
作者&投稿:歧绿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

叶要18751711663问: My granny has lived in Beijing for about forty years.(76)___has seen the changes in Beijing herself.In the 1960s,the  (77)___(... -
城阳区连翘回答:[答案] 答案:76.She 考查人称代词 此处在句中作主语,根据前一句可知,此处指的是我的奶奶;故用 考查固定短语 living conditions指的是:居...

叶要18751711663问: Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son   16   to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that her husband lost his job. ... -
城阳区连翘回答:[答案]【小题1】C 【小题2】A 【小题3】B 【小题4】D 【小题5】A 【小题6】B 【小题7】B 【小题8】D 【小题9】C 【小题10】A 【小题11】B 【小题12】C 【小题13】B 【小题14】D 【小题15】A

叶要18751711663问: To our surprise, the 60 - year - old grannydriver eventually and drives well. -
城阳区连翘回答:[选项] A. became B. has become C. turned D. has turned

叶要18751711663问: 英语翻译30个单词左右!"Oh,Granny,please stay with me."said the little girl."I miss you very much..."Her grandma smiled at her.(后面的请各位前别帮帮... -
城阳区连翘回答:[答案] "She would like to warm themselves about ... ..." people say. Who do not know how she had seen a beautiful thing, how happy she was, together with her grandmother and to the happiness of New Year.

叶要18751711663问: 完成对话.Jim:Good morning,Granny.(91)___Granny:I have a cough all the time.Jim:(92)___Granny:I've been like this since last week.Jim:... -
城阳区连翘回答:[答案] 91.What's wrong with you?考查句子的理解和上下文的联系,根据下一句:我一直咳嗽,可知此处应该是:你怎么了,故填What's wrong with you?. 92.How long have you been like this?考查句子的理解和上下文的联系,根据下一句:从上个星期开始...

叶要18751711663问: ebay如何像国外发货?走邮政吗,本人想开店
城阳区连翘回答: 加拿大,荷兰邮政、国际专线.除了ebay外,到美国的话EUB是最便宜的(80元kg+7元件挂号费):提前备货至海外仓、德,海外仓已经成为跨境电商的标配和趋势.

叶要18751711663问: 刚做亚马逊,发货有哪些方式?是不是一定要做FBA?如果要做,怎么才能 -
城阳区连翘回答: 如果是亚马逊平台,物流方式就两种方式,一种是MFN自发货,一种是FBA仓储物流,亚马逊平台通过倾斜流量的方法,让更多的卖家选择FBA服务,不过FBA服务选择前还是要保证产品销量,不然滞销成本就比较高了,退回中国也很麻烦....

叶要18751711663问: ebay国外贸易成本费用问题 -
城阳区连翘回答: 上面回答有很多错误信息,所以我来说明一下:在美国ebay的收费情况:登陆商品:一口价:Books, Music, DVDs & Movies, Video Games*收取$0.15,其他收取$0.35;拍的价格很多种,物品种类不同登陆价格不同收取登录费不同:$0.01 ...

叶要18751711663问: 写一篇英语短文 70词左右 -
城阳区连翘回答: it was eight-thirty at night, i was in my room working on my school assignments. my father and brother were outside in the living room playing international chess. my mother was watching her favourite movie next to them. My granny was listening to ...

叶要18751711663问: 十大跨境电商erp排行榜是怎样的? -
城阳区连翘回答: 目前市面上的跨境电商erp服务商众多,常见的有积加、易仓、船长、领星、马帮、店小秘、胜途、通途等,希望可以帮助你提供一定参考.一、亚马逊一站式管理 积加erp积加erp注重数据全面获取后,卖家可选择自己需要的数据进行分析,更...

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