
作者&投稿:田蝶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语高手告诉我红色警戒中 所有人物说的话是什么THE MORE ,THE BETTER...
某些RA2扩展包中We’’ll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内供电,长官。...Willco.再联系。[猜的] 攻击Instruments locked on.已锁定(目标)。We’re goin’ in.我们过去了。

the husband and wife discovered the radium from the asphalt uranium mineral mineral 渣 , separating 90 milligram chlorination radiums of in 1902, the first step measuresed the atomic weight of the radium.The radium distributes in the nature very widely, but the content is very t...

简·皮克瓦 Jan Pinkava ...(co-director) 【编剧】 布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird ...screenplay...John Ratzenberger ...Mustafa (voice) Teddy Newton ...Lawyer (Talon Labarthe) (voice) Tony Fucile...We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves...

即由TCR-CD3复合分子可提供起始信号或第1信号,还必须有协同刺激信号(costimulatouy signal)或第2信号...极迟活化分子(very late activation,VLA)或称β1粘合素(β1integrins),本族分子具有共同的β链(CD29...未受抗原刺激的天然T细胞可表达CD45RA,而记忆T细胞可表达CD45RO。另外,CD45R分子胞浆区含有内源性酪...

-When a player is listed in dark yellow, it indicates he is currently co-owned by another worried or upset over something it can indicate that he doesn't handle pressure very well当...6月11日(周六):AL vs RA 、JDG vs TES6月12日(周日):UP vs OMG 、LNG vs BLG2、第二周(...

‍通过‍国内‍‍对于‍‍国外‍写信‍发信‍要求‍结合‍‍‍国外‍‍球迷‍对于球员‍‍索要签名‍具体‍要求‍进行‍‍写信发信 ‍一般‍...

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal ; born March 6, 1972, frequently referred to simply as "Shaq", is an American professional basketball player, regarded as one of the most dominant in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA).He starts at center for the Phoenix Suns, after...

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. We looked at monkeys, ra its, elephants, zebras and so on.My brother is wearing T-shirt, it is blue. My sister’s sweater is red, and my shoes are pink. Those are all my favorite colures. We held a fashion show.In the evening ...

First, the Graduate program of the Department fits my interest very well. The experimental ...Yes, she is a manager of XXX Co. Ltd.. 60. Are you sure your girlfriend will keep ...a RA?I will do the research assistant work. The duty is to do the experimentalwork on the ...

crocodiles and many other very sensitive to the temperature of the animals have resisted and survived...孔椎龙(Thecospondylus) 宣化龙(Xuanhuasaurus) 狭盘龙(Stenopelix) 祖尼角龙(Zuniceratops) 古...雷尤守龙(Rayososaurus) 雷巴齐斯龙(Rebbachisaurus) 利迈河龙(Limaysaurus) 阿马加龙(Amargasaurus...

后承18686776504问: bravery与courage可以算是同义词吗? -
西塞山区补金回答:[答案] 近义词,并不是同义词.bravery偏赞赏,属于英勇,见义勇为等的“勇”.courage只是勇气.

后承18686776504问: 勇气 勇敢 英语怎么说 -
西塞山区补金回答:[答案] 勇气courage 勇敢bravery 勇敢的brave

后承18686776504问: 勇气英语是 -
西塞山区补金回答: 勇气 bravery courage (常用) mettle pluckHe mustered up all his courage. 他鼓起了全部勇气. I infused her with courage. 我鼓起了她的勇气.

后承18686776504问: 勇气的 英语怎么说 -
西塞山区补金回答: courage 勇气

后承18686776504问: 勇气的英文单词 -
西塞山区补金回答: courage bravery是勇敢的意思

后承18686776504问: 勇气 勇敢 英语怎么说
西塞山区补金回答: 勇气courage勇敢bravery勇敢的brave

后承18686776504问: 勇敢的英文怎样写 -
西塞山区补金回答: 勇敢 Brave 源自 易词典 谢谢采纳 帝费伦特

后承18686776504问: “非凡的勇气”用英语怎么说 -
西塞山区补金回答: 可以有不同的形容词名词搭配,如 tremendous courage extraordinarily brave guts exceptional bravery 希望这一回答对你有所帮助,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢您!

后承18686776504问: 勇气 勇敢 英语怎么说 -
西塞山区补金回答: 勇气 勇敢 Courage and courage courage 英[ˈkʌrɪdʒ] 美[ˈkɜ:rɪdʒ] n. 勇气; 胆量; 魄力; 肝胆; [例句]General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage

后承18686776504问: 请大神把勇气缩短至两个英文字母 -
西塞山区补金回答: 1.bravery:adj.勇敢的;需要勇气的;华丽的;漂亮的 vt.勇敢面对,不怕,不顾 n.勇士;美洲印第安武士2.courage:n.勇气;胆量;魄力;肝胆3.胆识:courage and insight;superior judgement [courage and insight] 胆量和见识 建议首选3.既有勇气又有见识,有胆有识才是真正的高手.缩略:C&I 谢谢采纳为满意答案.

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