
作者&投稿:邢烟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


邮局 post office 公共电话 pay phone 在中心街 on Center Street 在..对面 across from 在..之间 between …and 在..前面 in front of 在附近 in the neighborhood 直走 go straight 左转 turn left 右转 turn right 在新公园右拐 turn right at New Park 散步 take a walk …...

B:Good morning! I’m Mr.Doug lass in room 1208. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected.This makes it necessary for me to stay on here for another day.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days...

The volunteer\/A Kind Deed John is a very kind and generous boy.He likes to help other people who are in need.One day,his teacher,Miss Lee announced to the lass that there would be a trip to an old folk's home.Miss Lee asked for volunteers to help to clean the old folk...

1、I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!2、 The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch.这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。3、 Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating ...

《芭比之真假公主》中,两个人在街上第一次相遇时唱的歌是什么名字?_百 ...
Once a lass met a lad You're a gentle one, said she In my heart I'd be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And I hope that it will be DOMINIC:I'd be sure, if I knew That you loved me for me ERIKA:Could I be the one you're seeking?Will ...

中考英语形容词及副词 简单易懂详细 懂的人 帮帮忙
no less than 不少于(lass than 不必某物…… ,加no 即,并没有 不比某物。。。)my watch is no beautiful less than yours 。我的手表并不逊色于你的 much more 更多 (实则以 much 修饰 more & 这个比较级)she eared much more money than you 我挣得比你多得多 less more 与之...

And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I'm just like you (I think that's true) You're just like me (Yes, I can see) BOTH: We take responsibility PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): We carry through (We ...

Little. But Little, thinking little of Short, loved a little lass named Long. To belittle Long. Short announced She would marry Little before ...Sarah sitting in her sitting room, all she does is sits and shifts, all she does is sits and shifts.Say this sharply, say this sweetly, ...

And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I'm just like you (...Once a lass met a lad You're a gentle one, said she In my heart I'd be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And...

长仇18273972319问: “教室”的英语怎么读? -
东港市灵健回答: “教室”的英语:classroom 读音:英 ['klɑːsruːm] 美 ['klæsruːm] n. 教室;课堂 词汇搭配: 1、classroom teaching 课堂教学 2、Classroom Training 课堂培训 3、terrace classroom 阶梯教室 4、in the classroom 在教室里 常见句型: 1、He is...

长仇18273972319问: 教室英语怎么读 -
东港市灵健回答: 教室的英语是 classroom,是 class 和 room 构成的合成词,音标是 ['cla:srum],重音是第一个音节,可谐音为 “克拉斯儒莫”.

长仇18273972319问: 英语教室怎么读? -
东港市灵健回答: Classroom 英:[ˈklɑːsruːm] 美:[ˈklæsruːm] n. 教室; 课堂; 例句: The students entered the classroom one by one. 学生们一个挨一个地走进教室.

长仇18273972319问: 教室的英语怎么读 -
东港市灵健回答: 教室 有三种说法1、classroom; 2、school room; 3、schoolroom; [例句]学生们一个挨一个地走进教室.The students entered the classroom one by one.

长仇18273972319问: a class room的音标 -
东港市灵健回答: 美[e][klæs][rum]

长仇18273972319问: 教室的英语怎么拼啊? -
东港市灵健回答: 1. [classroom]∶在中小学或大学里教师对学生正式讲课的地方 2. [schoolroom]∶对学生进行教学的房间

长仇18273972319问: 教室的英语怎么读视频搜索. -
东港市灵健回答: 教室”的英语是classroom,是名词,音标是['klɑːsruːm; -rʊm],按音标读. 英英释义:a room in a school where lessons take place 相关词语:1、theatre ['θɪətə] n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂2、 schoolroom ['skuːlruːm; -rʊm] ...

长仇18273972319问: 我们的教室用英语怎么说 -
东港市灵健回答: Our classroom

长仇18273972319问: class这怎么读 -
东港市灵健回答: class 英[klɑ:s] 美[kl?s] n.班;等级;阶级;种类 vt.把…归入某等级,把…看作(或分类、归类);把…编入某一班级 adj.很好的,优秀的,出色的 [例句]My class has fifty pupils. 我们班有50个学生.

长仇18273972319问: 英语单词+英语单词=英语单词例子class(班级)+room(房间)=classroom(教室),要和我一样写中文, -
东港市灵健回答:[答案] class(班级)+mate(同伴)=classmate(同班同学), school(学校)+mate(同伴)=schoolmate(同学), bed(床)+room(房间)=bedroom(卧室)

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