
作者&投稿:希瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in the cross hairs是什么意思
in the cross hairs 在十字架上 in the cross hairs 在十字架上

cross-hairs的意思 十字准线(cross-hair的复数)网络释义 十字线; 叉丝 The Christian community has come into the militants' cross-hairs.认真答题,确保正确,放心采纳

The rug was covered with cat hairs. 地毯上净是猫毛。2.having the type of hair mentioned 有…毛发(或头发)的 dark-haired 黑发的 long-haired 长发的 Alternate: -haired 3.a thing that looks like a fine thread growing on the leaves and stems of some plants (植物叶茎上的)...

split hairs是什么意思?

If possible,I would like to help you comb white hairs.什么意思?

hair smooth essence professional 专业头发柔顺精华 .--- 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

be caught in the cross hairs什么意思

可数名词可以根据数量变化为单数或复数形式,如:book-books, child-children, mouse-mice等。不可数名词通常没有数量变化,但有时也可以用复数形式表示不同种类或不同方面,如:water-waters, hair-hairs等。2、外来变化 某些外来语中的名词可以根据原语的规则变化为复数形式,如:datum-data, criterion...

中文意思“bow rehairs”“damp-its”“so that about does it for...
bow rehairs低头 damp-its 潮湿 so that about does it for now 现在就去做什么事 college audition学院试听 placement exams就业考试


革试18867824384问: chairs是什么意思 -
平桥区力多回答: chairs 椅子 双语对照 词典结果:chairs n.椅子( chair的名词复数 ); 大学教授职位; 主持会议的主席(的席位或职位); 以上结果 例句:1.Why do hard chairs increase rigidity in negotiations? 为什么坐硬材质的椅子会增加谈判僵化的可能性?

革试18867824384问: Chairs是什么意思
平桥区力多回答: 椅子

革试18867824384问: 20套桌椅英语怎么说 -
平桥区力多回答: 20套桌椅_有道翻译 翻译结果:20 sets of desks and chairs chairs n. [家具] 椅子(chair的复数);餐椅;安乐椅更多释义>> Chairs 椅子,安乐椅,餐椅 Musical chairs 音乐椅,音乐椅,抢椅子 Windsor Chairs 温莎椅

革试18867824384问: 英语翻译 -
平桥区力多回答:[答案] There are 10 chairs with the teacher.(教师) 是教师还是教室?如是教室,就是: There are 10 chairs in the classroom.

革试18867824384问: howmanychairs什么意思 -
平桥区力多回答: how many chairs几把椅子Go and see how many chairs we have in that classroom, but don't countin the broken ones. 去看看那个教室里有多少把椅子,不过坏的不要算进去.

革试18867824384问: musical chairs是什么意思 -
平桥区力多回答: musical chairs n. 抢座位游戏; [网络] 抢座位; 抢椅子; 抢椅游戏; [例句]That is the chapter that has a lot of nonsense about musical chairs, beauty contests, and the seasonality of ice prices.在这一章中,充满了抢座位游戏、选美比赛、冰块价格随季节变动等乌七八糟的内容.

革试18867824384问: He asked me how many chairs there are in the terms.为什么用are不用were? -
平桥区力多回答: ask 用过去式是表示问的动作已经发生.从句中用are不用were的原因是椅子的数目不会随着时间的变化而变.现在的数目和提问时的数目是一样...

革试18867824384问: ---Have you got everything ready for the meeting?---Not yet.We need_______.A.more three chairs B.three other chairs C.three more chairs D.another three ... -
平桥区力多回答:[答案] C.three more chairs 意思是 你们为会议做好准备了吗?还没,我们还需要三个席位/三把椅子. 至于如何翻译chairs要看上下文,没有上下文两种翻译都对

革试18867824384问: Icanseesomechairs什么意思
平桥区力多回答: 你好,I can see some chairs.这句话的意思是“我看到有一些椅子”

革试18867824384问: let+is++clean++the+++desks++and++chairs是甚么意思 -
平桥区力多回答: 这个句子错了,中间is应改成us,改过后是让我们打扫桌椅.现在这个句子是不通顺的,let后没有宾语,is是系动词,clean是行动动词(实意动词),1个句子中两个谓语.

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