
作者&投稿:上陈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6.Love is simple,because everyone can say:"I love you,and I will pay everything for you!"...the people arould us only accompany us for one station,let alone the whole life;Those who

动词的过去式 过去分词表
3.把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如:drive—drove,ride—rode,shine—shone,win—won,write—wrote4.动词原形中的e改为o,变成过去式。如:get—got,forget—forgot 5.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。如:keep—kept,sleep—slept,sweep—swept6. 动词原形中的an改为oo,变成过去式。如:stand—...

英文便条格式及范文如下:一、格式:便条通常由四部分组成——日期、称谓、正文和署名。1、日期:位置在便条的右上角。2、称谓:顶格写,后面用逗号。3、正文:便条的主要组成部分,一般安排一段或两段。4、署名:在正文右下角,靠右写。二、范文:Dear Alice:I wonder if you eould lend me your...

What is she like ?这句话是什么意思,like在句中是什么用法?
What is she like ?这句话的意思是:她是什么样的人?What does she like ?的意思是:她喜欢什么?What does she look like ?的意思是:她长什么样?具体解释如下:What is she like?一、读音:英 [wɒt ɪz ʃi laɪk] 美 [wɑːt ɪz ʃ...

In a vesion once I saw:It was an Abyssinian maid(24),And on her dulcimer she played,Singing of Mourt Abora(25).Could I revive(26) Within me Her symphony and song,To such a deep delight' ould win me(27),That with music loud and long,I would build that dome in air,Th...

苹果手机总显示登录itunes store,这是为什么?
1、可能账号被别人登录了。2、用了别的Apple ID下载了应用,删除那个应用就可以了。3、进入iTunes store,注销账号重新登录。你在设置里面找到ICIOULD项的,进去把你的自己的账号重新填一下的,这个是因为你改过了密了。在那个网络中把手机自己动更新与下载给关了。

一般在书面语时要弱读,比如You and me 中and读成\/n\/。 但在口语中你可以发现人们在说完前半句时后跟一个and,这时往往时重读。

I often fee l very lucky to have a lot of good friends. My best friend is , we grew up togethe r. She will listen to me when I want to sp eak, will wipe my eyes when I cry. She w ould sing the birthday song for me on m y birthday. She would encourage me wh...

‘So I just play my heart ’出自哪首歌的歌词?
2 a.m and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You’ re telling me you re so confused You can’ t make up your mind Is this meant to be You’ re asking me But only love can stay Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun...

十一、字母I在-alf, -alk, -alm, -ould中:如: half [ha: f ](一半)calm [ka: m](平静)could [kud](能)十二、字母n在词尾-mn中:如: autumn [ˈɔːtəm](秋天)十三、字母t在词尾-sten, -stlet和-ften中,如: listen[' lisn](听)castle ['ka...

大季志13375888858问: Could I sing indoors?的肯定回答 -
通榆县易福回答: of course you can.你当然可以了.could是询问别人时的礼貌性用词,回答用can.

大季志13375888858问: 初二英语题 - 肯定和否定的回答各是什么?WOULD是什么的过去式,
通榆县易福回答: 1.MAY I......,肯定回答:Yes,you can/may. 否定回答: No,you can't. COULD I.....,肯定回答:Yes,you can. 否定回答: No,you couldn't. CAN I......,肯定回答:Yes,you can. 否定回答: No,you can't. 2.WOULD是will的过去式, 有WOULD I......的用法,但很少用,一般用Shall I..... 没有NEED I的用法,应用Must I..... 3.用Must I.....提问的否定回答是NO,YOU NEEDN'T.

大季志13375888858问: could you的肯定回答和否定回答是什么? -
通榆县易福回答: could you的肯定回答是“Yes,I can”,或者也可以直接回答No problem.否磨此定回答是“No/Sorry,I can't”.在此句型中,could不是过去时态,而是较委婉地提出看法,could比can在语气上更加的委婉,回答时用can或can't.重点词汇:...

大季志13375888858问: 用Could(一般疑问句)提问,(肯定回答)用can还是could? -
通榆县易福回答: could如果是表示“可能”用于一般过去时态时,回答可用could. e.g.Could he play the piano two years ago? 肯定回答:Yes, he could.否定回答:No, he couldn't. 如果表示“委婉”,回答用"can". e.g.Could I use your computer? 肯定回答可用:Yes, you can. 但不能用Yes, you could.否定回答可用:Sorry, you can't.不用Sorry,you could't.我想你是问有关这吧.

大季志13375888858问: Could I sit here?(肯定回答) -
通榆县易福回答:[答案] Yes,you can. 以could 开头的提问,相当于can ,但是表示委婉的请求.回答用can

大季志13375888858问: would和could引导的一般疑问句,回答是什么? -
通榆县易福回答: would有两种回答: 1、肯定:Yes,I'd love to.否定:No, thanks./ I'd like to, but... 2、肯定:Yes, 主语(代词)+would.否定:No, 主语(代词)+wouldn't. could有两种回答: 1、Of course/Certainly 当然···· 2、肯定:Yes,I can.否定:No,I ...

大季志13375888858问: could i read books?做肯定回答 -
通榆县易福回答: Yes, you can.No, you can't.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

大季志13375888858问: 用would/could提问,如何回答 -
通榆县易福回答: could 开头提问是表示委婉说法,不是表示能力. 译文;请问你能把垃圾带出去么? 应回答;好的,当然啊. 你回答:好,我能.潜意思是,我有能力把垃圾带出去,(正常人都有能力把垃圾带出去吧?且一般人都能看出这个问题不是问有没有带垃圾出去能力的吧?) 回答他人请求,可以用c. 希望能帮到你.

大季志13375888858问: Could I do sth?的否定回答
通榆县易福回答: may i do sth? 因为这句话的语气比较委婉,常用的回答方式如下: 肯定:yes, you may/ yes, you can. 否定, no , you may not/. no, you can not / no, you needn't. 其中,第一个很常用, 后面的再口语中,视情况而定. 希望对你有用!~

大季志13375888858问: Could I do sth?的否定回答肯定回答是Yes,you can否定回答呢?我知道一个是No,I'm afraid not我要所有的 -
通榆县易福回答:[答案] No,I'm afraid not No,I'm afraid you can't. Sorry,you can't. No,you can't.

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