
作者&投稿:吁菡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

flap的意思是拍打。flap的基本意思是使某事物上下或左右地移动,也可指人以软而平之物轻轻拍打某物,还可指旗帜等飘动、摆动,还常用于鸟类振翅飞行。引申可表示“讲蠢话”“乱吹”,俚语里还可表示“激动起来”“被搞糊涂”。flap的例句如下:1、I can hear the flap of wings.The bird flapped slo...

flap 在书籍装订术语中是勒口的意思。就是一本书的封皮往里面折进去的条状部分。和楼主同样不明白这个单词,查了好久T . T 第一次在知道写答案,避免下一个困惑的人像我一样

Six Little Bats(六只小蝙蝠)Six little bats that I once knew Tall ones ones, short ones, big ones too But the one little bat with her wings so black She led the others with a flap, flap, flap Flap flap flap! Flap flap flap!She led the others with a flap flap flap!O...

"flap"v.flap one's wings振翅而飞 (我帮你加了"I believe"我相信,因为我觉得有这个含义的,"我相信,终有一天,我会再次张开翅膀,飞向属于我地方." 很喜欢这句话的意境.)

Father said: "In one end of wood painted brown sugar, then tied bee line, then the bees on the other end of wooden hole, then according to the father said his son did.国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如...

One for a faithfully lover,(一叶带来爱情)One for glorious health,(一叶带来健康)All in this four-leafed clover.(四叶草啊!你拥有了这四种能力.)喃喃念完上述四叶草的颂曲后,用右手的两只手指握着四叶草,慢慢的转动四叶草,许下你的愿望。四叶饰 四叶片的叶子 四花瓣的花朵 ...

连衣裙 one-piece dress 旗袍 Qipao, Chinese dress 新娘礼服 bridal gown, bridal veil 燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail 夜礼服 evening dress, evening suit 大衣 overcoat 风雨衣 weather-all coat & cloak 披风 dress smock, manteau, mantle 睡袍 night-gown 睡衣...

内胎(含内衬) Inner Tire (Flap)车轮系统 Wheeling System电装品 Electrical Parts电瓶Battery中央门控 Central Door Lock分电盘 Distributor火星塞 Spark Plug汽车用电子钟 Digital Clock汽车音响 Car Audio防盗器 Car Burglar Alarm雨刷及雨刷连杆 Wiper \/ Linkage保险丝座 Fuse Seat保险丝 Fuse洗涤壶 Windshield ...

zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one ...

Soon after, she expires with one final glance at Aurora as Flap sleeps unawares. Aurora blames herself: "I'm so stupid, so stupid. Somehow, I thought, somehow I thought when she finally went that - that it would be a relief. Oh, my sweet little darling. Oh dear, there's nothing ...

兴鹏18217272281问: 少女时代的tiktok音译歌词 -
朝阳区地喹回答: 《Tik Tok》 演唱:少女时代&f(x) 原唱:Ke$ha 所属专辑:《Animal》 发行时间:2009年音译歌词: 维克 音 则 毛林 菲林 来劈跌 Wake(up)in the morning feeling like P Diddy刮 买 歌拉虽死 诶么 哦 到 Grab my glasses I'm out the door诶么 ...

兴鹏18217272281问: Dont you let - --helf you? A.I and my friend f -
朝阳区地喹回答: 句子中的Let是谓语,其后的my friend和I做其宾语,但是人称代词要用宾格才正确,所以本题答案是C(因为只有C中的人称代词“我”是宾格me)

兴鹏18217272281问: flapped在英语语法上是什么意思 -
朝阳区地喹回答: flapped v. 拍打;摆动(flap的过去式) n. 片状垂下物 例句及用法: 1、Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line. 灰色的床单在晾衣绳上飘动. 2、The bird flapped its wings furiously. 那只鸟儿使劲地拍打着翅膀. 3、He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进了暴风雪中. [其他] 原型: flap

兴鹏18217272281问: 家用空调上的operation是什么意思还有temp fanspeeo ontimer swingflap transmit sleep auto on/off 这些什么意思啊
朝阳区地喹回答: operation...程序 temperature.....温度 fanspeed......风速 on timer....开启订时 swing / flap ....摆动/风翼 transmit.......输送 (遥控指令) sleep.......睡眠 auto on/off......自动开关..........................请采纳请

兴鹏18217272281问: the wingflap of a butterfly什么意思 -
朝阳区地喹回答: This is a butterfly theory in management studies.Somewhere, some point in time, a butterfly flaps its wings, the stock market experiences a big drop. So it's th...

兴鹏18217272281问: 扑 的单词怎么写 英文单词 -
朝阳区地喹回答: 有很多种说法:attack flap pounce on rush at snap throw oneself on 词典释义 动词 1.(使身体迅速地伏在物体上) throw oneself on; pounce on 2.(把全部精力用到工作、 事业等上面) dedicate all one's energies to a cause; devote 3.(扑打; 进攻) rush at; attack 4.(拍打;拍) flap; flutter 5.[方] (伏) bend over 名词 1.(扑粉用具) puff 以后查词,建议你用这个电子词典

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