
作者&投稿:虫衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

play with与hang out的区别
1.lean out伸出身体 The dog lay in the shade with his tongue hanging out;it was so hot.那条狗趴在阴凉处伸着舌头,因为天气太热。2.fasten,spread,or show sth.out of a building挂出门(窗)外People hang flags out on the national holiday.国庆日,人们把旗子挂在门外。3.endu...

翻译成英文是:Lean out of the window 相关词组学习:lean out of 英[li:n aut ɔv] 美[lin aʊt ʌv][词典] 身体探出; (使) 伸出;[例句]It is dangerous to lean out of the window while the bus is in motion.行车时探身窗外是危险的。

探身的解释[stretch forward;bent forwart;lean out] 向前、向侧前或向外伸出身子 行车时不要探身窗外 词语分解 探的解释 探 à 寻求:探求。 探讨 。 探索 。探试。勘探。 试探 。 钻探 。探幽访胜。探本穷源。 侦察 打听 :探问。探听。探询。探查。 探察 。 做侦察工作的人:探马(侦...

lean out the window什么意思?没有of
与lean out of the window一个意思,意思是身体探出窗外。例句:1.There is a saying in Chongqing that when you need to borrow money, you can simply lean out the window of one skyscraper and grab an envelope from someone's extended hand the ...

lean out of这个短语如果说“我从车子里探出去”是直接说i lean out...
lean out of 就是指把身子探出去,所以可以这样讲。另如:~It is dangerous to lean out of the window while the bus is in motion. 行车时探身窗外是危险的.~Don't lean out of the window of the bus. It's dangerous. 在公共汽车上别探出窗外, 太危险了 ...

lean out of是什么意思
lean out of [英][li:n aut ɔv][美][lin aʊt ʌv]身体探出; (使)伸出;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Fish jump, crabs cling to barnacle-encrusted stilts and housewives lean outof ornate windows for a smoke.鱼在水面上跳跃,螃蟹爬上壳类堆积物上,家庭主妇们从...

lean 是什么意思
lean [li:n]n.倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 adj.瘦的, 贫乏的, 歉收的 vi.倚靠, 倾斜, 依赖, 倾向, 偏向 vt.使倾斜 lean 1 [li:n]vi., vt.leant 或 leaned, leaning 斜靠,斜依 She leaned against his shoulder.她靠在他的肩上。靠置;靠在…上 Lean it against the wall.把它靠...

特写镜头 [tè xiě jìng tóu]close-up view close-up shot 双语例句 1.这是对黄石国家公园里热水池塘的一个特写镜头。A close-up shot of a thermal pool in Yellowstone National 2.在下面我们搜集了一些妙不可言的雪花的 特写镜头\/微距照片 ,真正让你的艺术感觉在...

[I, Ipr, Ip] be in a sloping position; bend 倾斜; 弯曲; 屈身: lean out of the window, back in one's chair, over to one side, etc 探身窗外、 仰靠椅背、 俯向一侧等 * Just lean forward for a moment, please. 请稍稍向前弓一下身.[Ipr] ~ against\/(up)on sth rest on...

lean out of the window身子探出窗户 be polite to sb.对某人客气 dress oneself自己打扮\/穿衣 put on +衣服 (强调动作)wear +衣服(强调状态)read comics读连环漫画 encourage sb to do sth stop sb. From doing don’t allow sb. To do divide into把…划分成 a kind\/metre\/basket of一种...

富谢15145831627问: clean 和clean up和 clean out 的区别 -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean 和clean up和 clean out 的区别只有一点就是指意不同: 1、clean up意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净. 2、clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物上脏物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而...

富谢15145831627问: clean up / clean out / clean off / clean away 有什么区别.能分别给出一个典型的实例吗谢谢. -
开鲁县阿归回答: 1,clean up清理;大捞一笔 They don't clean up those bits of pizza and bits of chewed bread and cheese. 谁都不愿意清理吃剩的比萨,奶酪渣还有面包渣, 2,clean out 清除,打扫干净 I need people around here that I can trust. Clean out your ...

富谢15145831627问: clean\clean out\clean up\clean down\clean off有什么区别呀、需要简单易懂的答案、、 -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean 清理 Clean your room 清理你的房间 clean out 清理出来 Clan out those dusts 把那些灰清理出来 clean up 也是情理 Clean up your room. 也对 clean down 从来没听人用过.clean off 和 clean out 差不多一个意思.

富谢15145831627问: 英语单三形clean后加什么? -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean away(v.+adv.) 除去 remove (dirt, etc.)clean down(v.+adv.) 把…洗干净 wash out thoroughlyclean of(v.+prep.) 把(斑点、污渍等)从(某物)上清除掉 wash (sth) clean of (marks, dirt, etc.)clean off(v.+adv.) 除去 remove (dirt, especially ...

富谢15145831627问: clean out和clean up的区别 -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean ,clean down,clean out,clean off 例如;It's time you cleaned__the drawers of your desk 打扫干净,整理,赚钱,获利. clean down,刷干净 clean out,清除,打扫干净 clean off扫除 例如;It's time you cleaned__the drawers of your desk填UP.整理你的抽屉,比较贴切.

富谢15145831627问: clean out与clean up有什么区别吗 -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean out与clean up的区别: 1、打扫的形式侧重点不同 clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净. clean out意思是“扫除,清光”,是将某物上脏物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果. 2、...

富谢15145831627问: clean,clean up 和 clean out的区别
开鲁县阿归回答: clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净. clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果. clean是打扫的意思

富谢15145831627问: clean out的用法 -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean out 1. 把…打扫干净;将…清除掉: I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封.2. 用完,耗尽;吃光;输光:...

富谢15145831627问: dream of 和dream about的区别.clean up和clean out 的区别 -
开鲁县阿归回答:[答案] clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净. clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果.

富谢15145831627问: 请告诉我clean up,clean down与clean out的区别!! -
开鲁县阿归回答: clean up 1. 把…收拾干净:梳洗干净;例句: It's your turn to clean the classroom up. 该轮到你们打扫教室了.2. 把(不需要之物)清除掉:例句: Let's clean up the broken glass immediately before someone walks on it. 让我们趁人还没踩上赶紧...

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