
作者&投稿:唱标 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Iguazu Falls (伊瓜苏大瀑布): Located at the border between Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls forms part of the Iguazu River and was discovered by the Spanish in 1542. Comprising 275 waterfalls, the largest drop is 90 meters high with a flow rate of 1500 cubic meters per second, earning it the name "Devil's Throat." Although three-quarters of the falls are in Argentina, the view from the Brazilian side is more spectacular. The visit covers a distance of 1 kilometer within Brazil (3 kilometers on the Argentine side).
2. Vader Bloggs Platform (维德洛斯台地): This magnificent national park, the highest area in central Brazil, is located 220 kilometers north of Brasilia. With its towering waterfalls, natural swimming pools, steep cliffs, and oasis-like palm groves, it is a favorite among eco-tourists. The park's animals include maned wolves, striped anteaters, large armadillos, capybaras, tapirs, macaws, hornbills, and vultures. Most visitors stay in the small village of So Jorge, known for its crystal mining industry, with a path leading to the Valle da Luna (Moon Valley).
3. Jericoacoara (贾尼克克拉海滩): Jericoacoara is a recently famous remote and primitive beach, beloved by backpackers, windsurfers, and energetic Brazilians. Located on the Ceara coast, north of Fortaleza, it is a small fishing village with sand dunes, palm trees, and white beaches. Sheep, goats, cattle, horses, and dogs roam freely along the beach.
4. The Amazon Rainforest (亚马逊热带雨林): The Amazon is an immense ecosystem of rivers and forests that covers nearly half of Brazil's territory and extends into other countries. The Amazon rainforest still holds many undiscovered secrets, with many of its major tributaries yet to be explored. The ecosystem is so complex that even biologists struggle to identify the variety of species sold in markets like Belém.
5. Rio de Janeiro (里约热内卢): Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, located in the south of the state, nestled inside Guanabara Bay, with an altitude of 2.3 meters and an area of 1250 square kilometers, housing approximately 5.5 million people. The average lowest temperature is 17°C, and the highest is 36°C. Founded in 1565, Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil from 1834 to 1960 and is one of the country's most developed economies, as well as a major transportation hub and cultural center. Rio is known as the "City of Janeiro" in Portuguese, named after the river the Portuguese navigator thought he had reached in 1501. The city is famous for its beautiful beaches, including Copacabana and Ipanema, and is renowned for its carnival. In 1986, Rio de Janeiro became a sister city to Beijing, and in 1992, China established a consulate general in the city. There are about 5,000 Chinese living in Rio, with many companies operating there.
6. Foz do Iguaçu (伊瓜苏市): Located at the confluence of the Paraná and Iguaçu rivers, where Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina meet, "Iguazu" in the Guarani language means "big water." The city covers an area of 630 square kilometers (with 20% as the national park and 30% as the Itaipu Lake), with an urban area of 85 square kilometers, an altitude of 183 meters, and a population of 250,000. The average annual temperature is 27.7°C, with the highest temperature reaching 28.1°C in January and the lowest at 14.6°C in July. Annual rainfall averages 1712 millimeters, with an average humidity of 80%. Foz do Iguaçu is the second-largest tourist center in Brazil, with an average of 7 million visitors per year. The Itaipu Dam, the world's largest, is 12 kilometers away, and the famous Iguazu Falls are 28 kilometers away. The city is only 6.5 kilometers from the city of东方 in Paraguay (where Brazilians shop annually), and 10 kilometers from the Argentine city of Puerto Iguazu, with a distance of 29 kilometers to the falls on the Argentine side.
7. Manaus (马瑙斯市): Manaus is the capital of the state of Amazonas, located at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers (tributaries of the Amazon River). It covers an area of 14,337 square kilometers and has a population of 1.5 million. The city is located in the Amazon plain, 3 degrees south of the equator, with a tropical climate of high humidity and rain year-round. The average annual temperature is 26°C, with a maximum of 35.6°C and a minimum of 18.5°C. Annual rainfall averages 2500 millimeters. The city's industry is mainly metallurgy, electronics, and machinery. The city has the world's largest floating dock, stretching 1313 meters. Agricultural products include citrus fruits, papayas, and other fruits. There are four universities, 370 secondary schools, 72 primary schools, and 24 hospitals with 1570 beds. Manaus is a famous tourist city with attractions such as the Custom House (imported bricks and tiles), Manaus Opera House, and Indian Museum. About 80 kilometers from the city is the wild tropical rainforest.
8. Sao Paulo (圣保罗市): Founded in 1554, Sao Paulo is the largest city in South America and the capital of the state of Sao Paulo. It is located in the southeastern part of the state. With an altitude of 760 meters, an area of 1493 square kilometers, and a population of 17.4 million, it is the commercial and financial center of Brazil, with industrial output and financial output accounting for 50% and 70% of the state's total, respectively. The main industries are machinery, automobiles, electrical appliances, and light industry. Additionally, there are pharmaceutical, plastics, tobacco, and publishing and printing industries. There are 225,000 companies in the city, with 30 of the 50 largest companies in the country located there. There are 5037 banks and bank branches, with bank employees accounting for 10% of the employed population. The city has 750 supermarkets, over 11 modern shopping centers, and more than 800 markets. The industrial employment population accounts for 20% of the national total. Sao Paulo is also the largest foreign trade base in South America. In 1984, China established a consulate general in Sao Paulo. In 1988, Sao Paulo became a sister city to Shanghai. There are about 170,000 Chinese living in Sao Paulo, with many companies operating there.

3、华清宫景区 华清宫历史悠久,周、秦、汉、隋、唐等历代帝王在此建有离宫别苑,宫内集中着唐御汤遗址博物馆、西安事变旧址--五间厅、九龙湖与芙蓉湖风景区、唐梨园遗址博物馆等文化区和飞霜殿、万寿殿、长生殿、环园和禹王殿等标志性建筑群。戏嘲烽火言荒唐,唐皇杨氏叹悲情,多少枭雄在此留名,一座皇家园林承载...

西安城墙建于明洪武年(1370-1378)年,自1983年开始的环城建设工程,逐步建成以古城墙为主线,辅以环城绿化,护城河环绕,具有浓郁地方特色的环城公园。构成严密完整的冷兵器时代城市防御体系,为游客直观具体了解古代战争提供了珍贵的人文景观。2、西安钟楼 陕西省重点文物保护单位,在西安繁华的东、西、南、...

西岭雪山 西塘古镇 西湖、西泠印社



梨园→香凝池→长汤→少阳汤→碑林→按歌台→西面碑刻→东面碑刻→荷花池→阿房宫长廊→碑亭→棋亭→五间厅→荷花阁→唐御汤遗址博物馆→陈列馆→九龙湖→芙蓉湖风景区→杨玉环奉诏华清宫壁画 ◆游玩贴士 1、华清宫有御汤体验区:香凝池、涤尘区、积宝池,有兴趣的可以体验一下。 2、华清宫有演出活动,推荐大...

一 市内景点 钟楼:位于西安市中心,建于明1384年,高36米,外部重檐3层,但内部仅上下两层,是我国古代木结构建筑,一个巨大的钟被装置在楼上原用于报警报时。鼓楼:位于西安市西大街距钟楼不到1公里,建于1380年明洪武13年,高33米,一个巨大的鼓被装置在楼上,当夜降临时人们击鼓以报时间,它和钟楼被认为是姐妹楼,...


西部著名的旅游景点有拉萨、青海湖、黄果树瀑布、兵马俑、大雁塔等,我国的西部是指四川、西藏、云南、新疆、重庆、青海、广西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏、贵州、内蒙古中国西部地区12个省巿。具体如下:1、拉萨 拉萨是很多进藏旅游的人们的必去之处,是不能错过的高原圣地。如今的拉萨分为新城和老城,许多进藏...


平山县17769949894: 巴西著名景区的英文介绍1.伊瓜苏大瀑布(Iguassu Falls):2.维德洛斯台地(Vader bloggs platform)这两地的英文介绍,有中英文对照的,还可以是巴西一些... -
武柱西黄:[答案] 伊瓜苏大瀑布Iguazu Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River located on the border of the Brazilian State of Paraná and the Argentine Province of Misiones. The falls divide the river into the ...

平山县17769949894: 巴西有什么景点?(用英语)很急!!! -
武柱西黄: 有的

平山县17769949894: 巴西有哪些景点? -
武柱西黄: 巴西有闻名于世的亚马孙大森林、伊瓜苏大瀑布、马托格罗索沼泽地 巴西主要的旅游景点: 伊瓜苏瀑布:南美洲最大瀑布,位於巴西和阿根廷的边境,距伊瓜苏河和巴拉那河汇合点约23公里.伊瓜苏在瓜拉尼语中为“巨大的水 ”.1542年被西...

平山县17769949894: 求:几篇关于巴西的旅游景点的英文介绍
武柱西黄: 这个国家的旅游景点太多了,所以直接推荐你网站吧,你可以去看一看,希望对你有帮助:http://www.braziltravelinformation.comhttp://www.brazil-travelnet.comhttp://www.roadjunky.com/brazil/guide_brazil.shtml

平山县17769949894: 巴西有哪些人文旅游资源和自然旅游资源? -
武柱西黄: 自然:科尔科瓦多山、科巴卡巴纳海滩、甜面包山 、侯德里哥福烈斯达湖 ……人文:里约热内卢植物园 、甘德拉利亚圣母院 、国家历史博物馆 、现代美术馆 、拉巴拱桥 、基拉甸奇宫、平台石 、圣宾多修道院 、伊巴内玛、戈巴卡巴娜炮台 、伊泰普水电站 、奇久卡国家公园 市立剧院卡德奇宫 马拉卡纳足球场 葛罗利亚山教堂 路轨车博物馆 国立美术馆 圣保罗森林公园 圣保罗大主教堂 具体介绍可以到 http://www.alltrip.cn/destination/Attractions.aspx?ToCity=%B0%CD%CE%F7 看下

平山县17769949894: 急求一篇关于巴西风景的英语短文 初中水平 -
武柱西黄: The thunder attack music sound, the thunderclap resembles the stagelight, the wind is as fast as lightning spreads the same leg and footmovement. I sit in Rio de Janeiro's theater, feels for the first timehas " Brazilian group fire " Reputation ...

平山县17769949894: 巴西有甚么旅游地方?
武柱西黄: 圣保罗主要旅游景点1.天主教大教堂(KatedralMetropolitana):南美洲最大教堂,落成于1954年,高耸的哥特式建筑,气势宏伟,周围是步行广场,购物区之一.2.伊比拉普埃拉公园(IbilapuelaPark):位于圣保罗南郊,占地160万平方米,...

平山县17769949894: 巴西好玩的地方有哪些 ? -
武柱西黄: 先写个名字,再详细补充inhotim,位于Minas州,一个当代艺术和园林艺术完美结合的地方.InhotimmuseudeOscarNiemeyer,位于Curtiba市,MON.OscarNiemeyer设计的博物馆,常年都有高水准的各类展览.ibitipoca,Minas州,自然公园,...

平山县17769949894: 巴西的主要旅游城市和景点有哪些呢?
武柱西黄: 全国主要旅游城市和景点有:里约热内卢、圣保罗、萨尔瓦多、巴西利亚、伊瓜苏大瀑布、马瑙斯、黑金城、巴拉那石林和大沼泽地等

平山县17769949894: 巴西里约热内卢的著名旅游景点 -
武柱西黄: 里约热内卢市是里约热内卢州首府,位于该州南部,坐落在瓜纳巴拉海湾内侧,海拔2.3米,面积1250平方公里,人口约550万,是巴西第二大城市.年均最低温度为17°C,最高温度为36°C.里约市建于1565年,1834-1960年为巴西首都.是巴...

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