
作者&投稿:星聪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求make one's way的含义和用法
一路向前的意思。用法:1、指空间:从一个地方到另一个地方,过程很艰难,但是经过努力最后成功了。2、指抽象:达成某一个目标,困难险阻,最后完成了这个目标。3、接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。make one's way 读音...

Marcus Canty featuring Wale的《In & Out》 歌词
One Break One Play  One Make Go… IN and OUT  IN and OUT もう戻れない【已经无法后悔】One more time  One more night  Go High 君と【与你一起】 IN and OUT  IN and OUT その心を【将那颗心】Touch and feel you inside 热くさせたい【想令其发热】その唇に 触れる...

make one's way 往前跑,前进The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot.医院遭到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德。We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream.我们加快步伐,朝那条小河迅速走去。使得,迫使A Russian might fail to see...

“make sb do”和“make sb to do”的区别是什么
make sb do sth 使\/让\/叫某人做某事 在主动语态里面,只能使用省略to的动词不定式(原形)作宾语补足语。例如:Tom made Jack come over to help him.但是,在被动结构中,要加上不定式符号to,即要使用带to不定式作宾补,其结构是:sb be made to do sth 例如:Jack was made (by Tom) to ...

[Ln] add up to (sth); equal; amount to; constitute 合计等於(某数); 总计; 构成: 5 and 7 make 12. 5加7等於12. * A hundred pence make one pound. 一百便士为一镑. * How many members make a quorum? 起码的法定人数是多少? * His thrillers make enthralling reading. 他的惊险小说引人...

make one's way to是什么意思
make one s way to意思是:走自己的路。详细解释:1、make one 英 [meik wʌn] 美 [mek wʌn]v.参加,使成为一体;令人。例句:All he needs to do is make one phone call and I'm a marked man。他只消打一个电话,我就大难临头了。2、way 英 [weɪ] 美...

make one's mark是什么意思
make one's mark 出名,成功; 显露头角;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.And branded him with a murder's mark.并给他烙上了杀人犯之印。.———很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

make one's jack 发财 &diams make a pact 盟下誓约 词形变化:形容词:makable,makeable;时态:made,making,makes。同义词:constitute,form;get,have;take;earn,gain,bring in,pull in,realise,realize,take in,clear;get to,progress to,reach;gain,hit,arrive at,attain,...

make one, s way up onto ·

No one enjoys ___(make) fun of in public.
No one enjoys BEING MADE (make) fun of in public.(被动语态,翻译:没有人喜欢被别人当众取笑)make fun of sb.\/ sth:== laugh at sb.\/ sth.取笑 --- ,嘲笑- - -- 。 又如:Don't make fun of (==laugh at) the disabled (不要取笑残疾人)enjoy后面的动词,如果是及物动词...

锺旺19399616237问: mess的用法和词语搭配 -
大石桥市合贝回答: mess用作动词 (v.):mess about (v.+adv.) 胡闹; 弄乱 spend time lazily; cause disorder to sthmess about Stop messing about and listen to me.别再胡闹了,听我说.Go on with your work and stop messing about .继续干活,别胡闹了.Tell the ...

锺旺19399616237问: Keep your room clean.Don't make a m_____.首字母填空 -
大石桥市合贝回答:[答案] Don't make a 【mess】. 保持你房间的整洁,不要弄得一团糟 make a mess固定词组,弄得一团糟 祝你学业进步!

锺旺19399616237问: Don't make a mess in your room(同义句) He goes home at four every day.(对划线部分提问) - -------
大石桥市合贝回答: Don't mess up your room. When does he go home?划线应该是at four 希望你满意,能够采纳~~~

锺旺19399616237问: You shouldn't make a mess.改为祈使句 -
大石桥市合贝回答: Don't make a mess.

锺旺19399616237问: You shouldn't make a mess in your room的同义句是什么 -
大石桥市合贝回答: you should keep your room clean

锺旺19399616237问: you shouldn's make a mess 祈使句 -
大石桥市合贝回答: Don't make a mess.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

锺旺19399616237问: make a mess 咋造句 -
大石桥市合贝回答: 1. Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess. 我们的母亲让我们坐下来读书和画画,而我们真正想做的却是打打闹闹. 来自柯林斯例句 2. He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing. 他挖...

锺旺19399616237问: You shound not make a mess改为祈使句 -
大石桥市合贝回答:[答案] Don't make a mess

锺旺19399616237问: You shouldn't make a mess.(改为祈使句)_________________________________________ --
大石桥市合贝回答:[答案] Don't make a mess

锺旺19399616237问: make a mess是什么意思 -
大石桥市合贝回答: make a mess 弄乱;搞成一团糟;搞得乱七八糟 例句1.If you make a mess, you clean it up yourself.如果你搞乱了,得自己收拾.2.He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing .他挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了.3.Make some jam if you want ...

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