
作者&投稿:蔽哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

make1 [meik] vt. 1. 制作,制造;做;做出(某物),建造,创造(某物): 例句: This car is made in China.
这辆汽车是中国制造的。 Did you make this shirt or buy it?
这件衬衣是你自己做的还是买的? 2. 注定;适合: 例句: They were made for each other.
他们是合适的一对。 3. 引起;引出;带来,导致;产生: 例句: She had made her own trouble.
她的不幸是她自己造成的。 to make tragedy
导致悲剧 4. 使出现,使形成,使成为: 例句: She will make a very good athlete.
她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。 She would make him a good wife.
她可以成为他的好妻子。 5. 安置,安装,使固定;收集材料开始做,着手干 6. 为…提供(或准备);提出(建议);提议;给予: 例句: Has she made you an offer for your car?
她说过她愿出多少钱买你的汽车吗? He never made me an apology.
他从未向我道歉。 7. 命名变成,使作为,委派…为,选…为,任命…为;提名;指派: 例句: His actions made him respected.
他的行为使他受到尊敬。 They made him their chairman.
他们选他当主席。 8. 使…看上去成为;致使: 例句: These pictures make him an old man.
这些照片使他看上去像个老人。 The scents made her drunk.
这香味使她陶醉。 9. 整理;布置;准备;铺床: 例句: Please make your beds after breakfast.
早饭后请把你们的床铺整理好。 to make the bed for a guest
为客人铺床 10. 烹制(饭菜);点亮(灯火);翻晒(干草);加工(腌、熏、晒)鱼肉: 例句: I made a stew with meat and vegetables.
我用肉和蔬菜炖了一道菜。 to make hay
晒干草 11. 总计,共计,合计;使相等,等于: 例句: 6 and 6 makes 12.
6加6等于12。 12. 列入;组成;构成;集成;被视为: 例句: A hundred pence makes one pound.
一百便士为一镑。 Their adventures make a good story.
他们的奇遇是个很好的故事。 13. 证实为;(证明)具有…的基本素质: 例句: He will make a fine leader.
他会成为一个好的领导。 14. 制定;颁布;通过;规定: 例句: These regulations were made to protect women.
这些规则是为保护妇女而制定的。 15. 使由一种状态(或情形)变成另一种状态;可发展为;可转变为;宜用作,结果是: 例句: If you train hard, you'll make a good sportsman.
如果刻苦训练你就能成为一名优秀的运动员。 You have made me what I am.
你使我成了我现在这个样子。 16. 得到;获得;赚得;挣得;赢得;取得: 例句: She made a fortune on the stock market.
她在股票交易中发了财。 They make a lot of money.
他们挣很多钱。 17. 使成功;使走运;保证…飞黄腾达: 例句: That venture made him a millionaire.
那次投机买卖使他成了百万富翁。 Her acting makes the show.
她的表演使这场演出很成功。 18. [美国俚语]懂;理解;领会;解释;判断 (of): 例句: What do you make of this sentence?
你是如何理解这个句子的? I simply don't know what to make of it.
我简直不明白这是怎么回事。 19. 写;作;编著;导演: 例句: He has made several films.
他已导演了几部影片。 20. 【法律】 立遗嘱,立契约,草拟,拟订,订立: 例句: I'll make a treaty with him.
我要与他签订协议。 履行(誓言等) 21. 估计;推断;猜想;认为: 例句: I make the distance about 300 miles.
我估计这段路有300英里。 I make the wall's height to be ten feet.
我估计墙高10英尺。 22. 实行;执行;进行,做出,实现;从事: 例句: I've made my choice and I'll never repent it.
我做出了自己的选择,永远也不后悔。 We made an important discovery.
我们有了一个重大发现。 23. 足以构成;足以成为 24. 发表讲话;刊登,登载,说出;读出: 例句: He made a stirring speech.
他发表了一篇动人的演说。 The story made all the papers.
这篇报道在所有的报纸上登载了。 25. 促使;劝使;迫使: 例句: If we won't do it willingly, he'll make us do it.
如果我们不愿做那件事,他会强迫我们去做。 to make the machine work
开动机器 26. 及时到达;抵达,赶上: 例句: They made the station in time to catch the train.
他们及时到达车站,赶上了那班火车。 I'm sorry I couldn't make your party last night.
很遗憾昨晚我没能赶上参加你们的聚会。 27. (旅途中)顺便访问某地;行程中包括某地: 例句: They intend to make China on the return trip.
他们打算在归途中访问中国。 28. 走完(路程);以…速度行进;保持(航行速度): 例句: We make 600 miles the first day.
第一天我们航行了600英里。 29. 采用,择定: 例句: We'll make this town our base.
我们将以这座城市作为我们的基地。 30. [口语]在取得队员、身份、地位承认上获得成功,占有…地位;取得…地位: 例句: Jon made professor in five years.
乔恩在五年内成了教授。 to make the team
成为队员 31. 明白(人)是谁;知道身份 32. 抱有,怀有 33. [美国俚语]诱奸;赢得异性的欢心;向异性献殷勤;与…性交;将(女人)弄到手: 例句: I'll make her by all means.
不管怎样我要将她弄到手。 34. [美国俚语]认出,识别出: 例句: He made me the minute he saw me.
他一见到我就认出了我。 35. 偷,夺取 36. [俚语]抢劫,偷到 37. [古语]紧闭;关紧门 38. 【纸牌】 叫(王牌);赢得某场比赛 打出某牌而获胜 39. 【桥牌】叫牌;打(某张牌)赢一墩,洗牌: 例句: It's my turn to make.
该我洗牌了。 40. 【航海学】发现,开始看见 41. 【电工学】接通电路;闭合电路;通电流 42. 【游戏】(比赛中)得分 43. 买 (麻药): 例句: He has just made some downs.
他刚买到镇定剂。 44. 吃饭;进餐: 例句: She made a hasty lunch.
她匆匆吃了午餐。 45. [古语]翻译 vi. 1. 尝试;想做;开始: 例句: He made to speak, but I stopped him.
他正要说话,我阻止了他。 2. 趋向;指向;展向 3. 朝某方向走去;前进;行进(to,towards): 例句: They made straight towards the office.
他们径直走向办公室。 Elley made steadily but slowly towards them.
埃利稳步而缓慢地向他们走去。 4. 有效果;产生影响: 例句: Courtesy makes for safer driving.
礼让有助于更安全驾驶。 5. [后接形容词]表示行为的方式: 例句: Have I made myself clear?
我的意思说清楚了吗? 6. [后接形容词]使处于某种状态(或表现)中: 例句: to make ready
准备好 7. (潮汐或船底水)涨起;水涨,(深度、体积)增加;增高;加深;增大: 例句: The tide is making now.
现在正涨潮。 8. 洗牌 9. 冻冰 10. [美国俚语]小孩拉屎 11. 被制造,被处理;创造事物;干草被晒制 12. [古语]赋诗 n. 1. 做;制作过程;手工制作工序;结构;样式;造型 2. 产量,制造量;生产额 3. 产品来源;种类;型号;产品牌子;商标 4. 性情,品质;气质;品格;体格 5. (作为性对象的)女人 6. [美国俚语]新任命的军士 7. [美国俚语]轰动一时的人物(或事物) 8. [美国俚语](抢来的)赃物 9. [美国俚语](向警察局)查证;核实;辨认;认出 10. [美国俚语]破鞋,婊子 11. [俚语]成功的骗局,盗窃得手 12. 【电工】闭合;接通 13. 【纸牌】主牌选定;选定的一套主牌;洗牌;轮到洗牌

make into
v.做成, 使...转变为
Anybody who did anything in America up to1900 was liable to be made into a film ... on the grounds of being a pioneer.
举凡在1900年以前在美国做过某些事的人,都很容易被拍成电影 ... 以他是先驱人士为其理由。
Made into, covered with, or surrounded by ice.
The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or made into preserves.

(a) [Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ sth (from/(out) of sth); ~ sth (for sb) construct, create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together (用材料或零件)做﹑ 制作﹑ 制造﹑ 建造或创造某物: make a car, a dress, a cake 制造汽车﹑ 做连衣裙﹑ 做蛋糕 * make bread, cement, wine 做面包﹑ 制水泥﹑ 酿葡萄酒 * make (ie manufacture) paper 造纸 * God made man. 上帝创造了人类. * She makes her own clothes. 她的衣服都是她自己做的. * Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的. * `What is your bracelet made of?' `It's made of gold.' ‘你的镯子是什麽材料做的?’‘是金的.’ * I made myself a cup of tea. 我自己沏了一杯茶. * She made coffee for all of us. 她给我们大家煮了咖啡. * This car wasn't made (ie is not big enough) to carry eight people. 这辆汽车不是坐八个人的. (b) [ esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth into sth put (materials or parts) together to produce sth 将(材料或零件)做成或制成某物: Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子. (c) [Tn] arrange (a bed) so that it is ready for use 铺(床): Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好.
[Tn,] cause (sth) to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material or striking (藉打破﹑ 撕破﹑ 移去材料或敲击)使(某物)出现, 形成: The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑. * The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的.
[Tn] create (sth); establish 制定(某事物); 规定: These regulations were made to protect children. 这些规则是为保护儿童而制定的. * Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的?
[Tn] write, compose or prepare (sth) 写, 创作, 准备(某事物): make one's will 立遗嘱 * make a treaty with sb 与某人签订协议 * She has made (ie directed) several films. 她已导演了几部影片. * I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer. 我要找律师拟一份让据书.
CAUSING TO BECOME, DO OR APPEAR 使变为..., 做...或显得...
[Tn] cause (sth) 产生, 引起(某事物): make a noise, disturbance, mess 产生噪音﹑ 骚乱﹑ 混乱 * She's always making trouble (for her friends). 她总(给朋友)惹麻烦.
[Cn.a] cause (sb/sth) to be or become 使(某人[某事物])成为, 变为, 变成, 变得: The news made her happy. 这消息使她很高兴. * She made clear her objections/made it clear that she objected to the proposal. 她明确表示反对此提案. * His actions made him universally respected. 他的行为使他受到普遍尊敬. * Can you make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗? * The full story was never made public. 详情从未公之於众. * She couldn't make herself/her voice heard above the noise of the traffic. 来往车辆噪声很大, 她无法让别人听到她的声音.
[Cn.i] (a) force or compel (sb) to do sth 强迫, 迫使(某人)做某事物: They made me repeat/I was made to repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那事讲了一遍. * She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则. * He never tidies his room and his mother never tries to make him (do it). 他从不整理自己的房间, 而他母亲也从未想逼他(整理). =>Usage at cause 用法见cause. (b) cause (sb/sth) to do sth 使(某人[某事物])做某事物: Onions make your eyes water. 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪. * Her jokes made us all laugh. 她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了. * I couldn't make my car start this morning. 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了. * What makes you say that? 是什麽原因让你说出那种话来? * I rang the doorbell several times but couldn't make anyone hear. 我摁了几次门铃, 但没人应. * Nothing will make me change my mind. 无论什麽事都不能使我改变主意.
[Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.i] represent (sb/sth) as being or doing sth 使(某人[某事物])表现出某状况: You've made my nose too big, eg in a drawing or painting. 你把我的鼻子画得太大了. * The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book. 那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了.
[Cn.n] elect (sb); appoint 选举(某人); 指派: make sb king, an earl, a peer, etc 拥戴某人当国王﹑封某人为伯爵﹑ 封某人为贵族 * He was made spokesmanby the committee. 委员会派他当发言人. * She made him her assistant. 她委派他作自己的助手.
[, Cn.n] ~ sth of sb/sth cause sb/sth to be or become sth 使某人[某事物]处於某状况或变成某事物: We'll make a footballer of him yet, ie turn him into a good footballer despite the fact that he is not a good one now. 我们还是要把他造就成优秀的足球运动员(虽然他现在还不是). * This isn't very important I don't want to make an issue of it. 这并不十分重要--我不想使其成为争论之点. * Don't make a habit of it/Don't make it a habit. 不要养成那样的习惯. * She made it her business (ie special task) to find out who was responsible. 她非要弄清是谁的责任不可.
[Ln] be or become (sth) through development; turn out to be 演变成(某事物); 结果是: If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员. * He'll never make an actor. 他决当不成演员. * She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师.
[Ln] serve or function as (sth); constitute 用作(某事物); 起(某事物)的作用; 组成; 构成: That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾. * This hall would make an excellent theatre. 这座大厅可当作极好的剧院.
[Ln] add up to (sth); equal; amount to; constitute 合计等於(某数); 总计; 构成: 5 and 7 make 12. 5加7等於12. * A hundred pence make one pound. 一百便士为一镑. * How many members make a quorum? 起码的法定人数是多少? * His thrillers make enthralling reading. 他的惊险小说引人入胜. * The play makes a splendid evening's entertainment. 这出剧是极好的晚间消遣.
[Ln] count as (sth) 算做(某事物): That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test! 他驾驶测验不及格, 这次算第十次了!
[Tn] earn (sth); gain; acquire 赚得(某事物); 获得; 取得: She makes 15000 a year. 她一年挣15000英镑. * make a profit/loss 盈利[亏损] * He made a fortune on the stock market. 他在股票交易中发了财. * How much do you stand to make? 你决计要赚多少钱?
[Tn] (in cricket) score (sth) (在板球中)得(若干)分: England made 235 for 5. 英格兰队5名击球手共得235分. * Botham made a century. 博瑟姆得了一百分.
(in card games, esp bridge 用於牌戏, 尤於桥牌中) (a) [Tn] win a trick with (a particular card) 打(某张牌)赢一墩: She made her ten of hearts. 她打出红桃十赢了一墩. (b) [Tn] win (a trick) or fulfil (a contract) 赢(一墩); 完成(一定约墩数的约定). (c) [I, Tn] shuffle (the cards) 洗(牌): It's my turn to make. 该我洗牌了.
[Tn] (sl sexist 俚, 性别偏见) succeed in having sex with (a woman) 与(某女子)性交: The guy doesn't make the girl until the last chapter. 直到最後一章那个男子才和那个姑娘发生了性关系.
[no passive 不用於被动语态: Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.t] calculate or estimate (sth) to be (sth) 计算, 估计(某事物): What time do you make it?/What do you make the time? 你说现在几点了? * How large do you make the audience? 你估计听众有多少? * I make the total (to be) about 50. 我看总数大约50英镑. * I make the distance about 70 miles. 我估计那段距离约有70英里.
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) travel over (a distance) 走过(一段距离): We've made 100 miles today. 我们今天已走了100英里. (b) reach or maintain (a speed) 达到, 保持(某速度): Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗? (c) manage to reach (a place) 设法到达(某处): D'you think we'll make Oxford by midday? 我们中午能到牛津吗? * The train leaves in five minutes we'll never make it, ie reach the station in time to catch it. 火车再有五分钟就开了--我们绝对赶不上了. * I'm sorry I couldn't make your party last night. 很抱歉, 昨晚我没能参加你们的聚会. * Her new novel has made (ie sold enough copies to be in) the best-seller lists. 她的新小说已列入畅销书目了. * She'll never make (ie win a place in) the team. 她绝对进不了那个运动队. * He made (ie reached the rank of) sergeant in six months. 他六个月後就当上了中士. * The story made (ie appeared on) the front page of the national newspapers. 这件事刊登在全国各报的第一版上.
[Tn, Dn.n] put (sth) forward; propose; offer 提出(某事); 提议; 提供: Has she made you an offer (ie said how much money she would pay you) for your car? 她说过她愿出多少钱买你的汽车吗? * make a proposal 提出建议 * The employers made a new offer (ie of a rise in wages) to the work-force. 雇主向工人提出增加工资的新建议. * I made him a bid for the antique table. 我向他出了个价, 要买那张古董桌子.
[Tn] cause or ensure the success of (sth) 促成, 确保(某事): A good wine can make a meal. 有了好酒饭就香. * It was the beautiful weather that really made the holiday. 是好天气成全了假日之美.
[It] behave as if one is about to do sth 表现出要做某事物的样子: He made as if to strike her. 他做出要打她的架势. * She made to go but he told her to stay. 她好像要走, 但他叫她留下.
eat or have (a meal) 吃(饭); 进(餐): We make a good breakfast before leaving. 我们动身前好好吃顿早饭. * She made a hasty lunch. 她匆匆吃了午饭.
(Often used in a pattern with a n, in which make and the n have the same meaning as a v similar in spelling to the n 常用於与名词连用的句型中, 其中make和名词之组合与该名词相应之动词同义, 如 make a decision, 即 decide; make a guess (at sth), 即 guess (at sth); for other expressions of this kind, see entries for ns 查阅类似词组见有关名词词条)

take的常用短语归纳:ake a rest 、take a look、take after、take for 、take on 、take care、take action、take into、take effect 、take the bus。take,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)”,作不及物动词...

awake vt.唤醒 vi.醒; bake vt.烤,烘,焙;烧硬; betake vt. 去,赴,致力于,使用; brake n.闸,刹车 vi.制动; cake n.蛋糕,饼,糕,等。 扩展资料 例句:"We're both awake," said Mary.“我们都醒着。”玛丽说。He is always awake at midnight.他常常到了午夜还...

C ake 的用法 cake可以用作名词 cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。cake还可用作单位词,...

ake the place of ; instead of 英 [ɪnˈsted] 美 [ɪnˈsted]adv. 代替,顶替,反而 短语:rather-instead 相反 Instead instead of 相反 ; 而非 instead of doing 代替做某事 ; 而不是干某事 ; 而不是做 ; 而不是做某事 词语用法:instead可位于句首,连接上下...

1、读音:英 [leɪk] 美 [leɪk]2、释义:湖,湖泊。3、语法:lake的意思是“湖”,一般指被地围着的大面积的流动水域或积水,船舶可在上面航行,是可数名词。4、例句:There was swimming and sailing down on the lake. 有人在湖上游泳和扬帆。

1、take a photo拍张照;照一张相;ake photo拍照;照相;recent photo最近的照片;photo album相册;相簿;相片相册;photo editing照片编辑。2、photo opportunity名人接受照相时间;photo shoot照相时间;photo session照相时间;photo op名人接受照相时间;photo finish摄影定比赛名次。3、photo CD照片光盘...

trouble meake什么意思
trouble maker [英][ˈtrʌbl ˈmeɪkə][美][ˈtrʌbəl ˈmekɚ][法] 闹事者,惹事生非的人;双语例句 1 Now you're going to befriend that trouble maker?现在你成了这个麻烦精的朋友了?

二、动词不定式常用作目的状语。例如:He came to give us a talk yesterday. 他昨天来给我们作了个报告。Mrs Brown went to see her doctor. 布朗夫人去看她的医生了。三、tell,ask,want,order,get,wish,warn,teach,invite等动词后常跟不定式作宾语的补足语,构成tell\/ ask……sb to do ...

business development director有什么好听的叫法
双语对照 例句:1.The company's business development director, colin ake, told thefirm has already had interest from various scientists and engineers.公司商业开发负责人colin ake告诉,公司已经吸引了不少科学家和工程师的兴趣。2.Last year highland chocolatier sold about six...

They 十aKe a picture。与They take pictUres。—样吗?

罗源县15918743986: make的几种常见的语法 -
蓍药滋心: Make: 制造,生产;使…成为;使某人做某事; 1. Make+复合宾语结构 ① 宾语后置现象. ② Make + n + adj Make + adj + n Make + it + adj + to do/ that从句,关键是it的有无. 2. 常见搭配 be made of:I can't make of what he wants. 我不了解他...

罗源县15918743986: make的用法及造句 -
蓍药滋心: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:其其工作室*make+sb+do sth.(不带to的不定式)”意为 “使某人做某事”. 1.什么东西使得草生长?What makes the grass grow? 2. 老师使得我们感到更自信了.Our teacher makes us feel ...

罗源县15918743986: make几种常见的语法不要复制,要总结,有例句. -
蓍药滋心:[答案] 1.make sth.The boss made him work for a long time.使某人做某事2.make sb./sth.+形容词 Exercise makes us strong./ Fresh air makes us healthy.使...3.make (制造) He made a paper plane to fly....

罗源县15918743986: 求 make 用于使役动词时候的 例句 5 -
蓍药滋心:[答案] 1、“make+宾语+n.” 意为“使、让某人 / 某物(成为)……” 例:We made him our leader. 2、“make+宾语+adj.” 意为 “使某人 / 某事(变得)……” 例:We made the window clean. 3、“make+宾语+do sth.(不带to的不定式)”意为 “使某...

罗源县15918743986: make的语法
蓍药滋心: make用作使役动词表示 “使;使成为” 时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词.现将make的复合宾语结构小结如下: 一、“make+宾语+n.” 意为“使、让某...

罗源县15918743986: 各位才子才女,帮帮忙,在英语中找一些关于make的固定短语,最好有中文意思和例句,多多益善.急求,先谢 -
蓍药滋心: make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗 make a mistake 弄错 make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持 make advantages/use of 使用,利用 make after 追求,追赶 make believe 假装 make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚 make contact with ...

罗源县15918743986: MAKE的用法和例句等语法 -
蓍药滋心: MAKE 的用法太多了 句型就有好多 你问的太宽泛了 高中考得语法估计 就是make 做使役动词 后面跟动词原形 变被动语态时 后面跟to do 还有其他的一些构成的词组 make away with somebody/something make for something make somebody/...

罗源县15918743986: make几种常见的语法 -
蓍药滋心: 1. make sb. do sth. The boss made him work for a long time.使某人做某事 2. make sb./sth.+形容词 Exercise makes us strong. / Fresh air makes us healthy.使... 3. make (制造) He made a paper plane to fly.

罗源县15918743986: make 的用法有哪些
蓍药滋心: make vt. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成 vi. 开始;前进;增大;被制造 n. 制造;构造;性情 给你几个例句看用法Do you make packing yourselves? 你们自己做包装吗?Yet do these weaknesses make the US into Russia? 不过,这些缺陷会让美国变成俄罗斯吗?

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