
作者&投稿:大季刷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

enable sb. to do ... 使某人能够做某事 wave goodbye 挥别 in sympathy with 同情 赞成 和...一致 look over 察看, 检查 a lack of... 缺少...check with... 与...协商 tend to do... 趋向于做...,喜欢做...call after 追喊, 以...命名 call for 要求, 提倡 fight against ...

先去下载一个SOL修改器 1、打开游戏,新建一个号(注意号里最好不要有其他号)。2、创建好号以后,开始脱机工作(如果你找不到脱机工作就拔网线)。3、在游戏里保存一下(记得此时是脱机工作的)。4、去C盘搜索你4399账号(比如账号就123456789,就搜索123456789)。5、你会搜索到一个文件夹,打开...

how this value system underscores everything they do. With homeless clients for example social workers make sure their clients have access to food stamps and health care. The same is true for elderly clients: Social workers may work to protect them from financial abuse or to ...

in what important ways was Aristotle different from Plato_百度知 ...
etc, while a virtuous one would do all of these things admirably. Socrates then references a previous point in the discussion, when he and Thrasymachus had established that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This allows Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a...

王菲,提过很多次 蔡健雅,那首 纪念 八月未央里 try to remember 黎明 在玻璃之城 告别薇安 Bjork PJ Harvey 爱尔兰风笛 凯尔特女人 小红莓 恐怖海峡 U2,BLUR,CURE 地下婴儿 惊弓之鸟(摇滚)kiroro 还有暴暴蓝 radiohead tori amos marilyn manson 五轮真弓 玉置浩二 帕格尼尼 TATU 有很多歌手都...

丝印SKAGK 是什么IC 6交LED驱动芯片 需要详细参数介绍可以留个youixang

...do some___and___at home. A.clean,wash B.to clean,wash C.clea...
1. C cleaning,washing do some washing and cleaning 做些清洗的工作 2. C is coming he单数用is be + 加动词 ing表将来 come 去e 加ing coming,你打错了吧 望采纳,祝开心!(*^__^*)

邪恶地,有害地讨厌地二、英英释义Noun:morally objectionable behaviorthat which causes harm or destruction or misfortune;"the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice;"attempts to explain t...

在西方餐馆里吃饭与在中国餐馆里吃饭有所不同。了解这些差异并且举止有礼十分重要。正如谚语所说,入乡随俗。学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!

英语作文my good friend
Everybody needs friends, who you can share your happiness, sadness and secrets with. A best friend will encourage you when you have bad news. I have a best friend, whose name is Candy. Candy is smart and serious. People might think she is hard to get along with. Actually, ...

标邱13328034048问: 是easy to do sth还是easy do sth还是easy doingsth? -
武冈市益欣回答: to do

标邱13328034048问: easy 的用法是easy to do sth 还是easy doing sth -
武冈市益欣回答:[答案] easy to do sth

标邱13328034048问: 容易做某事 是easy to do sth 还是be easy to do sth -
武冈市益欣回答: be easy to do sth

标邱13328034048问: easy 后接什么短语 是to do 还是 doing 还是do -
武冈市益欣回答: it is easy to do1.It is easy to say that intranets, extranets and Web site applications should exist in security zones but hard to do. 内特网、外特网和Web网站应用程序应存在于安全区域中,说起来容易做起来难.收藏指正 2.Easy to Integrate Do you...

标邱13328034048问: be easy to do sth 和 be easy doing sth有什么区别 -
武冈市益欣回答:[答案] be + adj.+ to do:做某事很…… be + v-ing:现在进行时,表示正在发生的事件 但是,没有be + adj.+ v-ing这种用法 所以也没有be easy doing sth. 只有be easy to do eg:She is easy to get along with.

标邱13328034048问: it's easy to get to school 为什么easy前面要加to?it's easy to get to school 为什么easy前面要加to? -
武冈市益欣回答:[答案] It is +形容词+(for sb.) to do sth.是固定搭配 练习经常能做到的

标邱13328034048问: easy 的比较级形式 -
武冈市益欣回答: easy的比较级easier.easy的比较级和最高级形式分别为easier和easiest. easy的作形容词时意为“容易的;舒适的”,作副词时意为“不费力地,从容地”,作及物动词时意为“发出停划命令”,作不及物动词时意为“停止划桨”.easy后...

标邱13328034048问: be easy to do 还是be easy doingmy teacher is easy——along withA.to get B.getting选哪个? -
武冈市益欣回答:[答案] 显然是选A be + adj.+ to-inf:做某事很…… to-inf 表示话说的是并未或即将发生的事 这里就是“我的老师很好相处”的意思,说话者正在与别人说话,而不是 my teacher,并未与老师“正在”相处,所以用不定式 be + v-ing:现在进行时,表示正在发...

标邱13328034048问: be easy to do sth是什么意思?easy能接ing吗?麻烦大师指点迷津,thx -
武冈市益欣回答: 做某事很容易 be动词后面的easy是形容词 二者构成系表结构 不用加ing 这是规律

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