
作者&投稿:康富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

典范英语6 13翻译快快快
‘I can’t help sailing in here,’ the Captain told her. ‘Why not?’ Ernie asked. ‘There’s just me on board!’ said the Captain. ‘I can’t sail her alone, so I have to go where she blows. I just wish she’d blow in here more often. Then I could hunt for my treasure...

I will go.我就去。攻击 Checking designs.检查方案。 Examining diagrams.检验图表。 * 磁暴步兵回应 Tesla suit ready!磁暴服装穿好! Extra crispy.非常易碎。[猜的] Charging up.充能中。 Electrodes ready!电极就绪! Checking connection.检查连接。移动 Going to source.去发源地。[猜的] Yes comrade.是的...

Captain Price:Have to found us some transport?Soap:I'm working on it.Out.Captain Price:Incoming!Look out!Follow me!Into the woods!Let's go,let's go!Slow domn.Their vehicles can't follow us this far.Let them pass.Looks like they're searching for us.Dog patrol.Three man ...

the extraterrestrial alien invasion Blue Moon Blue Moon is in the headquarters of the ultra-luxurious hall, press the button after watching the game world. Deep 六chiigoaovannen before leaving destruction dinosaur era asteroids. It is their present and the introduction of the Blue Moon...

I will go.我就去。攻击Checking designs.检查方案。Examining diagrams.检验图表。 *磁暴步兵回应Tesla suit ready!磁暴服装穿好!Extra crispy.非常易碎。[猜的]Charging up.充能中。Electrodes ready!电极就绪!Checking connection.检查连接。移动Going to source.去发源地。[猜的]Yes comrade.是的,同志。Surging ...

1、Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.老师:谁能回到我下一个问题,谁就可以回家了。One boy throws his bag out the window.一个小男孩把书包扔到窗外。Teacher: who just threw that?!老师:谁刚刚把书包扔出去了?Boy: Me! I’m going home now.男孩:我!我现在要...

go up 爆炸hail of gun fire 一阵枪击hand—to—hand combat 肉搏,白刃战helicopter—borne 直升机载的hit and run 打了就跑的战术home—made 自制的house—to—house fighting 巷战hunt down 穷追猛打identification of friend or foe (飞机)敌我识别incursion 进入,侵人,袭击 infiltrate 渗透infiltration 渗透...

We'll take our leave and go She had not been two weeks from shore When down on her a right whale bore The captain called all hands and swore He'd take that whale in tow(Huh!)Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is ...

The finest man among them, whom Ali Baba took to be their captain, went a little way among some bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" so plainly that Ali Baba heard him.A door opened in the rocks, and having made the troop go in, he followed them, and the door shut again of itself...

个人档案 英文名:CLARK GABLE 1901年2月1日出生于美国俄亥俄州。他是三十年代好莱坞最著名的男明星,1932年,一 部《红色的尘土》使他得以跻身十位最叫座的明星之列。此后《一夜风流》、《乱世佳 人》更使他在影视界足以有个立足之地。1938年,他还被加冕为电影皇帝。他是好莱坞 一个神话式的人物...

鲍姜15255868695问: Captain Goodfellow是什么意思 -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答:人称“老好人/好好先生”的队长/船长/舰长/陆军上尉 或译为人名“古德费洛船长”

鲍姜15255868695问: captaingoodfellow是什么意思 -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: captain good fellow 船长好同伴 fellow [英][ˈfeləʊ][美][ˈfeloʊ] n.同伴; 男子; (大学的)研究员; (某些学院或大学的)董事; adj.同伴的; 同事的; 同类的; 同情况的; vt.使…与另一个对等; 使…与另一个匹敌; 复数:fellows

鲍姜15255868695问: Captain Good Fellow什么意思 ?急!!谢谢 -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: 古德费洛船长 good Fellow 有好人的意思,但此处应当作为人名翻译

鲍姜15255868695问: captain good fellow是什么意思 -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: captain good fellow 意思是:队长好人

鲍姜15255868695问: 英语翻译, -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: 古德费洛船长,good fellow 好伙伴的意思,但是既然Captain在前,这里只能作为名字,切首字母都要大写 Captain Good Fellow

鲍姜15255868695问: captain good fellow 翻译
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: 【翻译】(那个)人称“老好人/好好先生”的队长/船长/机长/舰长/陆军上尉. 【说明】这种类似captian用职务、头衔开头的称呼,后面的名词是当成类似“姓氏”对待的,也就是用于“定性”和“区别”的,类似的有Miss World(世界小姐)、Avatar The Game(游戏版阿凡达)、King Arthur(名叫Arthur的国王,亚瑟王,类似的还有李尔王、希律王等等译法)、King Kong(名叫Kong的猩猩王,金刚) .其实这种用法在古汉语中也非常常见,比如,“庖丁解牛”这个成语中的“庖丁”就是“姓丁的屠夫或厨师”,“史迁”就是写历史的那个“司马迁”...

鲍姜15255868695问: captain good fellow怎么翻译?? -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答: 船长好人

鲍姜15255868695问: 请教一道初二的英语题的答法~~~~~~~~~~~急!~~~~~~~~~如果一篇阅读里介绍了几家店:Captain Goodfellow;Movies at the Museum;International Picnic;... -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答:[答案] 加不加都可以,但最好还是加,答案 比较完整些.

鲍姜15255868695问: 求英语大神填词When we came out of the tunnel,we were in a forest.“Now we can light a fire,” Captain Good said.“We have something to burn.It will be ... -
酉阳土家族苗族自治县四妙回答:[答案] 1.until 2.wasting 3.depended 4.peace 5.whenever 7.strangers 8.magic 9.handed

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