
作者&投稿:湛衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I don't like his apartment, it is a shithole and there are actually some cockroaches in it.shit-disturber: 惹是生非的人 Look at that dude in a fight again... what a little shit disturber.don't give a shit: 不在乎 I don't give a shit what she does, I just don't ...

damn you at this shit

这个快,本来还想帮你修改修改呢,呵呵 1. Eat trees -- Dian Parkinson growth in the Indonesian island of Java laying Parkinson Surprisingly, people can consume. It high on August 9 meters long with a lot of long branches, vertical affixed to the ground, some like fast broken wires...

shit 啥意思
VI.拉屎,<俚>对>...胡扯,企图欺骗,取笑.VT.欺骗.N.粪,屎.INT.放屁!看看百度的翻译吧:shit KK: []DJ: []vt.【粗】1. 拉(屎)2. 对...胡扯;取笑;企图欺骗 n.【粗】1. 屎,粪便[U]2. 拉屎[S]3. 蹩脚货,一钱不值的东西[S]I don't give a shit what you think.你怎么想我...

混蛋!— S h it - head! A s s h o l e !该死的×××!(指人或物均可,目前此字已被浮滥使用)— F u c k ing + (名词)!胡说八道!— That's n o nsense! \/ B a l oney! \/ That's b u llshit!自作自受!—It serves you right!畜牲!— You b e...

the shit is a freshman中文意思
scowling at me.“What"d he want?”he asked.“They"ve got George Harper. Morrie asked me to represent him during the Q and A.”“Shit,”Frank said.”与上例一样,“shit”独立成句,但所表达的意义有所不同。Frank对自己的搭档(一民事律师事务所的合作者)要去插手一桩刑事案件...

right out at ya...Like secret searchlights.Mmm.And legs --I don't care ifthey're Greek columns...or secondhand Steinways.What's between 'em,passport to heaven.I need a drink.Yes, Mr. Simms,there's only two syllablesin this whole wide world worth hearing:pussy.Hah !Are you ...

Look at this shit~~~
是地 你说的完全正确 街球追求的是花哨动作和过人技巧 实战上就不行了 比方说我们都知道AND1的MIXTAPES,里面纯粹都是表演性质的比赛,在比赛中,大家也都知道这些潜规则,防守时也是非常的放松,因为他们都知道,表演和取悦观众才是根本目的,这是街头篮球所追逐的目标!可是在NBA里,就完全不同了,...

scowling at me.“What"d he want?”he asked.“They"ve got George Harper. Morrie asked me to represent him during the Q and A.”“Shit,”Frank said.”与上例一样,“shit”独立成句,但所表达的意义有所不同。Frank对自己的搭档(一民事律师事务所的合作者)要去插手一桩刑事案件...

谁知道50CENT唱的window shoppere中文歌词.
I start spitting G at a *** like a pimp man Tell her meet me at the magarane so we can do our thing She can bring the lingerie with her I suppose And we can go from fully dressed to just having no clothes She can run and tell her best friend bout my *** game He...

蔡唐14728872677问: eat分别在什么情况下加S、ing??? -
东阿县乐派回答: eat后边加ing 只有俩种可能:动词后加ing要么是动名词 要么是现在分词 动名词在句子中作主语(S)、宾语(O)、表语(P)、定语(attr). 现在分词在句子中作定语(attr)、状语(adv)、表语(P)、补足语(C) 现在分词可以和助动...

蔡唐14728872677问: eat or drink和eat and drink区别以及would什么什么的语法
东阿县乐派回答: eat or drink由or连接,表示选择,吃或喝 eat and drink由and连接,表示并且,吃喝 两组短语中的动词都是并列关系. would的语法或用法,很广泛,一句话说不清,你可以上网查一查.

蔡唐14728872677问: eat shit是什么意思 -
东阿县乐派回答: 你好!eat shit [俚语]卑躬屈膝

蔡唐14728872677问: eat shit and die是什么意思
东阿县乐派回答: eat shit and die 吃屎去死吧! 双语对照 例句: 1. Eat shit and die! 吃屎去死吧!

蔡唐14728872677问: 动词+ing 都有哪些改写的规则?eat怎么变 -
东阿县乐派回答: shop-shopping sit-sitting swim-swimming,begin-beginning run-running , cut-cutting 等 不用: 1.一般情况直接+ing 例动词ing的变化规则:最后三个字母是“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母”:sweep-sweeping read-reading 2.以不发音e结尾的去e+ing 例:take-taking make-making have-having ride-riding 3.重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾,双写辅音字母+ing 例,put-putting.教你一个双写的简单规则

蔡唐14728872677问: you can go eat shit有语法错误吗 -
东阿县乐派回答: 严格的说,eat用不定式比较好,但是口语上一般就是你这样子说得,所以不算错

蔡唐14728872677问: 关于“主语+be+形容词+不定式”结构 -
东阿县乐派回答: Be + 形容词 + 不定式分为两种情况: 1. 表语形容词表示主语的情感描述,如:sad, happy, glad, afraid, surprised, eager 等.此类形容词后的不定式表示的是主语有这种情感去执...

蔡唐14728872677问: 急急急!!!Eat more and smoke less. -
东阿县乐派回答: more 是 much 的比较级,修饰 eat, 不能说 more eat and less smoke, 因为 eat 和 smoke (在这里)是动词.

蔡唐14728872677问: to+动词和动词+to的不同.如:come to和to come等 -
东阿县乐派回答: 看句型 比如 I want to eat to do the eat 作WANT的宾 而 eat to do the work ,to do 作EAT的补做动词的补语的动词要用TO 来连接COME TO 是去SWCOME TO + 名词或从句

蔡唐14728872677问: You eat shit 怎么读 -
东阿县乐派回答: you [ju] eat [i:t] shit [ʃɪt] 译为你吃屎,是一句粗俗、肮脏的英语,建议不要用.

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