
作者&投稿:滕径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am sure Mr Green is interested in Cihinese traditional festivals.Bill wants to know if they are going to watch the dragon boat race.She is very afraid of becoming fat\/She is very afraid of gaining weight.Mr Chen didn't tell us whether he had been to Beijing.Some students ...

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版
平遥古城遥古城始建于西周宣王时期(前 827一前782)自公元前221年,秦实行“郡县制”以来,平遥城一直是县治所在地,一直延续至今。平遥古城历尽沧桑,但自明清以来的六白多年间,平遥城市面积和布局基本末变,成为迄今为止国内保存最完整的一座明清时期的古代县城.The_ity_all_tretches_or_bout_ix_ilometers.The_own...

介绍平遥旅游景点英语作文 介绍旅游景点英语作文高中

从克18157726251问: this is a tread on chinese traditional culture 这句话用的对吗?这是对传统文化的一种践踏 用的对吗 这个句子?我是这个意思哦 hehe -
海阳市苯磺回答:[答案] 如果你想要表达的是“这是对传统文化的践踏”这个意思的话,建议使用“trample”来替换“tread”,这样比较合适. This is a trample on Chinese traditional culture.

从克18157726251问: 草字头加门加住读什么 -
海阳市苯磺回答: 蔺lìn 中文解释 - 英文翻译蔺的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释部首笔画部首:艹 部外笔画:11 总笔画:14五笔86:AUWY 五笔98:AUWY 仓颉:TLSG笔顺编号:12242532411121 四角号码:44227 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+853A基本...

从克18157726251问: Trample是什么意思 -
海阳市苯磺回答: 语法标注解释 trample英音:['træmpl]美音:['træmp!] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 及物动词 vt.1. 踩,践踏;蹂躏[(+down)] He was trampled to death by an elephant. 他被一只大象踩死. 2. 蔑视;伤害[(+down)] trample down the law ...

从克18157726251问: 英语作文chinese traditions -
海阳市苯磺回答: Chinese traditions play an integral role in everyday life for every person.It is at the very core of Chinese culture and revolves around values and how people interact with each other,gives a sense of personal identity and sense of self worth.These ...

从克18157726251问: 中国人是用Chinese 还是the Chinese Chinese 加is还是are -
海阳市苯磺回答: 1、中国人可以说Chinese 也可以说the Chinese people 但是你说的the Chinese就不对了 2、is和are都可以用,因为Chinese本身就是一个单数和复数形式相同的单词,要具体分析你当时说的句子中的Chinese是单数还是复数,单数用is复数用are

从克18157726251问: 为什么 Chinese做中文讲的时候不加the,做中国人讲得时候经常加the.这有规律么?这个规律是不是与专有名词有关?(Chinese是专有名词呀) -
海阳市苯磺回答:[答案] 这是固定用语,the Chinese中国人 the + 形容词这一语法,表示...的人,比如the old the young.

从克18157726251问: chinese(中国人)后面谓语动词用单数还是复数 -
海阳市苯磺回答: 译文是:中文人民正努力把国家建设成一个美丽的国家. 指所有的人 所以选D B.C首先从语法上来看就不对、

从克18157726251问: Chinese译为中文时.前要加the吗? -
海阳市苯磺回答:[答案] 1. 答案:Chinese = the Chinese language 2. 即:如单独用Chinese表示“汉语”,不用加the; 但是如果其后有language的话,则其前必须加上the.

从克18157726251问: chinese customs帮忙写5条中国的传统习俗..用英语 -
海阳市苯磺回答:[答案] There are many habits and customs that are particular to China and Chinese people.Because of the powerful influence that China as exerted on neighboring cultures,some of these customs are echoed in other Asian peoples- including Japanese and ...

从克18157726251问: 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,在中国也有众多的风俗习惯.请根据以下提示,以“Chinese Customs”为题,写一篇文章,介绍一下中国的某些风俗习惯.提... -
海阳市苯磺回答:[答案] Chinese CustomsChina is a country with a long history so it has many customs.When we meet somebody it's important for us to shake hands with each other. It is used to show a warm and friendly welcome and respect to the other person. If somebody ...

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