
作者&投稿:通敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the people there are very kind.对划线部分提问 __the peop_百度...
the people there are very kind.对划线部分提问 _How are_the people there?

...about the speed(速度)of reading? Some peop
小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:A 试题分析:一个很好的读者,要掌握好读书的速度,什么时候快读,什么时候慢读。比如,当你需要一些详细信息的时候要慢读,读故事书或报纸的时候可以快读。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The quick reader may be a good reader when he reads a story-...

...the movies and I’m sure that different peop..
小题1:B小题2:C小题3:B小题4:D小题5:D 试题分析:本文Eric主要介绍了自己最喜欢的电影,然后询问了部分朋友朋友最喜欢的电影以及他们的看法,由此得出最受欢迎的电影是动作电影。小题1: 细节理解题。根据第一段的Last Monday I went to a school and asked some students about their favori...

求文档: 阅读与表达these days,peopli are concerned
trying to solve them. It’s like putting together a difficult puzzle. Understanding that there’s a problem is one piece. Understanding what causes kids to be overweight is another. And knowing that eating healthy and exercising are the best ways to fix the problem is a very ...

Climbing is a very healthy sport.It can m peop...
小题1:make小题2:healthy小题3:fat小题4:worried小题5:goes小题6:things小题7:pair小题8:have小题9:with小题10:other 小题1:本句的含义为爬山会使人变得强壮,故本句空格处填使的单词make。小题2:本句的含义为爬山会使人变得健康,故本句空格处填健康的单词healthy。小题3:本题的含义...

...very far away2. I really can’t believe peop
1,The village in which my friends live is very far away.2, 你第二个问题我看不见。

and add good ruputation to Chinese peopole.so he is considered the Messenger of Peace . In the olympic games ,no doubt,he did a good job.He was a flagman leading all the Chinese athletes.What"s more ,he leaded chinese team to the the quarter-finals .Although Chinese team ...

...the world people enjoys sports. Sports are good for peop...
小题2:根据第二段Sports change (改变)with the seasons(季节).可知不同的季节人们做不同的运动。故填复数名词seasons,季节。小题3:根据第二段Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they outside.描述,可知填:outside外边。小题4:根据第二段Football, for example(例如), is very ...

so they look very funny.bananas are their favrite food.mimions are small.but they are very smarl,minions work hard and they have diffcrent jobs.some work as poliemen some work as tennis players and some work as teachers many peopje like bkese cute yellaw robots.let s meet three of ...

...large中选填5.The Chinese people are () peop?
great big Great big big large big 7是人民大会堂,big形容人,个子大,做事成熟,7,5 great 6 large 7 great 8 big 9 big 10 large 11 huge,2,huge big large中选填 5.The Chinese people are (great) people.6.This elephant is very (huge).7.We are going to visit the (great) Hall...

涂览18521535257问: 为什么people用are. everyone用is -
丹徒区妥必回答: people是一个集体名称.人们 everyone 是每个人.但是强调的意思是整体,大家.谓语依然是单数

涂览18521535257问: everyboby,everyone,等等everything,在一般情况下用is麽??还是用三单 -
丹徒区妥必回答: everyboby,everyone,等等everything 都是单数 所以后面只接ispeople如果指人群,用are,指民族用is望采纳~~~~

涂览18521535257问: 为什么people用are.everyone用is -
丹徒区妥必回答:[答案] people是一个集体名称.人们 everyone 是每个人.但是强调的意思是整体,大家.谓语依然是单数

涂览18521535257问: everyone everything everybody区别 -
丹徒区妥必回答: everyone/everybody和everything(代词)everyone/everybody+单数动词通常要比all(the)people+复数动词更常用,如可以说Everyone is ready(人人都准备好了),而不说All the people are ready.everyone和everybody之间不存在任何区别....

涂览18521535257问: each of people还是each people后面的be动词是are还是is -
丹徒区妥必回答: 如果主语中含有限定词 each 或 every,即使是并列,如 each of people、each/every people、each boy and each girl, 都要视作单数,后面一律用单数第三人称形式 is.

涂览18521535257问: each和every的区别? -
丹徒区妥必回答: 那我就没个问题回答一个吧.each后的名词变不变复数?不变,每个人,就是each person,用这个词应该是有3个或以上的 each+名词+are还是is?是is,意思是每个人,每人就是一个,一个就是单数,单数就是is,every后的名词变不变复数?不变,every person,每人,这词没有数量限制 every+名词+are还是is? is every one+is还是are? is each one+is还是are? is 希望帮助你了,有问题问我

涂览18521535257问: every people是复数还是单数? -
丹徒区妥必回答: 单数 every each 之类后面都是单数

涂览18521535257问: each man and each woman ( ) happy ()里填is 还是are? -
丹徒区妥必回答: 填:is 解析:当1) Every … and (every)… 2) each …and (each… 3)no …and (no)…, 4) many a …and (many a)…连接两个单数名词作主语,谓语用单数.

涂览18521535257问: everyone不是每个人的意思吗?为什么everyone is happy的时候用is? -
丹徒区妥必回答: everyone(想想:每一个人“他”还是“他们”?) 是不定代词,其后的谓语动词都要用三单形式.

涂览18521535257问: each和every的区别?each后的名词变不变复数?each+名词+are还是is?every后的名词变不变复数?every+名词+are还是is?every one+is还是are?each one+is... -
丹徒区妥必回答:[答案] 那我就没个问题回答一个吧. each后的名词变不变复数?不变,每个人,就是each person,用这个词应该是有3个或以上的 each+名词+are还是is?是is,意思是每个人,每人就是一个,一个就是单数,单数就是is, every后的名词变不变复数?不变,...

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