
作者&投稿:禹苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文是:burn one's foot 重点词汇:burn 英[bɜ:n]释义:vt.燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起……的愤怒 vi.燃烧;烧毁;发热 n.灼伤,烧伤;烙印 n.(Burn)(英)伯恩(人名)[复数:burns;第三人称单数:burns;现在分词:burning;过去式:burnt或burned;过去分词:burnt或burned]短语:Bur...

过去式:burned\/burnt burn 英 [bɜːn];美 [bɜːrn]v. 燃烧;烧着;烧毁;灼伤;急于;n. 烧伤;燃烧 1、burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。2、b...

burn 英[bɜ:n] 美[bɜ:rn]vt. (使) 燃烧;vt. 烧伤; 烧毁; 烧坏; 使用某物为燃料;n. 烧伤,烧痕;[造句]Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city.市中心的火势失去了控制。When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.当...

burn one's fingers v.由于管闲事而受损害 burn oneself out v.烧尽 burn out v.烧坏, 烧掉, 烧尽 burn the candle at both ends v.过分耗费 burn the earth [美]奔驰, 全速前进 burn the highway [美]疾驶, 飞奔, 高速行驶 burn the midnight oil v.开夜车 burn the pavement [美俚]飞...

burn这个单词有哪几种意思。看到很多电影里都提到过这个单词。_百度知 ...
burn one's `fingers\/get one's `fingers burnt suffer (often financially) as a result of foolish behaviour or meddling 由於愚蠢的举动或管闲事而吃苦头(常指破财): He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock-market. 他在证券市场胡乱买卖而大吃苦头. burn the midnight `oil study or...

1、Risk tolerance is equal to the frankenstein, careful to safe. 容忍危险等于作法自毙,谨慎行事才能安然无恙。 2、Peace depends on every one of us, and ...

翻译Burn Universe Zero 三个词 各是什么意思
burn2 KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 【苏格兰】小溪 2. 卖假毒品给人;毒品交易中收了钱却不给货 universe KK: []DJ: []n.1. (常大写)宇宙;天地万物[the S]At that time people believed the earth was the center of the universe.当时人们相信地球是宇宙的中心。2. 全世界;全人类[the S...

破釜沉舟 [pò fǔ chén zhōu]break the caldrons and sink the boats (after crossing) ; burn one's boats ; cut off all means of retreat 短语 破釜沉舟.背水一战 Burn one's bridges 别破釜沉舟 Don't put all your eggs in one basket 双语例句 今天我们要破釜沉舟,背水一战了。

星光大道近期的杨梦迪唱的英文歌的名叫《rolling in the deep》基本资料:外文名称:rolling in the deep 所属专辑:21 发行时间:2008-07-26 歌曲原唱:阿黛尔·阿德金斯 填 词:阿黛尔·阿德金斯,保罗·艾普沃斯 谱 曲:阿黛尔·阿德金斯,保罗·艾普沃斯 编 曲:阿黛尔·阿德金斯 歌词:There's a ...

burn one's boats 破釜沉舟 burn one's boats,也就是烧了某人的船,相传古罗马凯撒等人在入侵了敌人的领土之后,会烧掉自己所有的船只,以此告诉士兵们后路已断,只能奋勇杀敌。和中国项羽的破釜沉舟有异曲同工之妙。除此,还有个说法叫burn one's bridges,烧了某人的桥,也是一样的意思,都是...

卞呼18974623389问: burn the candle at both ends是什么意思 -
岷县晶安回答: burn the candle at both ends的意思是:过分耗费; 劳累过度; 例句: You can't burn the candle at both ends. 你不能过度耗费精力 Remember: you cannot burn the candle at both ends. 记住:“蜡烛不能两头烧.He looks very ill. he must have ...

卞呼18974623389问: 求教 the door can't be opened这句话语法对吗? 还是the door can't open? -
岷县晶安回答: the door can't opened这句话语法是对的.read,write,clean,wash,iron,burn,draw,cook,keep,cut,open,blow,peel,sell,act等,常和副词主语well,easily,smoothly等连用,且通常用主语结构表示被动含义,这些动词的主语一般是表物的词,且这些物往...

卞呼18974623389问: 2PM《Don't stop can't stop》歌词中文译音 -
岷县晶安回答: 2PM - Don`t Stop Can`t Stop Yo ! Here we all once again . JYP , 2PM Stronger than Ever Wooyoung / 佑荣 Junho / 俊昊 Chansung / 灿成 And we're 2PM, and we're never going down!/我们是 2PM, 而且我们永远不会败! 몸에 상처가 하나 둘 ...

卞呼18974623389问: Don't eat还是Can't eat in the library.Don't和Can't的用 -
岷县晶安回答: Dont 因为dont表示禁止!cant表示能力不能,这里表示的是禁止 希望可以帮到你望采纳谢谢

卞呼18974623389问: 2pm成员在don't stop can't stop 的话 中文翻译..谢谢 -
岷县晶安回答: 身体的伤痕在一处两处增加 心里的恐惧一直在增长 现在只注意看眼前 体力一点点渐渐跌到谷底 问自己怎么到了这样的境地 我不能倒下 问自己也 我笑了 这么多的伤害只埋葬在心里 在这里 不要放弃(I can t give up)您不能抹去我的脚印 如果你...

卞呼18974623389问: don't say it 's too late西城男孩中英文歌词对照 歌词 -
岷县晶安回答: Don't say it's too late 请别说已太晚It doesn't take much to learn 你很快就意识到:when the bridges that you burn 亲手烧毁桥梁,Leave you stranded feeling alone 终会使自己困窘孤立.It doesn't take much to cry 你很快就开始哭泣:you're ...

卞呼18974623389问: 2pm《don't stop can't stop》歌词 -
岷县晶安回答: 找不到有人名的,然后本来想帮你听出来,但是下面那些歌词我真的不知道哪句是哪句= = 身体的伤痕在一处两处增加 心里的恐惧一直在增长 现在只注意看眼前 体力一点点渐渐跌到谷底 问自己怎么到了这样的境地 我不能倒下 问自己也 我笑了 ...

卞呼18974623389问: Don't always burn the midnight oil to get ready - --the exams. A.of C.for D.with -
岷县晶安回答: 选C 准备做某事 /为某事做准备 一般而言,get ready三种最常用的用法是:get ready for sth.get sth. ready get ready to do sth.如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


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