
作者&投稿:艾度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

connect to和connect with的区别?
(我想把电脑连接到打印机。)- They connected with each other through the internet.(他们通过互联网连接起来了。)2.连接性质:connect to强调物体或系统之间的物理连接关系;connect with强调人与人之间的交流或合作关系。例子:- This cable connects the TV to the sound system.(这根电缆将电视连接...

thinking that it wastoo bad to have produced the crashing sound which would himself on the bell, trying to mufflethe crashing sound with his arms. But how could the crashing sound of the bell be muffled? Thecrashing sound still kept drifting melodiously to distant places. The mor...

The striking produced an enormous crashing sound, which made the thief terribly frightened. The thief got flurried, thinking that it was too bad to have produced the crashing sound. He threw himself on the bell, trying to muffle the crashing sound with his arms. But how could the crashing ...

翻译A written account in twovoices,Every Mother is a Dayghter i...
回答和翻译如下:A written account in twovoices,Every Mother is a Dayghter is aduet that produce a deep,strong sound with the experiences that all mothers and daughters will recognize.每一个母亲都是一个白昼,这是一个有着所有母亲和女儿都会认识到的经历的、深沉而有力的声音。

sound例句:1、She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano.她能够唱出现代流行歌曲,但也能转变成清新女高音。2、So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the...

sound argument是什么意思
A sound argument induces people to agree.言之成理的论点会说服人们同意。Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance.至理名言,可以悍然不顾;惠然一顾,却为之心悦诚服。人往往如此。I see that you are someone who can only be persuaded with sound ...

sound , voice , noise 的区别
声音,噪声 〔辨析〕尤指刺耳、喧闹、可怕的声音,有时由多种声音混杂在一起。〔例证〕The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours.那声音大得让邻居们讨厌。voice n. 嗓音 〔辨析〕主要指人的说话声和歌唱声。〔例证〕His voice quivered with rage.他气得声音发抖。

火箭, 可能 ,听起来,不会,

with the sound of gunfire,love and hate is clear
with the sound of gunfire ,love and hate is clear.枪声一响,爱恨分明。with 和…在一起;和;同;跟;有;具有;带有;用;使用;以;借 sound 声音;响声;声;声响;音响;听起来好像

well heathy sound fit 四词区别 它们四个都表示身体好时怎么用?_百度...
sound 指“健全的”即“没有任何病的”或“未受过伤害的”,如:He was a man with a sound constitution.他是个体质强健的人.hale 指“老年人健壮的”,如:He is eighty,but still hale and hearty.他年已八旬,但仍老当益壮.robust 指“强健的”,尤指“肌肉发达、神气好、精力充沛的”,如:S...

辕贸19695815631问: 关于bound的几个用法 -
城厢区克灵回答: bound的相关用法: adj. (形容词) 1)bound用作形容词时与bind的过去分词同形,基本意思是“被捆绑的,被束缚的”,常引申表示“受约束的”“有义务的”,指有法律责任或有义务做某事. 2)bound还可作“一定的,必定的”“去,准备...

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with这里的bound是什么词性 -
城厢区克灵回答: 动词, 并且是过去式. 这个短语是一个被动短语,be后面跟的一定是动词.例如be made from.... ; be created...; 等等

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with请问这里的bound是什么词性 -
城厢区克灵回答: bound这里是形容词,是结合的、有关联的意思.be bound up with是:与…有密切关系 如有疑问,请追问!

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with是什么意思 -
城厢区克灵回答: be bound up withvt. 与…有密切关系 短语 be closely bound up with 与 ; 与…息息相关 be directly bound up with 与…直接相关 双语例句 Money again will be bound up with what is happening. 金钱也会和所发生的有联系. Our sense of the ...

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with是什么意思啊? -
城厢区克灵回答: be bound up with 与…有密切关系 使与…紧密联系 例:Her illness is bound up with the pressure of her study and work.她的疾病与她紧张的学习和工作有密切关系

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with是什么意思啊?
城厢区克灵回答: 楼主,您好与…建立起密切关系谢谢采纳!

辕贸19695815631问: be bound up with是什么意思啊? -
城厢区克灵回答:[答案] be bound up with 与…有密切关系 使与…紧密联系 例: Her illness is bound up with the pressure of her study and work. 她的疾病与她紧张的学习和工作有密切关系

辕贸19695815631问: border bound bounce 分别什么意思,怎么区分,谢谢啦 -
城厢区克灵回答: border bor.der[`bɒrdL; ˋbɒ:də]名词1 (C)边,缘,边缘2 a. (C)国境,国界; 边界; (美)边境on the ~在国境 (地带)over the ~越过国境b. [the Border (s) ] (英)英格兰和苏格兰的国境 (地方)c. [the ~](美)墨西哥 [加拿大] 和美国的国界...

辕贸19695815631问: With my knowledge and experience,I knew any decision I' d made was - ---------to be a sound one -
城厢区克灵回答: 答案是bound.bound是形容词,意为“一定、必定”,它使用的句式是(be)bound to do sth或者(be)bound to be sth.请记得采纳!

辕贸19695815631问: bound的过去式是什么?就是原型吗? -
城厢区克灵回答: bind[英][baɪnd][美][baɪnd]vt.约束; 装订; 捆绑; (用长布条)缠绕;vt.& vi.(使)结合;n.窘境,困境; 捆绑; 植物的藤蔓; 第三人称单数:binds过去分词:bound现在进行时:binding过去式:bound这里用了捆绑的意思bound...

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