
作者&投稿:字琬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

captain of my soul什么意思
Captain Of My Soul是Rita Redshoes的歌 掌控我的灵魂 《Captain Of My Soul》歌词:I'm the captain of my soul I'm the captain of my soul I ain't got no mercy for my bones I will sail my ocean all alone It's true I saw sirens I saw ghosts And all the children In my...

他是tfboys的队长. 翻译
He is the captain of Tfboys或者he is tfboys's captain 或者he is the team leader of tfboys's

"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." These...
翻译是:“我是自己命运的主宰,我是我灵魂的掌舵者。”这些话出自一个有名的诗人。这是William Ernest Henley 曾写下的有警世意味的名句。希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O

-The captain(船长)of the Sewol ferry(岁月号)hardly do anything...
D 试题分析:句意:岁月号的船长几乎没做什么来帮助渡轮上的乘客,对吗?对,所以超过二百人在事故中失去了他们的生命。反意疑问句是英语四大问句之一,它是由一个陈述句加上一个短问句而构成的。反意疑问句的基本构成形式是:陈述句+动词(肯定或否定)+主语? 使用反意疑问句要注意以下若干对应规...

改错题Zhou was made the captain of the school footba
Zhou was made the captain of the school football team 把the 去掉,变成:Zhou was made captain of the school football team.周同学被任命为校足球队队长 解释:来自made sb. sth. 认命某人为什么。变被动后,保留宾语,前不需加定冠词,因主动式没有定冠词。

不同的派系的军衔不一样...先说好人的吧 刚铎:Commoner of Gondor Soldier of Gondor Sergeant of Gondor Knight of Gondor Tower Guard of Gondor Citadel Knight of Gondor Steward's Guard of Gondor Captain of Gondor Champion of Gondor Hero of Gondor 罗翰:Ceorl, Commoner of Rohan Thain...

在上周,我作为我们学校足球队的队长,带领球队拿到了冠军,我们都非常开心,我相信我一定能成为一名出色的球员和你一样。希望有机会能去参观你们的俱乐部,到现场去看你们的比赛,那将一定会是一次很棒的经历。I led the team and won the first place as leader of our school footbal team last ...

His ___ as captain of the football team lies in his ability to ga...
B 试题分析:考查名词。A体重,重任,重要性;B力量;C精力;D平衡。句意:他作为足球队队长的重要性在于他有能力赢得队友的尊敬。根据句意说明B正确。

人教版初一英语(下册)第七,八,九单元短语 Unit 7 1.look like看起来像 2.short\/curly\/long\/straight hair短(卷、长、直)发 3.medium height中等高度,中等个子 4.medium build中等体型,中等身材 of 具有,具备,属于 6.the captain of the basketball team篮球队队长 7.a little ...

He was made___captain of the space ship during the visit in...
答案应该是D make: to give someone a new job or position in a group, organization etc. 任命某人为……make sb captain \/leader: 任命某人为船长\/队长等 (固定搭配) in space在宇宙中 (固定搭配)e.g. There are many different kinds of stars in the space在...空间里 We ...

夷芬17314986867问: captain作为队长的意思时 前面要不要加the? -
离石区紫舒回答: 指具体某个人且作主语时要加,如:The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard. 轮船正在下沉,船长向海岸巡逻队发出闪光信号求救.如果是统称,就不要加the了,如:A captain commands a company or battery. 一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连.不作主语时就要看情况了,如:The sailors are asked to take their positions by their captain. 船长要求水手们各就各位.

夷芬17314986867问: 英语职位前面需要加冠词吗 -
离石区紫舒回答: 视情况而定.表示独一无二的职位在用作表语或宾语补足语时通常不用冠词.说“通常不用”,说明“有时也可能用”.比如下面的句子: 1. They picked Jane as the captain. 他们选了简做队长.(《牛津英语搭配词典》pick词条) 2. She's (the) captain of the school hockey team. 她是学校曲棍球队的队长.(《朗文当代英语大辞典(英英·英汉双解)》captain词条)

夷芬17314986867问: he is captain of the team 为什么辅导书上说没有说captain前面不加the -
离石区紫舒回答: 因为 captain 是属于头衔、职位之类的词,所以前面不加定冠词the

夷芬17314986867问: the captain of是什么意思?
离石区紫舒回答: ……的头儿、老大.

夷芬17314986867问: it+is+captain+of+the+vomit+comet是甚么意思
离石区紫舒回答: 译:是呕吐彗星的机长.【ps】:“vomit comet”呕吐彗星,1种从高处突然俯冲而下模仿自由落体的飞机,宇航员会感觉到人在零重力环境中所有的恶心感,是美国宇航局对零重力飞机的昵称.希望帮到楼主(*^__^*)

夷芬17314986867问: as captain of the team头衔为什么不加the,this is the chairman of 为什么加the -
离石区紫舒回答:[答案] 恰好相反,as the captain of the team 要加this is the chairman of 不要加.表示头衔,职位的词,如captain,chairman president 等如果作表语,同位语,主语补足语,前面不用冠词,其他场合没有此限制此句 this is chairma...

夷芬17314986867问: captain是什么意思? -
离石区紫舒回答: KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 陆军上尉;海军上校;【美】空军上尉 2. 船长;舰长;(飞机的)机长 The captain refused to leave his sinking ship. 船长拒绝离开正在下沉的船. 3. (运动队的)队长;领队 Richard is the captain of the football team. 理查德是这个橄榄球队的队长. 4. (团体的)首领 vt. 1. 担任队长、统帅、指挥 He will captain the basketball team next season. 他将在下个赛季担任该篮球队的队长.

夷芬17314986867问: she is captain of the school team的captain前面为什么不加a -
离石区紫舒回答:[答案] 在英语中,表示头衔、职位的名词前不加冠词. captain 队长,是一个职务,所以不加 a.

夷芬17314986867问: she is captain of the school team的captain前面为什么不加a -
离石区紫舒回答: 在英语中,表示头衔、职位的名词前不加冠词.captain 队长,是一个职务,所以不加 a.

夷芬17314986867问: captain 前用冠词吗 -
离石区紫舒回答: 如果作表语,宾补, 同位语就不要 The captain is very tall. He was made captain. They elected him captain. I know the captain very well.

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