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"坐火箭"是take a rocket还是 fly a rocket?~

是take a rocket
因为fly 是指乘飞机

sound 英[saʊnd] 美[saʊnd]
n. 声音,声响;音调,声调;声波;嘈杂声
vi. 响,发声;听起来,好像;回响;[音乐]乐器等被奏响
vt. 使出声,使发声;清楚地发出;宣布,发表;颂扬
[例句]You get to sound really smart ."

火箭, 可能 ,听起来,不会,

师宗县13054364097: 急求 如何和新同学相处,需要你提建议!英语作文100左右! -
骑琬澳立: In my opinion,we should always take part in some activities with our classmates.And when our classmates in troubles,we shoud try our best as possibie as we can to help them. If we usually do this ,we can develop our friendship.usually chat with your ...

师宗县13054364097: 佳能的广告语有哪些? -
骑琬澳立: 还有:你好,色彩!

师宗县13054364097: possibIe怎么读 -
骑琬澳立: possible [英] [ˈpɒsəbl][美] [ˈpɑ:səbl] adj. 可能的; 可接受的; 合理的,可以允许的; 不坏的; n. 可能性,潜在性; 可能的人物,可能有的事; 最高分; [例句] If it is possible to find out where your brother is, we shall 如果能找出你兄弟在哪儿,我们就会去找.

师宗县13054364097: 乘坐火箭到月球,英语单词火箭为什么要用复数行式 -
骑琬澳立: by 后面的是交通工具 就像by bike 固定的 后者有s是因为不止一个

师宗县13054364097: 英语作文,假如你是Amy,你将设计一款名为POSSIBIE的家用机器人,根据提示向大家介绍一下它的功能.. -
骑琬澳立: My name is Amy,and i want to make a robot named POSSIBLE,it means he can do everything.He is good at helping people,especially my family.Firstly,he can help my grandparents cross the roads,go down and go up the floor,stay with them and so ...

师宗县13054364097: possibie possibly probably likely 的词性及用法? -
骑琬澳立: likely possible probable 意思都含“可能的”. possible 形容词,可能的, 比如 it's possible for him to eat twenty dumplings in one minutes.possible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到”, 强调“客观上有可能”, 但常含有“...

师宗县13054364097: 人教版英语九年级上册2单元Section2 He used a lot of troubie 概括内容 -
骑琬澳立: 英语缩写: After Martin Murray's father's death, Martin Murray, who used to be a good child before this event, became a...

师宗县13054364097: 英语作文,假如你是Amy,你设计一名为POSSIBIE的家用机器人,据提示向大家介绍它的功能.要求:不少65字.提示:1对爷爷奶奶帮助.2对父母帮助.3对自... -
骑琬澳立:[答案] ------------------------ Hallo everyone.Today I want to introduce a robot named POSSIBLE,it's name means he can do everything.He is good at helping people,especially my family. Firstly,he can help my grandparents cross the roads,go down and go up ...

师宗县13054364097: rocket与 increase区别 -
骑琬澳立: 不及物动词 vi. rocket 1. 向前急冲;飞快行进[Q] The train rocketed by. 火车飞驰而过. 2. 迅速上升;猛涨[(+up)] His profits rocketed. 他的利润猛增.increase 及物动词 vt. 1. 增大;增加;增强 Travel increases one's knowledge of the world. ...

师宗县13054364097: 点解NBA 球队火箭英文名rockets 要有s 的呢?
骑琬澳立: because the team is in the city Houston, and the base and headquater of NASA 美国太空总署is in Houston too, and of course they will have many rockets there when the team was established many years ago.

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