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1、one与many的数量含义冲突,加上apple为单数,排除CD.more为比较级,表示数量或程度的增加,与数量连用时数词应放前面。例: one more apple;two more books; many more students.正确答案为B 2、another 用法:another +可数单数;another+数词+可数复数;(不可直接加复数)other 用法:other + ...

I can eat a horse. 这裏你不要自己乱改成其它动物. 一般都是说 I can eat a horse. 不过我也听过另一种说法, I can eat a hog. (食用猪) 也是有老美这样用的.6. I quit smoking, I don`t want monkey on my back.我戒烟了, 因为我不想有负担.Monkey on my back 讲的是某样东西已经成了...

eat a apple a day keeps the doctor away
作者Gregory Y. Titelman在其词典《Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings》中有这样的说明:"An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eating fruit regularly keeps one healthy. First found as a Welsh folk proverb " 'Eat an apple on going to bed,\/ And you'll keep ...

25、know what one is doing 知道自己在干什么;26、kill yourself自杀;27、be dead死掉的; 28、feel hungry 感到饥饿;29、gain weight 体重增加,发胖;30、look very bad看上去很邋遢;31、eat a lot more food吃更多饭;32、put on more weight更发胖;33、look even worse看上去更邋遢;34、be ...

与英文有关:a\/an,one,the 该如何区分?
I have got a (one) car outside the building.E.用于某些固定词组中 a little, a few, a lot of, in a hurry, have a rest, have a cold, make a living 2.不定冠词的特殊用法 A.用于序数词前,不表示顺序,而用来表示“又一,再一”之意。I want to try a third time.B.与...

eat 和have的区别
I eat breakfast every day at 7 a.m.(我每天早上7点吃早餐。)He eats too fast and always chokes.(他吃得太快,总是噎住。)They eat sushi every Friday night.(他们每个星期五晚上吃寿司。)I have a headache.(我头疼。)She has two sisters and one brother.(她有两个姐妹和一...

one piece是什么意思英语
只有一块蛋糕,但我们把它切成两半儿。2、Then he could carry home one piece at a time。那样他每次可以抬一块回家。3、Wear only one piece of statement jewelry at a time。不过,一次只能佩戴一件“宣言珠宝”。4、Try to eat at least one piece of fruit a day。努力做到每天至少要吃...

Eat a one small pera什么意思?

I eat a cake very big 算主 谓宾 宾补吗
I eat a very big cake.在英语中有些及物动词,接了宾语意义仍不完整,还需要有一个其他的句子成分,来补充说明宾语的意义、状态等,简称宾补。宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。而复合宾语的第一部分通常由名词或代词充当,第二部分表示第一部分的名词或代词发出的动作或身份、特征等,称为宾语补足语,简称宾补。I'm...

一首英文歌曲的中文歌词 谁知道,告诉我一下
Got a mind of their own We're all kings and queens With a throne of our own Tryna raise a family in another big home We gotta learn to stick together Hate to be here alone Cuz the world is a place That will eat you alive in one day Said the world is a place that ...

戚何17775232217问: Don't eat and drink in class.这个句子错误在哪? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] 把and改为or 因为and用于肯定句,or用于否定句和疑问句

戚何17775232217问: Don't eat food and drink here是否正确?要不要把and改为or? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答: Don't eat food and drink here food没必要跟在eat 后面,否则drink 也得有宾语呢.建议: Don't eat and/or drink here. (and 或or都可以).

戚何17775232217问: 英语中don't开头的祈使句后出现并列内容要用什么介词填空?or还是and?例如:Don't eat ( )drink in the library.应该用or还是and? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] or 否定句用 and 用于肯定句

戚何17775232217问: Don't eat and drink in class.这个句子错误在哪? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答: 把and改为or 因为and用于肯定句,or用于否定句和疑问句

戚何17775232217问: dont eat or drink in the metro.与dont eat and drink in the metro.都分别怎么翻译啊? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] 否定句的“和”应该用or,不用and,所以第二句是错的,意思都是一样:不要在地铁里吃喝.

戚何17775232217问: eat or drink和eat and drink区别以及would什么什么的语法
绥芬河市瑞斯回答: eat or drink由or连接,表示选择,吃或喝 eat and drink由and连接,表示并且,吃喝 两组短语中的动词都是并列关系. would的语法或用法,很广泛,一句话说不清,你可以上网查一查.

戚何17775232217问: eat ,in ,don't ,and ,the ,drink ,library (.)连词成句,说出中文意思是 -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] Dont't eat and drink in the library. 不要在图书馆里吃或者喝东西.

戚何17775232217问: Don't eat and drink here . It's the library - ____. A. ruler B . rule C . rules . 请问选择哪个? -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] C

戚何17775232217问: Do not eat and drink in the library这句话中哪个地方错了 -
绥芬河市瑞斯回答:[答案] 这是否定句 所以and错了 应改成or

戚何17775232217问: don't eat - -----drink in class.A.and B.but C.or 选择填空理由
绥芬河市瑞斯回答: 选C.or用于否定句.and用于肯定句.

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