
作者&投稿:史征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. He died of the burns he received in the fire.
2. She is burning to tell you the news.
3. Paper burns easily.
4. Half the candle had burnt away.
5. It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn.

Take care not to burn you.
There was a fire burning in the large fireplace

burn 英[bɜ:n] 美[bɜ:rn]
vt. (使) 燃烧;
vt. 烧伤; 烧毁; 烧坏; 使用某物为燃料;
n. 烧伤,烧痕;
[造句]Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city.

When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.

Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.

The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.

I burnt the toast.

Take care not to burn your fingers.

The fire made the house burn

I burn the toast


The air is so polluted that I don't even want to breathe. 空气污染太严重了,我都不想呼吸了。Remember to bring your homework here. 要记得把你的作业带来。Let's build a new house. 我们盖一座新房子吧。Be careful and don't burn yourself! 小心点,别烫着你自己!

一不小心造句写一句话简单的 (1)、我希望有这么一个人、不嫌弃我的坏脾气、不嫌弃我的坏习惯、不嫌弃我的家境怎样,始终站在我身边,一不小心就白头到老了。 (2)、眼泪就在眼圈里转,一不小心就滴了下来,感动也许就在一秒之前映入脑海,泪便是赋予前一秒的报酬,感动就是这么简单!在…在被别人感动着的同时,...

burn<>烧伤 Spotty<>人名 Unit 5 belong<>属于 belong to<>属于 author<>作家 picnic<>野餐 hair band<>发带 possibly<>可能地 drop<>掉下 symphony<>交响乐 optometrist<>验光师 appointment<>预约 crucial<>决定性的 make up<>组成 final<>最后 anxious<>忧虑的 worried<>焦虑的 owner<>拥有者 Oxford ...

The color changes from red to yellow. 属于哪个基本句型?
The color changes from red to yellow. 属主+谓结构句型,the air began to burn.属主+谓+宾结构句型。

...did you burn yourself 怎么组成一句话 怎么造句 谢谢!!
呵呵,when and how did you burn yourself?这就是一个问句,加上人名时间地点状语就是句子了,呵呵 希望能帮到你

用下面单词造句子 简单点就可以。翻译句子意思。
(burn calories consume calories)Jogging can burn calories跑步可以消耗热量。(have a beer belly have a pot belly)I have a beer belly. 我有啤酒肚。(have a spare tire have love handles)You have a bit of a spare tire .你有赘肉了。(have a six-pack have nice abs)If you ...

可以组成candle 意思为蜡烛 单词解析 英 \/ˈkændl\/ 美 \/ˈkændl\/ n. 蜡烛;旧烛光,国际烛光(发光强度单位)v. 对着光检查 复数 candles第三人称单数 candles现在分词 candling过去式 candled过去分词 candled 短语 1.candle holder 烛台 例句 1.Half the candle had ...

解释和造句:add up:1.加起来与总数相符 The bill doesn't add up.这账单加起来不对。2.说得通,言之有理 Her excuse just doesn't add up.她的辩解就是无法自圆其说。3.积累很多 Just a little each time,but it all adds up.每次一点点,全部累积起来就多了。bring about:带来,造成...

“焚”念fen,二声。【fén】焚 古文形体 (1)(甲骨文字形,象火烧丛木。古人田猎,为了把野兽从树林里赶出来,就采用焚林的办法。本义:烧山)(2)用火烧山林宿草。[burn weeds and till]焚,烧田也。――《说文》焚咸丘。――《公羊传·桓公七年》。传:“焚之者何,樵之也;樵之者何...

巩留县17620379764: burn造句 -
蔽陆希优: 1. He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他因在火灾中受烧伤而死. 2. She is burning to tell you the news. 她急于要告诉你这消息. 3. Paper burns easily. 纸容易着火. 4. Half the candle had burnt away. 蜡烛已烧去一半. 5. It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn. 似乎燃料燃烧时物质就消失了.

巩留县17620379764: burn off造句 -
蔽陆希优:[答案] burn off 烧尽 eg:We are going to burn off the waste paper. 我们准备把废纸烧掉 They play to have fun,be with friends,and burn off energy. 他们和朋友们一起消耗着精力为乐趣而玩.

巩留县17620379764: burn down简单造句liangge -
蔽陆希优: 1. A number of houses were burnt down in the fire . 好些房子给烧毁了. 2. The house burnt down in half an hour . 那所房子在半小时之内就被焚为平地. 3. The guerrillas burned down the enemy 's depot . 游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库. 4. The room ...

巩留县17620379764: 用以下单词造句
蔽陆希优: 可以是 He might burn the cooked fish in kitchen 他可能会将那条煮熟的鱼煮糊

巩留县17620379764: BURN什么意思
蔽陆希优: 常用的自然是以上的解释了 我来举几个例子好了 My face is burning. 我的脸红了. get burned~ 烧伤~ The fish is burning. 烧的鱼糊了.

巩留县17620379764: 英语造句 -
蔽陆希优:1.bet one's bottom dollar 例句:I would bet my bottom dollar that he gets paid more than you do. 译:我确信(敢打赌)他的工资肯定比你高. 2.one-track mind 例句: (1)I'm afra...

巩留县17620379764: 介词短语 跟 动词短语 有什么作用 在句子 有没例子 -
蔽陆希优: 动词短语 定义:由动词和动短语成,或以动词为中心,功能同动词的短语叫动词短语,动词短语是动词的一种固定搭配形式,动词短语的搭配可分为下列四种基本类型. 1.动词+副词 1)作及物动词,例: He brought up his children strictly. ...

巩留县17620379764: 英语完成句子,急(注:题目中括号内为提示语或提示词)
蔽陆希优: 1. don't have much difficulty 2. that the price of houses will fall down 3. It makes no difference 4. which are difficult to burn

巩留县17620379764: “灼伤”英文如何表达?
蔽陆希优: burn n.烧伤, 灼伤; 火(或高温等)毁伤处 She died of the burns that she received in the fire. 她死于火灾中所受的灼伤. burns on her hand 手部的烧伤

巩留县17620379764: 燃烧用英语怎么说 -
蔽陆希优: burn动词、、、burning的意思是燃烧着的、、

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