
作者&投稿:阚炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We heard the doorbell ring. 这句话是宾语从句吗?
不是的,首先hear sth\/sb do sth的意思是听见某物\/人做了某事,这是一个经典固定搭配。然后我们看看怎么把这句话改成宾语从句,hear是动词,后面的部分是宾语,如果把宾语变成宾语从句,第一件事是加个引导词that,这句话变成了We heard that the doorbell rang.可以看到ring变成了过去式rang,原因...

求 高中英语词组总结 O(∩_∩)O谢谢
struggle to do sth. 努力做某事二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事...

Ring sb. up 打电话给某人。Be proud of 以……骄傲。Be pleased with… 对……满意。Section CCare about 关心Care+从句省略aboutGet married to sb.= marry sb. 与某人结婚。关于花费:Sth. Cost sb.+钱Sb. spend+时\\钱 in、on sth.\\doing sth.It take sb\\时 to do 钱 for sth.Be...

Remind SB of。Remind v. 提醒,使(某人)想起;(因相像)使联想起;提醒,使(某人)想起 短语 remind me 来提醒我 ; 智能提醒 ; 提醒我 Remind you 提醒大家 ; 提醒你 ; 泽野弘之 remind of 提醒 ; 使想起 ; 使记起 ; 使某人回想起 同根词 词根: remind adj.remindful 提醒的;...

remind 的用法 1.remind sb. of \/ about sth. 是指“使某人想起某事;使想起……。例如:I want to remind you of the rules for school parties. 关于学校晚会, 有几个规定我想 提醒你们。2. remind sb. to do sth. 是指“提醒某人做某事”。如:例如:Please remind me to post the ...

prefer to do sth和prefer doing sth区别
重点词汇:prefer 英[prɪ'fɜ:(r)]释义:v.更喜爱,宁可;<法律>举报,提出(控告);<古>提拔(某人),提升 vi.喜欢;愿意 [第三人称单数prefers;现在分词:preferring;过去式:preferred;过去分词:preferred]短语:Gentlemen Prefer Blondes绅士爱美人;绅士喜爱金发女郎;...

1.twice a week 2.a little water 3.decorate the tree sb (to) do sth\/with sth 5.sweep the floor\/phone\/telephone\/ring\/make a phone call to me 7.wear a coat a car 9.leave Emei for Leshan 10.have an afternoon tea on the internet 12....

You are not supposed to ring on this phone. 这句英语为什么是被动...
on this phone,you are not.supposed to ring也可以。be supposes to do sth这里sth是做do的宾语 on the phone又不是宾语,所以这句话没有sth的部分 至于为什么这句话没有sth的部分,是这样的,ring是不及物动词,如果这个do表示的这个动词是及物的,要加,不及物的不加,其实所有短语都是...

八年级下册第二单元短语 八年级英语下册第二单元短语
Unit 2 What should I do?1.keep out 不准进,阻止进入 2.argue with sb.和……争吵 argue about sth.为……争吵 3.out of style 过时的,不时髦的 in style 流行的,时髦的 sb up=ring sb.up=call\/ring\/phone sb.给…..打电话 5.give sb.sth.= give sb.给某人某物...

2023专升本英语常考短语 100个重要基础句型?
97. call\/ring sb up 给某人打电话I will call you up tommow.我明天会给你打电话。98. be ready to do sth 准备好做某事We are ready to have lunch.我们准备好吃午饭。99. go doing sth 去做某事Let’s go fishing.让我们去钓鱼吧。100. prefer(doing)A to(doing)B 比起(做)B来更喜欢(做)A...

党钩15317257828问: bring 后面双宾语介词的搭配 -
巢湖市奇曼回答: 您好,在英语中,更习惯于使用楼下网友说的 bring something to somebody. 因为 bring 有一种【从被的地方给某人带来某物】的含义,而使用了介词 for 就变成了【从别的地方为某人带来某物】这种情况下,会更习惯使用 get something for somebody.【替某人带来某物】.所以常规的搭配会是:1)bring something to somebody = bing somebody something(给某人带来某物)2)get something for somebody = get somebody something(替某人带来某物)

党钩15317257828问: bring sth. to sb.还是bring sth. for sb.哪个对? -
巢湖市奇曼回答: bring/send/take/give等这类称之为“给予动词”都可以在后面加上双宾语的结构:给予动词+人+物;给予动词+物+to/for+人.for强调服务性:“为某人做”.to强调方向性:例如givethebooktome.(书是递给我的)初中阶段常见的给予动词用法有:bring/send/give/take通常加通常加forsb.你说的bringsthforsb.不常见.

党钩15317257828问: bring sth to an end是什么意思 -
巢湖市奇曼回答: bring an end to 中文释义: 结束,使完结.英语句子:1. To help completion of worthy goal,bring romance to happy ending 成人之美2. Interests are anchors, and I believe they will bring peace and even happiness in the end. ——A.C.Benson 兴趣...

党钩15317257828问: bring sth bring in bring to 的区别 -
巢湖市奇曼回答: bring in:有好几种意思如下:1.把…拿进来, 带进来2.收获(庄稼等)3.赚(钱), 挣(钱) bring sth.带来什么 bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 bring sth for sb 为某人带某物bring sth for sb 是有意或特地为了某人带某物,带有一定的目的 ...

党钩15317257828问: 请问bring sb. to使某人恢复知觉 这个词组怎么用? -
巢湖市奇曼回答: bring to有好几种意思,这里着重回答你的问题,讲使(某人)苏醒.希望帮到你. 1.(v.+adv.)后面接副词 1.使(某人)苏醒 cause (sb) to regain consciousnessbring sb/sth ⇔ bring sb/sth ⇔ to 例句 She fainted when she heard the news but they ...

党钩15317257828问: bring sth. for sth还是to? -
巢湖市奇曼回答: bring sth. for sth如果是初中,你就记做“固定搭配”就行如果是高中,老师都会讲为什么的带给某人某物:take sth to sb 给某人带去某物”:bring sth to sb

党钩15317257828问: bring sth to its knees是什么意思 -
巢湖市奇曼回答: 使...超载、使...屈服、使...频临崩溃 例句: 1. A country can bring another country to its knees by shutting markets.(只要一个国家关闭国内市场,另一个国家就不得不屈服) 2. The country was almost brought to its knees by the long strike.(经长期罢工,国家已濒临崩溃的边缘.)

党钩15317257828问: "bring sth to sb"还是"bring sth for sb"? -
巢湖市奇曼回答: 两个都可以; 1、bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 ,bring sth for sb 为某人带某物 . 2、to 主要强调方向性,for强调服务性. 3、bring也可接双宾语,即bring sb. sth. 带某物给某人. 例句: 1、I never doubted you,I was sure you would bring the ...

党钩15317257828问: bring的用法 -
巢湖市奇曼回答: 词组: bring about 引起;[航]使掉头百 bring forward 提出;提前;结转 bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下 bring in 引进;生产;增加 bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态 释义:拿来,带来,取来: Bring the book to me ...

党钩15317257828问: bring +名词+for or to? -
巢湖市奇曼回答:[答案] bring后面的介词并不固定,可以说bring sth. for sb.(带给某人某物),也可以说bring sth. to sb.(为某人提供某物),具体如何选择要看具体上下文和语境意思啦

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