
作者&投稿:人枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《get your sparkle on》 《life is a fairytale》 《anoth开场曲:Tiffany Giardina 的《A Fashion Fairytale》er me

芭比之天鹅湖:《芭比之天鹅湖》是芭比的第三部电脑动画电影,在片中芭比再度神奇复活。本片改编自柴可夫斯基著名的音乐剧以及那个凄婉动人爱情故事:芭比饰演年轻面包师的女儿奥杰塔,无意中跟随一只独角兽进入了禁森。邪恶的巫师罗德伯特为与自己的表姐--仙女皇后较量后较量并妄想图霸占禁林,将奥杰塔变成一只天鹅。仙女皇后替奥杰塔修改了咒语,让她在夜晚恢复人形,只在白天化为天鹅。奥杰发现自己被赋予了神圣的使命--从罗德伯特的手中救出禁林,尽管她自认没有这样的能力却仍决定一试。可是一个少女单凭勇气、真诚与智慧就能完成这一艰巨的使命吗?与此同时,英俊的王子丹尼尔已深深地爱上了她。 《芭比之天鹅湖》将梦幻般的芭蕾舞与令人难忘的柴可夫斯基名作结合在一起,音乐部分由伦敦交响乐团担任演奏。纽约市立芭蕾舞团首席芭蕾大师彼德.马丁斯为本片担任编舞,为你带来前所未有的芭蕾体验。 《芭比之天鹅湖》告诉我们,我们每个人都比自己想象地要勇敢。 芭比之森林公主:小姑娘罗丝拉(由芭比扮演)不幸遭遇海难流落到一个荒岛上,她在一个充满爱心的动物家族中长大,并学会了与动物们交谈和歌唱。她的动物亲人包括:小熊猫萨奇,孔雀阿祖和大象宝宝帝卡。可是当安托尼奥王子发现了这个热带天堂后,罗丝拉出于对自己身世的好奇而决定与王子一起去他的城堡。正当罗丝拉和她的动物伙伴们一起探索文明世界之际,他们无意中发现了一个试图夺权的邪恶阴谋!通过影片的完满结局,《芭比之森林公主》告诉我们: 让爱引领你,奇迹就在眼前。 芭比之魔幻飞马 :美丽的公主安妮卡住在北欧的山上。国王王后对其保护甚严,呵护有加,活泼的安妮卡经常偷偷溜出去滑冰玩耍,一天,她又偷偷溜了出去,领回了一只可爱的小北极熊,并带着它在晚上溜出皇宫,参加热闹的滑冰舞会,美丽的安妮卡优美的舞姿吸引了大家,这时,邪恶而强大的巫师突然出现,胁迫其嫁给他,安妮卡不从,巫师将她的父母和子民变为了石头,关键时刻,一匹飞马救走了安妮卡,原来,飞马是当年被胁迫不成,恼羞成怒的巫师施咒的姐姐,在安妮卡的鼓励和坚持下,姐姐和她一同再次开始寻找传说中可以打败巫师的光之剑。在寻找组成光之剑三样组成的路途中,他们结识了亚当,在他的帮助下,历经艰险,他们终于打败了巫师,解除了诅咒……全新的芭比故事,透过仙女梦幻的故事奇境,带您体验一场温馨、勇敢、友谊的梦幻冒险之旅。 芭比之梦幻仙境--彩虹仙子 :《芭比之梦幻仙境--彩虹仙子》 穿越彩虹就可以到达芭比梦幻仙境…… 没有翅膀的花仙子,一直渴望拥有一对翅膀。魔法草地那边,是她的家乡。有一天,她家乡花园的花都枯萎了,更严惩的是她那些有翅膀的仙子朋友们也都飞不起来了。于是,她鼓起勇气出发,寻找可以解决这些难题的守护仙子帮忙。然而,旅途上困难重重,磨难多多,花仙子是否能经得起这些考验?她能否会明白真正的友情? 芭比之梦幻仙境--人鱼公主 :人鱼公主》是“芭比之梦幻仙境” 故事情节的延伸。 内容简介: 在《芭比梦幻仙境之人鱼公主》中,爱莉娜(芭比)为了拯救她的朋友—人鱼王子拿路,必须放弃她美丽的翅膀,化身为美人鱼。邪恶的女巫露维娜绑架了人鱼王子拿路,想借用他的力量成为梦幻仙境的统治者。只有爱莉娜才能阻止这一切,但仅靠她一个人的力量还不够,她必须借助罗丽帮忙。罗丽是个不愿轻信别人的人鱼,她不愿意帮助爱莉娜,可爱莉娜用诚意劝服了罗丽,等待着爱莉娜的是更为艰苦的挑战。想要救出拿路,爱莉娜就必须放弃她最宝贵的翅膀。爱莉娜能做到吗?如果她失败了,梦幻仙境将永远掌控在露维娜的手中…… 《芭比之梦幻仙境--魔法彩虹》:芭比彩虹仙子之魔法彩虹 (又名: Barbie Fairytopia Magic of the Rainbow ) 芭比扮演的依琳娜一起来一场全新的仙境历险吧!依琳娜和她的小蘑菇比波一起来到了坐落在华丽的水晶宫殿中的仙女学校。在那里,她结识了其他的仙女学员,还要学习每年一次的春季飞行,和如何魔术般绘出这一季的第一道彩虹。 可是当邪恶的拉薇娜试图中止飞行,让仙境从此陷入十年的寒冬的时候,依琳娜和她的新朋友们必须先学会“团结就是力量”。但是,她们是否强大到足以打败拉薇娜,让彩虹再次挂上天际呢? 芭比之12芭蕾舞公主:芭比这次在《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》中,将扮演珍娜薇公主,带来许多令人赞叹的芭蕾舞蹈,并且踏上奇换冒险之旅。 珍薇娜公主有天和她那

1 free:
All my life I've always wanted To
have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be
With no lessons,lords, or lunches Or to-do list in the way
No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay
That would be the day
All my life I've always wanted To
have one day for myself
Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf
With no hems in need of pressing
And no sleeves in disarray
No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet
And no debt to pay
What would it be like to be
What would it be like to be
Free Free to try crazy things
Free from endless IOU's
Free to fly
Free to sing
And marry whom I choose
You would think that I'm so lucky That I have so many things
I'm realizing that every present comes with strings
Though I know I have so little
My determination's strong
People will gather around the world to hear my song
Can I come along?
Now I fear I'll never be
Soon I will forever be
I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away
I could take flight but would it be right My conscience tells me stay
I'll remain forever royal
I'll repay my parent's debt
BOTH: Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret
But I'll never stop believing
She can never stop my schemes

2 How Can I Refuse(坏大臣唱的)

3 I Am A Girl Like You
I Am A Girl Like You
If I'd like to have my breakfast hot
Madame Carp will make me pay
And I have to fetch the eggs myself
And the barn's a mile away
It's cold and wet and still I get
An omlette on my plate
But in my head I'm back in bed
Snuggled up and sleeping late

If I want some eggs I ring the bell
And the maid comes running in
And she serves them on a silver tray
And she brings a cookie tin
And while I eat, she rubs my feet
And strolling minstrels play
But I'd rather be in my library reading science books all day

I'm just like you

You are?

You're just like me
There's somewhere else we'd rather be
Somewhere that's ours
Somewhere that dreams come true
Yes, I am a girl like you

You'd never think that it was so
But now I've met you and I know
It's plain as day, sure as the sky is blue
That I am a girl like you

First I choose a fabric from the rack
And I pin the pattern down
And I stitch it in the front and back
And it turns into a gown

I wear the gown, without my crown
And dance around my room

And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom

I'm just like you (I think that's true)
You're just like me (Yes, I can see)

We take responsibility

We carry through (We carry through)

Do what we need to do
Yes, I am a girl like you

I'm just like you (I'm just like you)
You're just like me (You're just like me)

It's something anyone can see

A heart that beats (A heart that beats)

A voice that speaks the truth
Yes, I am a girl like you!

4 To Be A Princess
To Be A Princess
To be a princess
Is to know which spoon to use
To be a princess
Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes
To maintain a regal gaite
Leave the parsley on your plate
And be charming but detached
And yet amused
To be a princess
Is to never be confused

Do a pli?and never fall
Don't ever stray from protocol
All through the day
There's just one way
You must behave
Do keep a grip and never crack
Stiff upper lip and arch the back
Bend from above
And always wear your gloves
And wave

Shoulders back and
Tummy in and
Pinky out and
Lift the chin and
Slowly turn the head from side to side

I see now

Breathing gently
Stepping lightly
Smile brightly
Nod politely
Never show a thing you feel inside

To be a princess
Is to always look your best
To be a princess
Is to never get to rest
Sit for a portrait, never squirm
Sleep on a mattress extra firm
Speak and be clever
Never at a loss for words
Curtsy to every count and lord
Learn how to play the harpsichord
Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds

Thirds, thirds

She has beautiful eyes
Your spirits rise
When she walks in the room
Doors close
And the chemistry grows
She's like a rose
That's forever in bloom

Do a pli?and don't
(Ever ever ever fall)
Never show dismay
(And be there when people call)
Be prepared whatever royal life will bring
Do keep a grip and don't
(Ever ever ever crack)
Take a dainty sip
(Never ever turn your back)
There's a time and place and way for everything
To be a princess
Is to never make your bed
To be a princess
Is to always use your head

5 The Cats Meow
The Cat's Meow
I can see it when you're feeling low
You can't hide that from me
You're no status quo calico
So why keep trying to be?
'Cause you're more than that
You're my doggish cat
I wish you could see the you I see
I say
If you bark
Celebrate it
Make your mark
Serenade it
Noah's ark
Shoulda had a cat like you
And if
What you are
Is a strange you
Doesn't mean
You should change you
Only means
You should change your point of view

Hey, feline
You fetch just fine
To thine own self be true
Your bow wow's
The cat's meow
It's how I know you're you

You don't need the bows
Or tiara
Bid your woes
Trust your nose
'Cause it knows the way to go
When you
Chase your tail
You're enchanting
Spirits sail
When you're panting
When you wail
You're a rover, Romeo

There is not
One hair of you
That I would rearrange
I love you the way you are
And that will never change
That will never change

6 If You Love Me For Me
If You Love Me For Me
Once a lass met a lad
You're a gentle one, said she
In my heart I'd be glad
If you loved me for me

You say your love is true
And I hope that it will be

I'd be sure, if I knew
That you loved me for me

Could I be the one you're seeking?
Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking?
My eyes will give you clues

What you see may be deceiving
Truth lies underneath the skin

Hope will blossum by believing

The heart that lies within

I'll be yours
Together we shall always be as one
If you love me for me

Who can say where we'll go
Who can promise what will be
But I'll stay by your side
I'll be yours
Together we shall always
Be as one

If you love me for me
If you love me for me

7 Written In Your Heart
Written In Your Heart
And you're always free to begin again
And you're always free to believe
When you find the place
That your heart belongs
You'll never leave

You and I will always be
Celebrating life together
I know I have found a friend forever more
Love is like a melody
One that I will always treasure
Courage is the key that opens every door

Though you may not know
Where your gifts may lead
And it may not show at the start
When you live your dreams
You'll find destiny
Is written in your heart

Though you may not know
Where your gifts may lead
And it may not show at the start
When you live your dream
You'll find destiny
Is written in your heart

SHINE [3:08]

There's a place you can go
Where your heart is free
There's a rhythm
That's right for your soul

Take a breath, find your courage
And make the leap
Cause your feet always know where to go

And you dance and you dance in an endless flow
In the grace of a perfect design
Stepping out of the dark and into the glow
And the whole world will see when you(We) shine
You (We) can shine (shine)
Shine (shine)

There's a beauty already inside of you
There's a difference that only you can make
Every place that you spin brings you somewhere new
Finding hope every step that you take

Repeat [Chorus]

Suddenly sparkling bright (shine)
Making a magical light (shine)
You will (shine)
Sisters are there by your side
Love will be your guide

Repeat [Chorus]

2.Princess Destiny

1.Brie Larson - Hope Has Wings

1.swan lake

2.Leslie Mills - Wings

3.Spanish Dance- Carlitta's Song

4.Hungarian Dance- Ivan’s Song

1.Here On My Island
Here On My Island
Here On My Island the sea says hello
Dolphins are waving their hands wherever I go
There’ a song on the breeze
And a home in there trees

Friends I can talk with whenever I please
Here on my island the playgrounds are great
Slide every slide and you don’ have to wait
There’ so much to be seen
From our new trampoline
Finding adventure’ our daily routine

Birds and bananas
And comfy cabanas
And shell covered vases to fill
coconut glasses
And mint with molasses
And pineapple patties to grill
Here On My Island there’s nothing but fun
Vine you can swing from A nap in the sun
There are mud pies to make
There are branches to shake
Treasures await any road that you take.
I'll take the high path
And I'll take the low path
And I'll take the path through the sky
I'll jump the river
And I'll climb the mountain
And I'll stay here guarding the pie

Here On Our Island the days are a dream
Hanging together we
work as a team
And the magic extends through our family of friends
Here On Our Island the fun never ends!

2.A Brand New Shore

3.Right Here In My Arms: Greenhouse
Right Here In My Arms (Reunion)
Sun goes down and we are here together
Fire flies glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me and you can dream forever
Right Here In My Arms to night
Sounds of day
Fade a way
Stars begin to climb
Me lo dies
Me lo dies
Fill the breeze
Fill the breeze
Sweeter all the time
Sweeter all the time
Sun goes down and we are
My love here together is always
Fire flies glow like a with you whether
thousand charms near or far
Stay with me and you can
How sweet dream for ever
to hold you
Right Here In My Arms to night
Right Here In My Arms to night

4.I Need To Know
I Need To Know
Where is the land I come from?
Who lives where I was born?
Why do my memories start with a Storm?
What if I have a family?
Somewhere beyond the sea?
Could there be some one there missing me?
Tell me why I'm not sleeping and
my heart is leaping inside me?
Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide?
Why does he look through circles?
Why does he hide his feet?
Why do I feel so shy when we meet?
Is this the tree he sleeps in?
What can he see from there?
Could there be new horizons to share?
These questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me
What are these feelings I feel when he's here by my side?
I Need To Know answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can't tell what's waiting
Still I need to go
I Need To Know

Isn' t she just amazing?
Daring and bold and sure.
Diferent from girls that i've ever met before.
Do you think she like me?
How do I look tonight?
I just want everything to be right?
All these questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me
What are these feelings I feel when she's here by my side?
I Need To Know answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can't tell what's waiting
Sill I need to go
I Need To Know

5.At The Ball

6.Always More
Always More
Every body is born to care
It's some thing we were
meant to share
Not to keep to ourselves all alone
If we make room for
some one new
Doesn't mean that there's
less for you
only means that our
circle has grown
Love knows
Love grows
Bigger than before
In your heart
always more
It's magic
The more you give it a way
The more love comes back to you
every day
You are my
Teak and
I am your Ro
Always for
ever where
ever we go
Love knows
Love grows
Bigger than before.
In your heart
always more
always more







(ˇˍˇ) 正在找........

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商河县18562099412: 芭比公主之时尚童话里的所有歌曲 -
勇轰沙严: 《get your sparkle on》《life is a fairytale》《anoth开场曲:Tiffany Giardina 的 《A Fashion Fairytale》er me

商河县18562099412: 求芭比系列的所有歌曲,片尾片头和插曲. -
勇轰沙严: 系列电影1 童话公主系列1.《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》(Barbie in the Nutcracker)2001年:这一部共有七首音乐,都是柴可夫斯基的胡桃夹子舞曲.2.《芭比之长发公主》(Barbie as Rapunzel) 2002年:Rapunzel Theme(片头曲,...

商河县18562099412: 有芭比动画片的歌名吗? -
勇轰沙严: 在芭比之真假公主中中,有这些歌曲: 1.Free 2.How Can I Refuse 3.I Am A Girl Like You 4. To Be A Princess 5. The Cats Meow 6.If You Love Me For Me 7.Written In Your Heart在芭比之十二芭蕾舞公主中,有这些曲子: 1. Cassidy Ladden - ...

商河县18562099412: 芭比公主里有什么歌?
勇轰沙严: 多了,像钻石城堡的[心相连],真假公主的[飞]森林公主的[就在我的岛上]时尚奇迹的[生活是一个奇迹]......

商河县18562099412: 求芭比公主系列的歌曲名字,不要网址 -
勇轰沙严: 长发公主的片尾曲 Constant As the Stars Above “Wish upon a star” By Samantha Mumba 芭比之真假公主 Written in Your Heart 芭比之森林公主 Here on my island Right Here In My Arms I Need To Know At the Ball Always More Right Here in My...

商河县18562099412: 芭比公主的歌有哪些 -
勇轰沙严: always more,森林公主插曲 i am a girl love you 真假公主 at the ball森林公主 上网页看看

商河县18562099412: 芭比公主系列里的所有插曲有谁知道? -
勇轰沙严: 《芭比之胡桃夹子》 《芭比之长发公主》 《芭比之天鹅湖》 《芭比之奇幻日记》 《芭比之真假公主》 《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》 《芭比之魔幻飞马之旅》 《芭比之梦幻仙境--彩虹仙子》 《芭比之梦幻仙境--人鱼仙子》 《芭比之梦幻仙境--魔法彩虹》

商河县18562099412: 求芭比公主动画片里所有的歌曲,多谢了! -
勇轰沙严: <<真假公主>>--"I am a Girl Like You" http://www.megancavallari.com/mp3/animsongs/girl_like_you.mp3 试听页面:http://www.megancavallari.com/mp3/animsongs/girl_like_you.html 《Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper 》 专辑歌词:http://...

商河县18562099412: 芭比系列的动画片的歌曲~! -
勇轰沙严: 森林公主 1.就在我的岛上 (here on my Island) 2.在我的臂弯中 (right here in my arms) [在我的臂弯中——温室 (right here in my arms—greenhouse)] 3.一个新大陆 (a brand new shore) 4.我要知道 (I need to know) 5.爱是给人民的 (...

商河县18562099412: 芭比公主里面所有的歌曲名字都是什么?
勇轰沙严: 我也超喜欢看芭比电影呢! 在这个网址上有很多: http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/bsongs.html 可能不全,但我觉得还是不错的,哦,顺便给你一个新的芭比电影网址,芭比之钻石城堡,里面也有很多歌曲: http://tieba.baidu.com/%B0%C5%B1%C8/shipin/play/0d3831326961d63cb30715be/ 在9月9日推出 在11月4日,还要出芭比之圣诞颂歌,里面也有歌曲,简介与图片: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=437809372

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