
作者&投稿:謇官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be 过去分词
be过去分词是been 巧记不规则动词表(规则的加-ed\/d)动词原形 过去式 过去分词 (一)aaa型(按中间的元音字母来记忆:a-e-i-o-u)1.cast 2.let--read--set 3.hit 4.cost 5.shut--put--burst--cut--hurt (二)aba型(按元音字母转换来记忆)o-a-o:become--come u-a-u:run (...

2. 字母组合变化巧记单词,提高认读能力 英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法如下:前面加字母,例如:is-his,ear-near \/ hear,read-bread。后面加字母,例如:hear-heart,you-your,plane-planet。中间加字母,例如:though-through,tree-three,...

5. I'm planning to exercise regularly to lose weight.我计划定期锻炼以减肥。六、用法1. "exercise" 既可作为名词,也可作为动词。当作为名词时,它通常在句子中作为主语或宾语。例如:Exercise is good for health. (exercise作为主语) I need some exercise. (exercise作为宾语)2. 当 "exercise...

lose 丢失 -- find 找到 lose 失败 -- win 胜利;赢得 miss 未抓住;未赶上 -- catch 抓住;赶上 most 最多的 -- least, fewest 最少的 move 移动 -- stop 停止 never 从不 -- ever 曾经 nothing 什么也没有 -- everything一切 now 现在 -- then 那时 old 旧的 -- new 新的 old...

[笨笨猪]谢谢你讲得这么详细,你能为我归纳出一个巧记 方法吗? [聪明猴]Let me try!(我试试看!)可以这样记: oo读长还是短,记住口诀就简 单。 d, k之前读短[u],food一词是特例; t前读长[u:],foot需要特殊记; 复合词中 要读短,其余多数读长[u:]; l, s, d间读作[],例外还要特殊记 英语...

spend(花费) spent spent lose (丢失) lost lost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt learn(学习) learnt learnt mean(意思是) meant meant catch(抓住) caught caught teach(教) taught taught bring(带来) brought brought fight (战斗) fought fought buy(买...

One false move may lose the game. 一着不慎,满盘皆输。 One good turn deserves another. 行善积德。 One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 争分夺秒效率高。 One man's fault is other man's lesson. 前车之鉴。 One never loses anything by politeness. 讲礼貌不吃亏。 One swallow does not ...

动词 过去式 be (am\\ is) was are were come came go went do (does) did fly flew draw drew make made sing sang have (has) had eat ate drink

求英语好句 要简短的!每句还要写固定搭配!还要翻译中文!!!
经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。 45.Dexterity comes by experience. 熟练来自经验。 46.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 47.Experience keeps a dear school,but fools learn in no other. 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。 48. Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. ...

There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten. Nevertheless, doesn“t the unseen...

标荷18684838236问: close作为形容词时有“亲密的”的意思,如:She is a close friend of mine.这里close作定语,接上面:那它还可以作表语吗?如:We are close. -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] 英语中的某些形容词不能作表语,如果作表语,含义往往改变了.这一点需要积累识记. close adj.作定语时,”亲密的“ 作表语时,”距离近的“ 如:We live close to each other . He got close to me 他走近我.

标荷18684838236问: 单词记忆方法 外语 英语closecloset close……这种外语记忆方法叫什么? -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] 联想记忆法

标荷18684838236问: close closed closely的具体区别不要直说动词名词,我想要具体点的解释,比如哪个只有意义上的亲密的而无实际上的关着 紧闭着的,哪个是都有的等. -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] close 当动词时是 “关、闭上”的意思 例如:close the door; close your eyes ... 当形容词则为“亲近、亲密”的意思 例如:Tom and I were really close when we were in high school. closed 主要就是形容 xx 是“关着的、封闭的、不在营业中” 例如:...

标荷18684838236问: 关于CLOSE的短语及其意义...лл -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] ①close about【包围、围住】②close down【关闭、停止播音】③close in【包围、迫近、渐短】④close one's ears to【掩而不听】⑤close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】⑥close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】⑦close with【答应、接受、靠近】.嗯.就是这样!

标荷18684838236问: close有什么知识点? -
九原区枣仁回答: close,它既是形容词又是副词,意思是靠近的,亲近的,靠近地,也还可以做为及物和不及物动词,意思是关,合起,现在举些例子帮助你理解吧;I live close to the shops ,(我住得离商店很近)a close friend,(一位亲密的朋友) She came close to him,(她走近他) When does the shop close ?(店铺几点关门)常用短语有 close down ,(关闭) close to (紧密) close up堵塞,愈合,停业.close on/upon 接近 close off 使隔离

标荷18684838236问: close有什么知识点? -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] 英音:[kləuz]美音:[kloz] adj:1.近的;靠近的 2.亲密的,亲切的 3.周密的,严密的 4. vt,vi:1.关闭 2.终止,结束,停止 adv:1.接近,靠近 2.差不多,大约 词组:close down 关闭;倒闭;停止 close with 接受;同意 派生:ness 名词,接近. ly 副词,接近...

标荷18684838236问: close作为形容词时有“亲密的”的意思,如:She is a close friend of mine.这里close作定语, -
九原区枣仁回答: 英语中的某些形容词不能作表语,如果作表语,含义往往改变了.这一点需要积累识记.close adj. 作定语时,”亲密的“ 作表语时,”距离近的“ 如: We live close to each other . He got close to me 他走近我.

标荷18684838236问: close的词性讲解与open的关系 -
九原区枣仁回答: open 动词:打开,开门,营业 形容词:营业的,开着的,(身体)张开的,开阔的,无遮盖的,坦诚的,坦率的☆ opened 动词 open的过去式 close 动词:关,闭,(商店)关门 形容词:(距离上)近的,亲密的,亲近的 副词:(距离上) ...

标荷18684838236问: 英语急!急!...
九原区枣仁回答: key—donkey-----monkey (whiskey)( turkey ) b b d d What do you do in Chinese New Year?(in改on) We don't have some rice.(some改any) When's your birthday?My birthday is in July 18.(in改on) Do you like juice? Yes I don't but I like tea.(Yes改NO) ...

标荷18684838236问: 怎样提高高中英语的close 和readingas the topic词汇、我一直都在积累.但有时整篇文章看懂了,还是错,老师分析的也不详细.有的可以从文章中找,但有的... -
九原区枣仁回答:[答案] 对于完型,词汇量和搭配过关是最重要的.可以通过记高中单词表和四级单词书来提高.还有就是每天练一篇保持感觉. 对于阅读,同样词汇非常重要,词汇关不过一切都是空谈.其次是方法,先看下面题干再看短文.第三,每周定时定量地练习,我当时...

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