
作者&投稿:五牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Last week,he made a speech in Peking University where he studied 20 years ago.2.The pen which I lended to him is worth 100 yuan.3.This film reminded me of the time I lived in Shanghai.4.Please pass me the book which has green cover.

高二 英语 帮我翻译翻译~!!
Venetian merchant. he is glad to help me very much, but he onhand also did not have the money at that time, he had to go askssummer Locker to lend money. summer Locker to envy and to hateAntonio, his sun lended money, but the condition was Antonio mustthree months return...

改错 填介词
the necklace you lended to me wasn`t expensive at all borrow from像某人借和lend to借给某人某物,要注意区分 whenhe was young he was put in prison many times put in prison是投入监狱,就跟in the hospital 和in hospital那样是有区别的。abraham lincoln,who was the 16th president of ...

1.星期天我经常和朋友们去超市逛(hang out)i usually hang out with my friends in supermarkets on Sundays.2.-打扰了,你能告诉我去医院怎么走吗?Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the hospital?-沿着这条街一直走,路过书店,你能找到它(reach,go stright)-Go straight along...

borrow; lended C. lend; borrowed D. lend; borrow 26. —What do the women in white do? Some of them are __B___,some are teachers.—How I admire them!(名词作定语时一般用单数,但是man和woman作定语,要随着被修饰词的单复数变化)A.woman doctors B. women doctors C.woman doctor D.women ...

1.Can you see(the man who is reading over there)?你能看见在那边看书的男人吗?2.The girl (who wears )a red shirt is very clever 那个穿红色的女孩很聪明.3.The girl (who borrowed my book)never gave it back to me.那个借我书的女孩从来没还过书给我.4.The book (whose cover ...

1.Mike walks to school every day.mike goes to school on foot every day.2.Is John at home?Is John in?3.I borrowed the MP4 from Jim.Jim lent the MP4 to me.4.He didn't tell me where we would meet.5.Xiao Wang is the tallest boy in this company.XiaoWang is taller ...

I love him very much and I'm sure that he is a student that we can believe.2我们每天都做许多练习.We do a lot of exercises every day.3我有两本工具书,一本借给了马丽,一本借给了汤姆.I have two books that can be tools by my work,one lended to Mary,another to Tom.4我...

I really appreciate ___to help me out.
2)appreciate it that从句 it为形式宾语,that从句为真正的宾语从句。如:I appreciate you\/your helping me.= I appreciate it that you helped me.3. 由上述结构可以直接排除AC;D错在that从句时态有误,lend这个动作已经发生,应该用过去式lended才对。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

)8. A. aren't ( )9. A. No eating ( )10. A. lent B. books B. in B. have to B. rules B. are B. but B. either B. don't B. Not cat B. lended C. magazines C. at C. can't C. CDs C. be C. or C....

当涂腾13136201014问: 牛奶调和型威士忌有哪些 -
盈江县可达回答: 调和式苏格兰威士忌(Blended Scotch Whisky)是一种苏格兰产、使用一或多种谷物威士忌做为基底,并且混合一到多种麦芽威士忌之后调制而成的威士忌.不是勾兑,是调制. 单一麦芽威士忌(Single Malt Whisky)和调和式威士忌(BlendedWhisky)的最大不同在于酿造的过程,前者,是在同一个蒸馏厂选用上等大麦,经过选种,发芽,烘干,磨碎,发酵,蒸馏,陈年3年以上,最后装瓶所制成;而后者则是将不同蒸馏厂的不同年份的纯麦和谷物威士忌按照调酒师的调配规则调和而成的.

当涂腾13136201014问: 传统苏格兰威士忌品牌有哪些 single malt和 blended的 希望真正懂的给个回答 最好详细一点 -
盈江县可达回答: single malt指的是单一麦芽威士忌:,blended广义上指的是2个或以上的酒厂的酒调和而成的威士忌.

当涂腾13136201014问: 请问:1:BLENDED JERSEY 是什么面料? 2:STRETCH PONTE? 3:ECO FLEECE? 这些都是什么面料?谢谢!急!!! -
盈江县可达回答: BLENDED JERSEY 是混织物 ECO FLEECE貌似是纺纱绒

当涂腾13136201014问: 课程上blended是什么意思 -
盈江县可达回答: blended 英 [ 'blendɪd ] 美 [ 'blendɪd ] v. (使)混合( blend的过去式和过去分词 ) (使)混杂 (使)调和 协调

当涂腾13136201014问: blend什么意思 -
盈江县可达回答: blend 英[blend] 美[blɛnd] vt. 混合; 把…掺在一起; (使) 调和; 协调; vi. 掺杂; 结合; 相配,相称; n. 混合; 混合物; 混合色,合成语; [例句]Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy 把糖掺入黄油然后搅拌至滑软细腻. [其他] 第三人称单数:blends 现在分词:blending 过去式:blended 过去分词:blended

当涂腾13136201014问: 情景交融用英语怎么说 -
盈江县可达回答: 有蛮多种表达方式的,用于不一样的场景 scene blend fitting together a fusion of feelings with the natural setting with the scenery depicted and the emotions expressed in perfect harmony 希望对你有帮助哦~

当涂腾13136201014问: blended scotch whisky是什么意思 -
盈江县可达回答: 混合苏格兰威士忌酒.

当涂腾13136201014问: 蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文,请大家帮帮帮翻译, -
盈江县可达回答: 350是华氏温度,转换为摄氏温度是176.666667 摄氏度1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan如下图指示的一样加热烤箱(使用金属或是玻璃的平底锅) 在平底锅的锅底涂上油(或喷上...

当涂腾13136201014问: Blended&Bottled by lang Brothers Ltd.Glasgow.Scolland EStablished 1861什么意思? -
盈江县可达回答: 有Lang Brother Ltd.混合&灌装.Lang Brother Ltd.翻译过来是郎兄弟有限公司,公司地方在苏格兰,格拉斯高(城市名).该公司创...

当涂腾13136201014问: 初一下册英语不规则动词过去式怎么背 -
盈江县可达回答: 英语单词中由动词原形转变为过去式和过去分词时不按词尾加“-ed”之变化规则者叫做不规则动词(Irregular Verbs). 现代英语新生成的动词都归入“-ed”的规则变化,例如: p...

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