be excited about" 强调直接对某事物或特定情况感到兴奋。例句:- We were excited with the team's victory.(我们对团队的胜利感到兴奋。)- I am excited about my upcoming trip to Europe.(我对即将到来的欧洲之行感到兴奋。)3....

be excited with和be excited about有什么区别呢
接下来让我们看下be excited with和be excited about的用法区别:1.语法结构:be excited with是动词+介词的结构,表示与某人一起感到兴奋,而be excited about是动词+介词的结构,表示对某事感到兴奋。例子:- I am excited with my friend.(我和我的朋友一起感到兴奋。)- He is excited about the...

重才17754831300问: be excited +什么介词 -
南漳县包醛回答: 用什么介词得看介词后面是什么呀.如: be excited to you 对你动了情 be excited to do sth 很高兴做某事 We were all excited by the news. 我们都为这消息感到兴奋.Everybody feels excited about it. 人们无不为之高兴.

重才17754831300问: i'm excited about it.意思是什么 -
南漳县包醛回答: i"m very excited,becaues 我很兴奋,因为 双语对照 例句: 1. I m excited like I won the jackpot. 我就像中了头奖一样兴奋.

重才17754831300问: be excited about doing sth; Get excited about sth; Be excited about/at sth三者的区别及例句以利理解
南漳县包醛回答: 1. 如果强调“听到”某事而激动,就用be excited at. 如:He was very excited at the news. 听说这个消息,他特别激动. 2. 如果只想说什么事让某人激动,就用be excited about.如:I was excited about going to the zoo. 去动物园令我兴奋. 3. about 既可以接something ,又可以接doing something ,他们在语法上是完全一样的. 4. be 强调状态;get 强调“变得”.如:He was very excited. 他很激动. He got very excited. 他变得很激动.

重才17754831300问: excite描写人的词性转换 -
南漳县包醛回答: 形容人的是excited 形容物的是exciting excited a.1. 兴奋的;激动的[(+about/at/over)][+to-v] She was excited to learn the news.她听到这消息很兴奋.She is very excited about winning the first prize.赢得首奖,她激动不已.The excited children ...

重才17754831300问: be excited about doing sth跟be excited to do sth有什么分别 -
南漳县包醛回答: 同学你好 "be excited about doing sth."和"be excited to do sth."的关系 与"like doing sth."和"would like to do sth."是一样的: 前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢, 后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢. 加油

重才17754831300问: get excited about 和get excited at 的区别 -
南漳县包醛回答: 他俩没什么严格的却别,可互换使用,若要真区别的话那就是:get excited about 和 get excited at 后面跟动词的时候都必须用v-ing,但后面如果跟的是名词的话使用at更多一些. 例子:I get excited about playing basketballI get excited at basketball.其实他俩没那么严格的区别的,希望能帮助你!happy new year

重才17754831300问: be excited at 和 be excited about 的区别 -
南漳县包醛回答: be excited about doing sth. be excited to do sth. :前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢, 后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢

重才17754831300问: 人+be +excited+about sth.是不是和物加be+exciting的意思一样 -
南漳县包醛回答: 对的,一起都一样,只是主语不同,前者主语是“人”,而后者主语是“物”.但例句不对,是,1:He is excited abour the news.2:The news is exciting.

重才17754831300问: be/get excited about的用法 -
南漳县包醛回答: be/get excited about something. or be/get excited about doing sth.

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