
作者&投稿:甘晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

access to 这里的to是介词吗?
to是介词。这里你的access是名词的意思。access n.接近; 达到; 进入; 入口, 通路, 引桥[道], 调整孔; 舱口 【计】存取, 取数, (数据, 信息)选取, 访问 (病, 怒气等)发作 增加 接触[使用, 接近]的机会[方法, 门路], 捷径 进刀 拆卸机器备用空间 a man of easy access 易于接近的人, ...

如:They tried to finish it in time.他们尽力按时完成任务.They tried knocking at the door,but no one anwered.他们敲门试了,但没人开门.动词后加to不一定就是不定式,主看该动词的用法,如较熟的有listen to,belong to,look forward to,confess to等词组中的to都是介词to.如:I confess to...

求动词加介词的短语整理,如put off等等
比如:He started out to write his report.1.动词 + 介词 to add to 增加 adhere to 坚持 admit to 供认 agree to 允许 allude to 暗示 amount to 总计 attend to 照顾 attest to 证明 bow to 顺从 cling to坚持 come to 达到 confess to 供认 contribute to 促成 correspond to 等于 get ...

8 用作介词的to to 有两种用法: 一为不定式+动词原形; 一为介词+名词\/动名词, to 在下面的用法中是第二种,即to+ 名词\/动名词: admit to承认, confess to承认, be accustomed to 习惯于, be used to 习惯于, stick to 坚持, turn to开始,着手于, devote oneself to 献身于, be devoted to 致力于...

v. 妄称; 伪称; 声称; 宣称; 公开表明; 信奉,信仰(某一宗教);[例句]She professed to hate her nickname 她自称痛恨自己的外号。[其他] 第三人称单数:professes 现在分词:professing 过去式:professed过去分词:professed 2、confess 英[kənˈfes] 美[kənˈ...

您好!我是kellyku0705希望我的回答对你有帮助^__^ I declare to him(是对男生喔) I declare to her(是对女生喔) 谢谢能够回答您的问题 参考: 我 「我向他表白。」的英文是什么? I confess to him.I declare to her *另外邀请你到我新建既FACEBOOK 平台问英文有关知识 facebook\/#!\/...

1.kinds of 各种各样的 2. either…or…或者……或者……,不是……就是……3. neither…nor…既不……也不……4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中国清茶 5. take a seat 就坐 6. home cooking 家常做法 7. be famous for 因……而著名 8. on ones way to在……途中 9. ...

admit,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“承认;准许进入;可容纳”。作不及物动词时意为“承认;容许”。短语搭配 admit of容许有 ; 容许 ; 有……的余地 ; 有…余地 admit into接受 ; 收容 ; 准许进入 ; 许可进入 admit like承认像 ; 承认喜欢 ; 像承认 to admit吸纳 ;...

英语短语构成什么时候用for to in on with
TO:accustom(ed) to 习惯于;amount to 达到 appeal to 呼吁;apply to(or for)适用于 attach to(ed)附属于 attend to 参加;belong to 属于 challenge to 向……提出挑战 compare(or with) to 比较 condemn(ed) 判刑 confess to 承认 confine to 限制 consent to 同意 convert to...

They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers.His words doesn’t fit to his actions.Suit your writing styleto the masses.3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrender to,give in to,confess to,admit to.The ...

房祝13766373305问: confess to doing sth 对不对? -
泸州市哌拉回答: verb to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal 供认,坦白,承认(错误或罪行) She confessed to the murder. 她供认犯了谋杀罪. After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed. 经过数小时的...

房祝13766373305问: confess to doing sth 对不对?
泸州市哌拉回答: 还有cofess sth. 一般是承认不好的事

房祝13766373305问: confess to sth,和confess sth有什么区别,他们都是正确的吗 -
泸州市哌拉回答: 做不及物动词时:承认,供认,坦白;(向上帝或神甫)忏悔;(神甫)听取…的忏悔;为…办告解;表白(信仰),宣称对…的信奉 及物时 承认错误(或罪行),认罪,供认(常与 to 连用):

房祝13766373305问: The man in the corner confessed to - ---a lie to the manager of the company. -
泸州市哌拉回答: 这个题考下面几点1.confess to doing 或者confess to sth 承认,坦白做了某事2.完成时,因为说谎后才坦白的,所以用完成时,表示一个先后顺序,这里实际上是过去完成时,但是由于confess to在前面,所以没有体现出来,但是可以感觉到.3.tell a lie to sb “对xxx说谎”,是个主动的动作,不应该用于被动希望能帮到你!

房祝13766373305问: 什么英语短语后加doing? -
泸州市哌拉回答: 1)通常只接动名词作宾语的动词:★ admit (承认,接纳), appreciate (感激,评价), avoid (避免,逃避), delay (推迟,延误), deny (否认,), enjoy, finish, miss, postpone (推迟,延期), put off (拖延), practice, quit ...

房祝13766373305问: confess oneself to be guilty用法? -
泸州市哌拉回答: confess oneself to be guilty 中的TO 是不定式, 不是介词.confess to doing 中的 TO 是介词, 后面跟名词、动名词或名词性的短语.i presume them to be marrieD 中 TO BE 不能去掉, 去掉后句子不符和句法语法结构.

房祝13766373305问: 都是加doing吗admit to承认,confess to承认,be accustomed to 习惯于,be used to 习惯于,stick to 坚持,turn to开始,着手于,devote oneself to 献身于,... -
泸州市哌拉回答:[答案] 不是 be used to

房祝13766373305问: 有些动词后,加to do和doing意义不一样,帮我区分一下 -
泸州市哌拉回答: try to do——试着去做某事 try doing——试着做某事 regret to do——后悔去做 regret doing——后悔做过 remember to do——记得去做某事 remember doing——记得做过某事 forget to do——忘记去做某事 forget doing——忘记做过

房祝13766373305问: He confessed to cheating on the exam 这句话有没有错误?
泸州市哌拉回答: 没有错呀,这里confess用作不及物动词,意为“坦白,供认,承认”to是介词,所以用doing

房祝13766373305问: 翻译 她供认犯了谋杀罪 confess -
泸州市哌拉回答:[答案] 用从句:she confessed she has committed murder. to confess to sth/to doing sth :she confessed to having commited murder

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