
作者&投稿:锻肯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对的。My CD Player keep making oddness sounds.

who would have guessed in a million years 是 “完全不可能猜想”的意思。An otter in disgrace 可能是个双关语。 “utter disgrace" 是 “绝对的耻辱”; “otter” 是 “獭”,但是 utter 和 otter 发音相近, daughter 和 utter 押韵。 An otter in disgrace 是 “丢人的獭” 吧。

译 We told her not to utter a single word lef t surprised

1.I am always tongue-tied in public.或者说细点点 I am always tongue-tied as long as I make a public address\/speech.2.He never utter an opposed word.反对的话有很多种表达,但这种表达与utter连用较好好,我们一般用utter a word来表示说话。3.He always share the tips of learning ...

Mother uttered a half-choked cry, as though a corpse had entered the room. I ran toward the old woman and helped her unload her buddle. She was even thinner now, more bent. She could not utter a clear word, but mumbled something with her sunken mouth and pale lips. After the old ...

求翻译 交给老师一个发布过的poem
i gave a published poem to my teacher

Overhear a chat: the first person to utter provocative, instigating others to become tools and pieces, so that they become a joke by others chat information.Part of the novel translated into English, please

来个大神帮忙翻译几个句子 句式用的简单一些哈 1我们选他当班长2我妈妈...
our class.2我妈妈鼓励我更好的工作 Mother encouraged me to work hard.3他像孩子似得突然大哭起来 He burst out crying as a child.4我想他不是中国人就是日本人 I think he is either a Chinese or a Japanese.5老师告诉学生不要说话 The teacher told the students not to talk\/utter....

莫泊桑 项链 原文
She uttered a cry of joy:"True! I never thought of it."The next day she went to her friend and told her of her distress.Madame Forestier went to a wardrobe with a mirror, took out a large jewel box, brought it back, opened it and said to Madame Loisel:"Choose, my dear."She ...

请高手翻译一下句子No sooner had i uttered the words than i coul...

丁泽15387265260问: butter的中文意思是什么? -
呼图壁县五味回答: 名词 n. [U]1. 奶油 2. 像奶油的食品;酱 3. 【口】奉承话,甜言蜜语 及物动词 vt. 1. 涂奶油于,以奶油调味 Please butter my bread. 请给我的面包涂上奶油. 2. 以花言巧语讨好[(+up)]

丁泽15387265260问: butter中文什么意思 -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter 英[ˈbʌtə(r)] 美[ˈbʌtɚ] n. 黄油; 黄油状的食品; 奉承话; 焊膏; vt. 抹黄油于…上; 用黄油煎食物; 讨好; [例句]Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl. 把熔化的黄油倒在一个搅拌用的大碗里. [其他] 第三人称单数:butters 现在分词:buttering 过去式:buttered过去分词:buttered

丁泽15387265260问: 请教,英语"butter"词语中文意思.谢谢 -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter [英]'bʌtə(r) [美]ˈbʌtɚ n. 黄油;黄油状的食品;奉承话;焊膏 vt. 抹黄油于…上;用黄油煎食物;讨好

丁泽15387265260问: 急需翻译英语单词
呼图壁县五味回答: butter ['bt] 1.n. 黄油,(旧称)白脱油2. 似黄油的东西;尤指:1) 脂,酱,泥(如果泥、菜泥等)2) 植物脂,黄油代用品3) 脂样物质(如金属的氯化物)3. [口语]谄媚,恭维(话),奉承(话),巴结(话);甜言蜜语 vt. 1. 涂黄油(或黄油...

丁泽15387265260问: butter什么意思 -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter的意思是:n. 黄油; 奶油;v. 涂黄油于;音标:英[ˈbʌtə(r)]美[ˈbʌtər][例句]Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl.把熔化的黄油倒在一个搅拌用的大碗里.[其他] 第三人称单数:butters 现在分词:buttering 过去式:buttered 过去分词:buttered

丁泽15387265260问: butter什么意思
呼图壁县五味回答: 黄油的意思

丁泽15387265260问: butter什么意思及同义词 -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter 是一个英语单词 读音以及词义如下:英[ˈbʌtə(r)] 美[ˈbʌtɚ] n. 黄油; 黄油状的食品; 奉承话; 焊膏; vt. 抹黄油于…上; 用黄油煎食物; 讨好;

丁泽15387265260问: butter中文 -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter 英-['bʌtə]美-['bʌtɚ] 释义 n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话 vt. 涂黄油于;讨好 n. (Butter)人名;(英)巴特;(德、匈)布特

丁泽15387265260问: “butter”怎么读? -
呼图壁县五味回答: butter的英音读作/'bʌtə(r)/,美音读作/ˈbʌtɚ/,意思是黄油,可以分为两个音节. 黄油(Butter)是用牛奶加工出来的一种固态油脂,是把新鲜牛奶加以搅拌之后上层的浓稠状物体滤去部分水分之后的产物.主要用作调味品,营养丰富但含脂...

丁泽15387265260问: butter+++butt是甚么意思?
呼图壁县五味回答:不好看的屁股= butter-butt

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