
作者&投稿:井哑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


snig [英][snɪg][美][snɪg]n.<方>小鳗鱼;例句:1.In the city centre, there's live music every night of the week at The Boardwalk in Snig Hill.

playground操场 canteen食堂 teacher's office教师办公室 library图书馆 gym体育馆 washroom卫生间 art...子音字母的读音一般是固定的,如字母c在多数情况下读[k]只有在e,iy前面读,如rice[rais].city[‘siti...分组记忆:如:in-,ig-,il-,im-,ir-都表示“无”、“非”、“未”,可以把这类开头的单词列在...

Iguaçu is the second-largest tourist center in Brazil, with an average of 7 million visitors per year. The Itaipu Dam, the world's largest, is 12 kilometers away, and the famous Iguazu Falls are 28 kilometers away. The city is only 6.5 kilometers from the city of...

in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal,——intracity department——intra-department ir-:(used before r)not regular——irregular ...east-eastward(s) north-northward(s) -wise clock-clockwise other-otherwise 已赞过 已踩过< 你...

C c circle city cereal cinder circus cent center 前面我们在字母发音中介绍的是hard c的发音,c与...S s sun set sip spin sh shop flash shut wish T t tap tent tan sit th thin thump moth ...W w wet ig web in W w wrap wrinkle wreath write wh whale white wheat wheel wh在美国英语中...

n. 风动饰物,风铃 二、词形变化 复数: mobiles 三、短语搭配 to be mobile 有流动性 a mobile face 表情丰富的脸 to phone sb on their mobile 呼叫某人的手机 四、双语例句 1、You really need to be mobile if you live in the country.如果你住在乡村,你确实要有一辆汽车。2、What's ...

Ig 伊格 pig 猪 six 六 op 动手术 mop 拖 top 顶部 up 向上 bug 虫子 cup 茶杯 第三步,辅音连缀.注意,辅音连缀的中间不能有停顿,也不能加元音,s后面的清音不送气,m和n失去部分浊音.crab 螃蟹 step 台阶 clip 回形针 flag 旗子 frog 青蛙 skunk 臭鼬 sled 雪橇 swan 天鹅 strap 带子 第四...

The young dancer looked so charmig in their beautiful clothes t...
RT`]Theyoungdancerlookedsocharmigintheirbeautifulclothesthatwetook___picturesofthemB.massesofD.alarge...6. The city has ___. A. the population of eight million B. eight million peoples C. ...Student: Can you make some s___? 65. ___Teacher: Ok. English is really important. But like...

Although it’s really a good chance comes no easy which give me different feeling,虽然好机会来之不易,但它给了我不好的感觉。I should be thankful .我还是要感恩。In this small city ,with me lonely.在这个小城,只有我一人。Forget me ,then you can remember me .忘记我,然后你...

源晶13785865089问: The town has developed into a big city,which is - ___ - it used to be(.请在ABC说原因,并且这是什么从句?)A.three times larger than that B.three times the ... -
黄冈市普沁回答:[答案] The town has developed into a big city,which is _____ it used to be(.请在ABC说原因,并且这是什么从句?)A.three times larger than that B.three times the size of that C.three times the size of what 答案C 倍数表达的一个句型: 倍数+the+n+of +... ...

源晶13785865089问: 用括号内动词的正确时态填空the life we were used to - (change) since we moved to the big city并说明理由, -
黄冈市普沁回答:[答案] has changed 已经变化了 现完+since+过去式 意思是"自从搬进了大城市,我们习惯的生活已经改变了"

源晶13785865089问: _______city! a big B.what a big(请您告诉我how\what引导的感叹句的区别,) -
黄冈市普沁回答:[答案] B 用how的话,是How big the city is! what引导的感叹句 谓语动词都会放在句尾 并且可以省略 同时省略的还有形式主语it 而HOW引导的感叹句 谓语动词绝对不可以省略 What nice meat(it is)! How nice the meat is! How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 ...

源晶13785865089问: 大城市用英语怎么说 -
黄冈市普沁回答: large city

源晶13785865089问: 为什么纽约被称为big apple -
黄冈市普沁回答: 有4种说法 1/纽约州虽产苹果,但产量很少,远不及加州苹果世界驰名.有一年加州苹果欠收,外销告急,于是纽约的苹果小兵立大功,解救了加州外销苹果的窘境.纽约人引以为傲,从此称纽约为Big Apple. 2/传言经济大衰退时,许多银行家...

源晶13785865089问: big apple 是指哪个城市
黄冈市普沁回答: 大苹果城即Big Apple,是美国纽约市的别称.主要是因为有个爵士乐手唱了一首歌:成功树上苹果何其多,但如果你挑中纽约市,你就挑到了最大的苹果!(There are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City, you pick the Big Apple.)之后有人又证实因市区内有一极受欢迎的爵士俱乐部就叫The Big Apple!所以称为大苹果城

源晶13785865089问: 纽约为什么被称为大苹果城 -
黄冈市普沁回答: 美国城市的花名 旅游的一大乐趣就是浏览不同的城市,观察不同的生活方式.在美国旅行的时候,听到了许多城市的别称,也学到不少知识,因为这些别称或多或少的体现了一些特色,现在总结一下. phonenix 凤凰谷 phonenix vally tucson 阳...

源晶13785865089问: 纽约为什么被称为“大苹果”? -
黄冈市普沁回答: 根据纽约历史学会(New-York Historical Society)资料显示,纽约被称为大苹果应追溯至1921年《纽约晨递报》(The New York Morning Telegraph)的一位作者约翰·J·费兹·葛瑞德(John J. Fitz Gerald).约翰在报上主要是撰写赛马专栏...

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