
作者&投稿:惠和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3._Does___Jane__study ___CHinese? Yes, she does. She__is studying ___Chinese now.(study)4.Where___do_they___have___dinner every day ? (have)5.__He___is my brother__his___name is Jack. These pens are___his__.(he)6.W3ould you like__to try___(try)on ...

cat ould
Could you please look fater my pet cat while i'm away?

12. 她对你所给予他的和所有你告诉他的事情感到高兴。She was happy that you gave him and told him everything.15. 你去看看外面正发生什么事情好吗?ould you look outside and check out what is happening?16. 她不知道她们住在哪个房间?She doesn't know which room they live?17. 这个...

Would\/will you kindly tell me the way to the station? 请问到火车站怎么走? 4)表可能性 This will be the book you are looking for. 这可能就是你要找的书。 She eould be about 60 when she died. 他死时大概60岁。 9. need和dare的用法 情态动词need 实义动词 need 现You need (not) do ...

spa ould
有多种答案:could you tell me where the people's park is could you tell me how I can get to the people's park?could you tell me how to get to the people's park?

4. 以whaouldyoudo为题目写一篇英语作文 Healthy Maybe some people don`t know how to keep healthy。 Keeping healthy is very important and easy。Do you know the way to keep healthy ? You must exercise every day。 Like playing badmintoon,playing soccer,running and taking a walk。If you don`...

If you qould think pf me somehow in the duture plesedpn\\t forget...
你打错好多字母,应该是这句吧:If you would think of me somehow in the future,please don't forget I once loved you so much.若你以后偶然忆起我,请别忘记(或者反过来翻译成:请记得),我曾经那么爱你 如果有疑问,欢迎追问,如果有帮助,请记得及时采纳哦,亲……。

ould like 中的some要改为 any 吗? My aunt would like some chicken...
准确的说:1.some 用在肯定句中;期望得到肯定回答的疑问句中(would like属于这一类,凡是请求类的句子也属于这一类);条件句中(即具有肯定意味而不是询问信息时)2.any:问话人对回答的期待没有倾向性(指纯粹信息询问)或倾向于否定回答时;条件句中(具有询问信息意味)给你几个例子:Would you ...

did you see how poor people vould be是什么意思
did you see how poor people vould be 你知道穷人是vould did you see how poor people vould be 你知道穷人是vould

Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like y...
第一句:先行词是 a friend ;引导词是关系代词 whom ;第二句:先行词是 evening ;引导词是关系副词 when;第三句:先行词是 a time ;引导词是关系副词 when .

后骂13165169353问: could you的肯定回答和否定回答是什么? -
麻江县之乐回答: could you的肯定回答是“Yes,I can”,或者也可以直接回答No problem.否磨此定回答是“No/Sorry,I can't”.在此句型中,could不是过去时态,而是较委婉地提出看法,could比can在语气上更加的委婉,回答时用can或can't.重点词汇:...

后骂13165169353问: could you 的回答 -
麻江县之乐回答:[答案] 这里的could you是委婉礼貌的说法.一般表示请求.例如:Could you come stand over here,please?所以回答的话,只要表达你的肯定或否定的意思就可以.例如:肯定 Of course./ Why not?/ Sure.否定 Sorry./ I'm sorry,be...

后骂13165169353问: Could you…?回答是Yes,I can.No ,I can't.还是Yes,I could.No I couldn't?还是两个都可以? -
麻江县之乐回答:[答案] 这里的could you是委婉礼貌的说法.一般表示请求.例如:Could you come stand over here,please?所以回答的话,只要表达你的肯定或否定的意思就可以.例如:肯定 Of course./ Why not?/ Sure.否定 Sorry./ I'm sorry,be...

后骂13165169353问: could引导的疑问句的肯定回答和否定回答例句:Could you please do the dishes?要求:7个肯定回答和3个否定回答 -
麻江县之乐回答:[答案] 肯定:1 Yes, I can.2 Of course I can.3 Definitely yes.4 abosolutely yes.5.Sure.6.I will.否定:1 I wish I could, but I'm busy now.2 sorry, I couldn't.

后骂13165169353问: Would you ...?和Could you ...?都怎样回答? -
麻江县之乐回答: 一般是别人有礼貌的让你帮忙,就是:您可以...的意思 回答可以是好的,口语中可以随便点: ok, no problem, ok, i'd like to yes, all right. i will be glad to help.

后骂13165169353问: could you please的肯定回答和否定回答 Could you come here next week,please?怎样做肯定回答和否定回答? -
麻江县之乐回答:[答案] Yes,I can./No,I can't.

后骂13165169353问: Would you mind…… 与Could you please……的肯定回答与否定回答是什么?
麻江县之乐回答: would you mind 肯定:you'd better not (翻译成“你最好别”,当然就是肯定的说“我介意”). 否定: of course not. 当然不介意 could you please show me the way to the cinema? 肯定:sure, no problem. 当然,没问题. 否定: sorry, i can't.对不起...

后骂13165169353问: Could you open the window for me?回答是Yes,I can.还是Yes,I could. -
麻江县之乐回答: Could在这样的对话中不是作为can的过去式,是表示语气上的委婉 事实上你给的两个选项都不是最佳的答案.问句是请求对方做一件事,而你的两个选项是我有能力做,相当于答非所问,这时最好的回答应该是Yes, I'd love to.

后骂13165169353问: ...是 - ________的过去式 但在这里不表示过去式 而是表示说话者的_______什么语气could you please+________ - 意为_____________肯定回答用_______... -
麻江县之乐回答:[答案] 是can的过去式,表示比较委婉的语气 Could you please+do...请你做.好吗? 肯定回答可用Sure/Of cuorse/Certainly等,否定回答常用Sorry...并给出理由,一般不用No开头.

后骂13165169353问: 用Could(一般疑问句)提问,(肯定回答)用can还是could? -
麻江县之乐回答: could如果是表示“可能”用于一般过去时态时,回答可用could. e.g.Could he play the piano two years ago? 肯定回答:Yes, he could.否定回答:No, he couldn't. 如果表示“委婉”,回答用"can". e.g.Could I use your computer? 肯定回答可用:Yes, you can. 但不能用Yes, you could.否定回答可用:Sorry, you can't.不用Sorry,you could't.我想你是问有关这吧.

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