
作者&投稿:攸阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I approve of his educational policies.翻译:我赞成他的教育的政策。2、Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development.翻译:经济的发达与教育的发展密切相关。3、These books on patriotism are very educational.翻译:这批爱国主义题材的书籍很有教育意义。单词注释educational ...

approve 的名词形式是什么?
hehe,是没有approvement的同学。approval [əˈpru:vəl]feeling or showing or saying that one thinks sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory 赞成; 认可; 满意; 同意

approve 或approve of 后可以加sb吗?还是只能加sth?
approve of sb. doing sth. 允许某人做某事 做赞成讲是只接sth

“备案”英语翻译“to file;to put on record”,“审批”英语翻译examine and approve。一、to file释义:到文件;数据输出到文件中;存档;提出;备案。双语例句如下:1、He is eligible now to file a motion for a new trial.他现在有资格提议重新进行审判。2、It is the second airline in ...

英语;用下面词的适当形式填空: approve ,claim, appetite, interfere...
1,he tries not to let business _interfere with__his home life.2.if you eat a lot of chocolate before supper ,it will spoil your _appetite___。3.the equipment must be bought from a supplier _approved___by the company ; otherwise it is possible that we bu cheated.4.the ...

“备案”英语翻译“to file;to put on record”,“审批”英语翻译examine and approve。一、to file释义:到文件;数据输出到文件中;存档;提出;备案。双语例句如下:1、He is eligible now to file a motion for a new trial.他现在有资格提议重新进行审判。2、It is the second airline in ...

翻译句子1.他不赞成浪费时间(approve) 2.请给母亲挑选一些好的水果...
这面墙需要修理了:This wall requires repairing\/ to be repaired 你为什么选择这个专业呢?:Why do you slect this major?Why have you chosen this career?或者:Why do you choose this major?他很幸运取得了如此巨大的进步:He is very lucky to achieve such great progress 百度知道永远给...

备案的英文:put on record;审批的英文:examine and approve 1、put on record 英文发音:[pʊt ɒn ˈrekɔːd]中文释义:备案;立案;存案;记录在案 例句:Is conduction estate opened to booking put on record what data should submit?办理房地产预售备案应提交...

“同意、赞成” 和“不同意、反对”用英语怎么说? (系统全面一点)_百度...
I disagree with the facts on which your argument is based.19. 我不同意,事情不是这样简单的。I don't agree. Things are not that simple.20. 即使你不同意,也请不要误解我。Even if you disagree, please don't make me wrong.21. 不同意直接进近,因本场有活动。Unable to approve straight-in ...

A)approve B)will approve C)can approve D)would approve 3、It’s necessary___the dictionary immediately.A)that he will return B)that he returned C)that he return D)that he has to return 4、She must have had an accident, or he___then.A)would have been here B)had to ...

毅秒15158291326问: disapproved of 是什么意思 -
范县利君回答: disapproved of 不赞成************************************************************** 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************

毅秒15158291326问: disapprove常见短语 -
范县利君回答: disapprove 英[ˌdɪsəˈpru:v] 美[ˌdɪsəˈpruv] vi. 不赞成; vt. 反对,否决; 持相反的意见; [网络] 反对; 不同意; 不赞同; [例句]Most people disapprove of such violent tactics. 多数人反对这种暴力的手段. [其他] 第三人称单数:...

毅秒15158291326问: 不道德的,英语怎么写 -
范县利君回答:[答案] 不道德的 immoral unethical 例: Some say what he is doing is immoral. 有些人说他所做的是不道德的. I disapproved of their unethical actions. 我不赞成他们的不道德行为.

毅秒15158291326问: 英语语法问题1Not only_____the way we spoke,but____the way we dressedA did he dislike...did he also disapprove of B did he dislike...he also disapproved ... -
范县利君回答:[答案] 第一个选B not only ,but also前面倒装,后面正常语序,且also可省 第二个选A look是不及物动词,后面如果加名词的话,需要加介词,所以如果用what的话,应该用look like

毅秒15158291326问: 定语从句中的倒装情况有哪些? -
范县利君回答: 英语中的倒装现象俯拾即是,但定语从句中的倒装却鲜为人知,其实这种不太为大家注意的结构在现代英语中并不少见. 这类定语从句中的倒装一般有以下三个特点: 1.定语从句中的谓语动词常为be或表示动向和静止方位的不及物动词.如: ...

毅秒15158291326问: 改错The student used some mixed metaphors in his composition , which the teacher disapproved of . -
范县利君回答: The student used some mixed metaphors in his composition , 【of which】 the teacher disapproved 定语从句的介词应该放在引导词的前面 有不会的可以再问我

毅秒15158291326问: 不道德的,英语怎么写 -
范县利君回答: 不道德的 immoral unethical 例:Some say what he is doing is immoral.有些人说他所做的是不道德的.I disapproved of their unethical actions.我不赞成他们的不道德行为.

毅秒15158291326问: ...Don't get close to - ___ - fire, or your clothes will catch - ___ - fire.A /,/ B the,/ C the,a D /.a2 A few of us accepeted the plan but - ___ - disapproved of it.A much ... -
范县利君回答:[答案] 选B.1 Don't get close to _the____ fire,or your clothes will catch _____ fire.1.不要靠近火,否则你的衣服就要着火啦.A /,/ B the,/ C the,a D /.a 选B 2 A few of us accepeted the plan but _many more____ dis...

毅秒15158291326问: 我同意 / 我不同意,同义句表达 -
范县利君回答: approve of disapprove of2. My father approved, but my mother disapproved.Neither of my parents approved, so it may be considered again.

毅秒15158291326问: Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea. 啥意思? -
范县利君回答: 科学家们之前一直不同意这样的观点,直到最近(才有所改变).直到最近科学家才同意这个观点.

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