
作者&投稿:夏蓉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求我的家务 my howsework 英语作文和句子,谢谢!
Didn't expect the household chores today have done a good job!今天妈妈要出去参加聚会,她出门之前对我说:“好!”且说出去。我讨厌做家务,但是我必须做。首先我打扫客厅,客厅里是干净和整洁。然后我打扫了我的父母的房间,它过于散乱,首先把梳妆台的东西,然后打开窗户,空气,被子。终于打扫我的房间...

it is not always true that modern technology is more complex to u...
1) Household chores. houshold是指一家人,家庭的意思,chores,是指杂事,零星的琐事,这两词连用在一起,形成联合名词,意思是日常家务活的意思,相当于house work. Chore是个可数名词,此处+s为复数。2) It was to 是一种典型的不定式表语的结构。在此句中perfrom 是动词,直接可以换成do,...

1. This article addresses a bill which calls for all teachers not to accept gifts and the comments and surveys about the bill.2. This article is about housekeeping for housewives: it states that parents, when staying at home, should take up most of the houseworks while their ...

I wish my mother would be more selfish to stay away from all the chores and enjoy her own life.selfish \/?self??\/ adj. 自私的 chore \/t???(r)\/ n. 家务 4.最好的都给妈妈 在这属于所有母亲的日子里,你想好送妈妈什么礼物了吗?What kind of gift have you prepared for your ...

求大神帮忙写英语作文! 以“My Weekend Chores”为题写一篇作文,谈谈上...
Last weekend I did some household works for my parents as usual. I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. Although the dishes tasted not good, my parents enjoy them very much. This is the moment I feel the greatest joy. However, the last household chore I want to...

At twelve I was hungry. There was not any food in the fridge. I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside. At one o’clock. I was in bed. In the afternoon I was at the movies. The film was boring. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and ...

he go to school by bus at eight o'clock every morning 一般现在时 she helped her mother doing some housework yesterday evening 过去时 he is taking a tour in Beijing 一般现在时 he had learn to swim last month. 一般现在时 she is playing piano in the house. 一般现在时 he ...

答案:did 解释:原句句末有表示过去时间的短语last night(昨晚),因此全句时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。所以,do改为过去式did。

Last Sunday, we go to homes for the elderly, a donation. 8:00 am to homes for the elderly of our cyclists. We got to homes for the elderly, began to place some chores for the elderly. Girls to help elderly people to wash some clothes. Boys for the old people cleaning ...

改错1 Newspapers read every day at home, in offices and on tr...
1 The radio is listened to by millions of people every day.listen是不及物动词,听广播必须是listen to the radio,不管语序怎么变,这个to必须要有的 2 An English speech will be given to the children tomorrow 要用被动,英语报告不能给孩子们,只能被给 3 I have a lot of chores to...

雕屠17863058433问: do the chores与do chores有什么区别? 要详细一点的 -
宜川县先强回答: 一般加the,是特指,do the chores表示做这些家务 不加,泛指,do chores做家务

雕屠17863058433问: do chores还是do the chores -
宜川县先强回答: 都可以,都是干杂活的意思.不同是,加上“the”有特指的意思;不加表示泛指.do the chores 干那些杂活 do chores 干杂活 Why should you pick on me to do the chores?你为什么要挑我去做那些杂务?My mother became too ill to work and I began to do chores in the neighbourhood. 妈妈病得不能上班了,我就开始在街坊里干些零碎事儿. 希望帮助到你 满意请采纳,谢谢o(∩_∩)o ~~~

雕屠17863058433问: 有 do 词组 -
宜川县先强回答: 分两种: 1:do+动词ing 2:do+the/some/one's+名词:例如:do some read,do my homework,do the chores(做家务)

雕屠17863058433问: 八年级上册do的短语.如do homework,do chores,do sports -
宜川县先强回答: do housework

雕屠17863058433问: do chores是什么意思及反义词 -
宜川县先强回答: do chores是什么意思,这个词没有反义词.中文释义: 处理琐事,干家务 英语句子 Planning is a chore that everyone should do before traveling.旅行前的计划是每个人都必须做的例行工作.Doesn't mind doing the chores.不介意做家务 I must do the household chores.我必须干家务杂活.

雕屠17863058433问: do chores 的chore一定是复数么 -
宜川县先强回答: 当chore作为家务、日常琐碎之事的意思时,只能用复数形式,就像你提供的这个词组就是做家务的意思. 比如:Does your husband do any chores after work? 你先生下班后做家务事吗?当chore是零工、付费小工解释时,可用单数形式. 比如:Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore. 削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使.

雕屠17863058433问: do the chores与do chores有什么区别? 要详细一点的谢谢啦 -
宜川县先强回答:[答案] 一般加the,是特指,do the chores表示做这些家务 不加,泛指,do chores做家务

雕屠17863058433问: chore有没有do the chores的句式 -
宜川县先强回答: do the chores=do chores =do homework(两者一样,我们做的课时导航上有)

雕屠17863058433问: do chores 可以说成do the chores吗? do some chores呢, -
宜川县先强回答: do the chores是做杂物,做家务 do some chores=do chores =do domestic chores

雕屠17863058433问: chores的意思? -
宜川县先强回答: choresn. 杂务;零工;困难的工作(chore的复数)household chores 家务琐事 do chores 做家务;处理琐事 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!有不会的可以再问我:)

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