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商务英语函电的缩写名词如下:asap=as soon as possible 尽快L\/C=letter of credit 信用证GSP=generalized system of preferences,也称FORM A 普惠制原产地证明书T\/T=telegraphic transfer 电汇M\/T=mail transfer信汇=letter of transferD\/D=demand draft票汇=bill of remittanceD\/P=document against ...

英语中fun 和 funny的区别及用法?
一、词性不同 1、fun 既可以做名词意思是乐趣;玩笑。也可以作形容词意思是有趣的。2、funny 作形容词意思是可笑的;有趣的;滑稽的;奇怪的;非法的。二、读音不同 1、fun的英式读法是[fʌn];美式读法是[fʌn]。2、funny的英式读法是['fʌni];美式读法是['fʌni]...

It's fun 后面是跟doing sth或者to do sth均可。It's fun to do和It's fun doing的用法要结合语境:to do:强调马上或将要去做的事。doing:强调做过或正在做的动作或事.。例句:I think it is great fun to do the impossible.我觉得能完成别人认为不可能的事乐趣无穷。At first it was...


I think first aid is of great importance句子结构是什么?
这是一个主谓宾结构的句子。主语 I ,谓语 think,宾语(从句) first aid is of great importance。宾语从句中:主语 first aid,系动词谓语 is,表语of great importancee。全句汉语意思是:我认为急救护理很重要。

To move or be sent through the air with great speed:bullets flying in every direction; a plate that flew from my hands when I stumbled.To move with great speed; rush or dart:The children flew down the hall. Rumors were flying during their absence.To flee; escape.To hasten; spring:flew...

(美国总统 罗斯福.F.) He laughs best who laughs last.远行者见闻多。(英国科学家雷伊.J.) He who can conceal his joys is greater than he who can hide his griefs.能隐藏欢乐的人比能隐藏悲痛的人更了不起。(瑞士作家 拉瓦特) I like the laughter that opens the lips and the heart, that ...

“漂亮”的英语有2个:pretty;beautiful。接下来让我们一起来详细了解一下这2个英语单词的知识。beautiful 英 [ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l] 美 [ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l]adj. 美丽的,漂亮的;令人愉悦的,美妙的;(完成得)出色的,极好的;<美>仁慈的 [ ...

It's fun 后面是跟doing sth或者to do sth均可。It's fun to do和It's fun doing的用法要结合语境:to do:强调马上或将要去做的事。doing:强调做过或正在做的动作或事.。例句:I think it is great fun to do the impossible.我觉得能完成别人认为不可能的事乐趣无穷。At first it was...

great leaf发音是否相同
great leaf中的[ea]发音不相同。一个发【eɪ】,一个发【i:】great [英][greɪt][美][ɡret]adj.伟大的,杰出的; 优异的,显著的; 很多的; 重大的;adv.[口语]很好地; 令人满意地,成功地,顺利地; 得意地;n.大人物们; 伟大人物; 重要人物,大师; 名家;复数:greats 比较级...

直映17125256986问: of great+名词 -
招远市热毒回答: 对,这个表达是正确的 例如: It's of great importance to study English= it's important to study English of great help

直映17125256986问: Thematterisofgreatimportancetous?
招远市热毒回答: 这个 of 并非接在 is 的后面,而是与 importance 联系在一起的.of great importance 中的 great 是用来修饰 importance 的,强调重要的程度,而词组的主体是 of importance . 英语中的这种成分 of+名词 就等于这种名词的 形容词 形式.也就是说,of importance 即等于 important ,重要的.整个句子即可视为 The matter is very important to us .这件事对我们很重要.

直映17125256986问: be of great importance 为什么不能用with -
招远市热毒回答: 固定搭配,意思是很重要

直映17125256986问: work hard is of great important to us这句话中为什么有个of? -
招远市热毒回答: 这本身是个错句子.正确的是:working hard is of great importance to us.名词为抽象名词,说明事物的性质时,就用be of +抽象名词之一结构.相当于be+抽象名词所对应的形容词,所以上句还可表示为:working hard is greatly important to us.

直映17125256986问: of加上名词 -
招远市热毒回答: 1、of+抽象名词=形容词.如: a women of wealth/wisdom/courage=a wealthy/wise/courageous woman 2、be of+修饰语+抽象名词.比如: be of importance/help/use/significance=be important/helpful/useful/significant 这一结构可用于说明主语的...

直映17125256986问: What he says is of great importance这句of可以省略吗 -
招远市热毒回答: 1. of不能省略.2. of great importance=greatly important.3. what he say is of great importance.全句意思是他的话非常重要.4. 省略了of, 就变成what he say is great importance.意思是他的话是重要性.意思就错了.

直映17125256986问: We all think what you said is of great - --(important) to the plan -
招远市热毒回答: We all think what you said is of great ___(important) to the plan importance 注意 of great importance = very important

直映17125256986问: The lecture is ( )great importance -
招远市热毒回答: of be of great importance=great important极其重要 of+名词=形容词 例如:be of urgent necessity 刻不容缓

直映17125256986问: Breakfast is of great importance. 这里面的of是什么用法?忘高手指点 -
招远市热毒回答: of 加抽象名词 =形容词 of great importance= very important

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