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单词:able和capable的各自的词性 和他们的区别、用法详细说下
able adj 形容词 聪明的,强调某人拥有身体,智力,金钱,时间和机会等方面的优势。有固定搭配,be able to do something capable adj 形容词,译为有能力的,能干的。 也有固定搭配be capable of doing something,capable还可以单独使用形容某人有能力有才干。比如说 She is a capable manager. 她是...

capable able competent 三个词的用法区别···
这组词均含有“有能力”的意思。capable 强调有适合做某事的才能,如适应能力、应变能力,尤指处理实际工作的能力,常用于be capable of这一词组中。able 指具有明显地超出平均水平的能力,常用于be able to do结构中。competent 意为“胜任的,称职的”,指具有满足专门行业要求的能力。如:H...

mbar:[词典]【医】【=millibar(unit of pressure)】毫巴(压力单位);[例句]At seasonal time scales, GRACE gravity is capable to detect land water change less than 1 cm or change in oceanic bottom pressure less than 1 mbar.在季节性时间尺度上,利用GRACE重力场反演的质量重新分布足以揭示...

英语的问题 在线等 尽快 谢谢
1. Nothing is (impossible不可能的) if you put your heart into it 2. It (seemed 好像)that she got bored. She didn’t want to do it over and over again 3. In spring, you can see flowers come out (everywhere到处)4. We (humans 人类)should be good to animals 5. ...

capable 和 competent 的区别
capable 和 competent 的区别:一、含义不同 1、capable adj. 能力 例句:Not everyone is capable of judging art.译文:并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺术的能力。2、competent adj. 胜任 例句:Is Mary competent as a teacher?译文:玛丽胜任教师的工作吗?二、词汇搭配不同 1、capable hardly ...


He turns around to have seen that had no way with that umbrella woman yesterday. 6. Very dangerous old Peter who goes fishing likes to go fishing , he only is capable to do the drive to country while he has idle time , looks for a place a, and then having spent several go fishing...

be able to 等于be 什么 of
当be able to解释为能够做某事的时候,can=be able to (can只有原形can和过去式could,其他时态要用be able to)eg. We'll be able to see him next week. (一般将来时)He has been able to swim. (现在完成时)--- 当be able to表示“(过去)成功做”时,be able to=manage(d) t...

② able一般用于褒义或正面意义;capable则是中性的。③ able一般用于有生命的人或动物;capable则可以用于无生命的事物。④ able一般只暂时现象;capable可指经常性现象。⑤ able尽指主动地做某事的能力;capable优势可指被动的承受能力或适应能力。⑵be able to 和 can 都有“能”的意思。区别在于:①...

they have formed their own opinion of it and have thought about love in depth. Thus, college students are capable to love someone. They love and they wish to keep their love. There are many examples that campus love can last long.The most convincing example that makes me believ...

戏狄17182362720问: 关于capable 有be capable of doing something 那be capable to do是对的用法吗? -
港北区欣坤回答: 是对的,有这种用法. 比如:When do you think I'd be capable to purchase a house?

戏狄17182362720问: 什么动词后面可以加to do -
港北区欣坤回答: 很多啊,基本上都是吧,除了加ING的.like, intend,forget,rememer.stop,.... 加ing 的才比较少些,这需记住,如下:下列动词或词组后面都可以接doing: admit 承认 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 complete完成 consider认为 delay 耽误deny 否认 ...

戏狄17182362720问: be capable of of后面是doing,还是do -
港北区欣坤回答: be capable of of后面是doing of是介词,介词后面的动词形式都是动名词 例如: These kind of breakthroughs are now revolutionizing what scientists now know of these distant planets, and could in upcoming decades be capable of finding signs of life. 此类突破进展如今正在革新科学家对这些遥远行星的认识,在接下来的几十年内可能将能够发现生命迹象.

戏狄17182362720问: 关于able 和 capable的比较? -
港北区欣坤回答: able,capable 这一对词都是形容词,又都含有“能够”、“能干”之意,但涵义和使用场合有所不同,大致有如下几点区别: (一)在用作定语表示“能干的”意味时,able所描述的范围较概括,capable所描述的范围较专注,因为前者指某人...

戏狄17182362720问: be capable with doing有这种用法吗 -
港北区欣坤回答: 没有,只有:be capable capable of +doing.

戏狄17182362720问: capable of doing sth 为什么可以直接在句子后面呢 -
港北区欣坤回答:[答案] 你是问这一类的句子吧:He is a student capable of solving difficult math problems. 或 He is capable of solving difficult math problems. 这是因为: 1. 这个短语中的 capable 是一个形容词,因此整个短语是一个形容词性的短语 2. 所以这类短语可以做表...

戏狄17182362720问: 求be capable of 的用法 -
港北区欣坤回答:[答案] 有能力做某事be capable of doing这些强盗能够做出很草率的事情.【英文对比翻译】 Chinese Style:These thugs are quite capable to do really hasty things.American Style:These thugs are quite capable of doi...

戏狄17182362720问: be capable of doing是什么意思 -
港北区欣坤回答: be capable of doing 能够做 双语例句1 But it remains unknown what the 33-year-old player will be capable of doing.但是仍然充满疑问的是这名33岁的老球员有能力去做多少.

戏狄17182362720问: be capable of be able toRT他们俩区别在哪里? -
港北区欣坤回答:[答案] be capable of + noun (doing) be able to + verb ( do)

戏狄17182362720问: 英语中那些单词后面加to do和加doing所表达的意思差别较大 -
港北区欣坤回答: admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to no good no use be fond of look forward to be proud of be busy can't help be tired of be capable of be afraid of think of burst out keep on insist on count on set about put off be ...

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