二、找错并改正1. The village which my friends live is very far away2. I really can’t believe peop

作者&投稿:成王耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
when i reached that village where i used to live,i found my friends -a lot. Achanged Bhad changed~

选B 翻译:当我回到我曾经居住过的家乡时,我发现我的朋友已经变了许多!
A表示通常状态!肯定不符合题意,并且这是已经发生的事,所以要用完成时,前边用的过去式则前后要保持一致,所以用had changed!谢谢!

你要歌词还是歌曲介绍呀?? 应该是歌曲介绍吧。。。。。。我觉得你应该选I Believe I Can Fly 。。。 因为基本上这两首都不是同一个年代的歌。。。R. Kelly 的歌。。。。意义上可以找到很多介绍的题材。。。我复制了一下百度的介绍。。。你参考一下!!

Believe I Can Fly(我相信我能飞)
歌手:R. Kelly (罗 凯利)
这首歌是歌手R. Kelly在1996年为飞人迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)的电影《Space Jam》(太空大灌篮)由自己作词、作曲、演唱的歌曲.。《I Believe I Can Fly》成为了他最伟大的单曲之一,并在1997年度第40届格莱美颁奖中,一举获得了最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written Specifically For A Motion Picture Or For Television),最佳R&B男歌手(Best Male R&B Vocal Performance),最佳R&B歌曲(Best Rhythm & Blues Song)三项大奖!作为一个篮球迷、飞人的球迷我们都会相信这首歌完全是飞人的写照,只有飞人能配的上这首歌!

1,The village in which my friends live is very far away.
2, 你第二个问题我看不见。

1.The village that my friends live is very far away

1 live后面加in
2 believe 后面加in

长春市19389367055: 英语短文改错技巧 -
储信蓖麻: 一、解题方法 三步法解题:(1)通读全文,了解全文大意和主题; (2)找错并改正;(3)通读全文,核对检验.在短文改错过程中,还须遵循以下步骤:(1)在理解句子的基础上,先从动词、句法的角度判断有无这方面的错误以及错误的...

长春市19389367055: 找出错误并改正 1this is the town that we visited it the year before last._________ - 2 there was a p找出错误并改正1this is the town that we visited it the year ... -
储信蓖麻:[答案] 1,去掉it 2,将it's 改成which 3,将what 改成that 4,将real 改成 really 5,在go 后面加上 to

长春市19389367055: 找错并改正(英语)
储信蓖麻: 1、去掉the.Brazil是巴西,没有任何修饰的国家名前不要加冠词 2、应该是My teacher's English is good. 3、Korean是韩国人,应改成Korea(韩国) 4、去掉in.live 为及物动词,不用加介词 5、去掉a. 6、应该是Mum asks me to open the door.(ask sb to do sth固定用法)

长春市19389367055: 找出错误并改正 1this is the town that we visited it the year before last. - -------- - 2 there was a p -
储信蓖麻: 1,去掉it 2,将it's 改成which3,将what 改成that4,将real 改成 really5,在go 后面加上 to

长春市19389367055: 英语语法连词之找错并改正
储信蓖麻: 1.D fits 2.D is 3.D hand 4.C but去掉 5.A such 6.C because 7.A or 8.A wouldn't 9.C as hard 10.A went 11.C until 12.D stop 13.D stay

长春市19389367055: 英语习题将句子错误的部分选出并改正.一、( )The boy can (play) (basketball) and the girl can (play violin).A B C 二、( )Mike,(here're) (your) (change.)A B C -
储信蓖麻:[答案] 第一题 选C 乐器前要加the 第二题选B change 零钱 是不可数名词,用here's

长春市19389367055: 英语句子找出错误并改正 -
储信蓖麻: 1.piece改为pieces 2.visiting改为to visit 3.entered into改为entered 4.pick up it 改为pick it up 5.return back改为return

长春市19389367055: 各题中有一处错误,找出并改正. 1、what's this? it's yellow pen. 2、what's colour is the book? -
储信蓖麻: 1. yellow pen 改为: a yellow pen2. What's colour 改为: What colour3. a white 改为: white4. a orange 改为: an orange 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

长春市19389367055: 英语好的进来一,写出所给单词的对应词cold - --expensive---take off-----close----cool----二、找错误,并改正.1.The jieans is blue.2.What are the weather like ... -
储信蓖麻:[答案] 一,写出所给单词的对应词 cold ---hot expensive---cheap take off-----put on close----open cool----warm 二、找错误,并改正. 1.The jieans are blue. 2.What is the weather like there? 3.It's cloudy today. 4.Can I wear my T-shirt? 5.It's time to go. 三.选词填空...

长春市19389367055: III.找出下列句子中的错误并改正. 1.The village lies between three hills. 2. I sit in front of the classroom. 3.We -
储信蓖麻: 1.The village lies between three hills. between 应该换成 among; between 指的是在两个物体之间,among 指的是在3个或者多个物体之间.本句说的是3个小山丘,所以必须用 among. 2. I sit in front of the classroom. 这句话的意思是我坐在教室...

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