
作者&投稿:霜毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Write an essay of comparing and \/ or contrasting on the title of...
peolple will be quite excited . Instead e-mails don't bring people this sense because they are too fast . As a matter of fact people more

英语作文 发送E-mail邀请朋友到海南旅行
Dear Jack: I am very glad to receive your E-mail, now I find a good job in Hai Nan, I remember you are very interested in travelling, you haven't been to Hai Nan, have you? it is very beautiful and warm here, the winter here is very different from our hometown,I have a 10-d...

- Short vowel \/ɛ\/: In some words, the letter "e" can pronounce as a short vowel \/ɛ\/, similar to the "e" sound in Chinese pinyin. Examples include: bet \/bɛt\/ (打赌), let \/lɛt\/ (让步), set \/sɛt\/ (设置).4. Pronunciation changes of...

一般情况下直接加“ly”,如suick---suickly .以“y”结尾的,先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如happy---happily 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。例如:true-truly等 但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如:polite-politely, wide-widely等 形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化...

第三节写作(满分25分)假如你是李华。你的e-pal Johnson 来信,告诉...
friend。In my opinion ,it has the similar meaning with the proverb:don’t trouble till trouble troubles you!Later generations often use this idiom to criticize those who worry unnecessarily。Yours sincerely L i Hua 略

The S.H.E. is three persons' English:The Selina, Hebe is similar to Ella the first English monogram but become, by luck with with her" SHE" of English.Good voice and special personal style ir biggest weapons of the natural endowments.Then in the secret training, come from the S.H.E...

英语作文 e-mail
First of all , I may need to tell you how I learn English as the methods of learning languages should be similar. I started learning English with the 26 alphabets as they form the many vocabularies.Then I try to memorise as many vocabularies as I can so that I could ...

怎么用eviews 做岭回归?跪求
out similar to REGRESSION output.---(从这里开始是给出系数估计). compute beta={b;0}.. compute b= ( b &\/ std ) * sy.. compute intercpt=ybar-t(b)*t(xmean).. compute b={b;intercpt}.. compute xpx=(sse\/(sst*(n-nv-1)))*inv(xpx+(k &* ident(nv,nv)))*xpx...

■百事可乐可口可乐发展史(C-E 对可乐有兴趣的朋友翻译下:)
New coke vs. Old coke The world very first bottle of Pepsi also was born in the United States, in the year 1898, who came into the world 12 later than Coka Cola. It was their 100th birthday last year. Its taste was similar to that of Coka Cola, and therefore took ...

even though your needs are greater when you hsve
perhaps you do not want to let others know that some things are hard for you to do. All these feelings are not___【小题6】___. As one man with a great difficulty once said:“I had always been the strong one. Now I had to turn to others for help. It wasn’t easy...

暨标18128802895问: be similar to后面是接什么? -
禹城市创成回答: sth

暨标18128802895问: be similar to和be similar with有什么区别 -
禹城市创成回答: be familiar to和be familiar with都表示“熟悉”但是be familiar to表示“(某事)对(某人)是熟悉的”, 句子的主语总是事物,介词to后接表示人的名词或人称代词.如: Your name is very familiar to familiar with则表示“(某人)对(某...

暨标18128802895问: besimilarto和besimilarwith有什么区别
禹城市创成回答: similar to和similar with的用法不同.be similar to后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即be similar to sth/ similar with后边只可以加人,即be similar with sb.表示所有...

暨标18128802895问: be similar with和be similar to的区别 -
禹城市创成回答: be similar to后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即:be similar to sth/sb be similar with后边只可以加人 ,即be similar with sb 例如:My problems are similar to yours.我的问题与你的类似.Wasps look similar to bees.黄蜂看上去很像蜜蜂.I have no similar with Tom.汤姆和我毫无共同之处.还有一个不同就是be similar to后边可以跟从句,而be similar with不可以

暨标18128802895问: besimilarto的同义短语 -
禹城市创成回答: 源于网络 be similar to 英 [bi: ˈsimilə tu:] 美 [bi ˈsɪməlɚ tu] 类;与…相似;类乎 同义、近义词组 take after 英 [teik ˈɑ:ftə] 美 [tek ˈæftɚ] 长得像,性格类似于,效仿 be the same as同 be like有如;恰似;好像;肖 希望对你有帮助

暨标18128802895问: be similar to 和be similar with后面接人还是物? -
禹城市创成回答:[答案] be similar to sb be smilar with sth.

暨标18128802895问: besimilarto与becloseto有什么区别 -
禹城市创成回答: be similar to 英 [bi: ˈsimilə tu:] 美 [bi ˈsɪməlɚ tu] 类;与…相似;类乎 be close to 英 [bi: kləuz tu:] 美 [bi kloz tu] 濒临;接近,靠近;切;亲

暨标18128802895问: 八年级上英语7到9单元的短语和句子复习越多越好! -
禹城市创成回答: ★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth ★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth.★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★迫不及待做某事can't wait to do ★准备做某事get/be ready to do ★尽力/努力做某事...

暨标18128802895问: besimilarto什么意思 -
禹城市创成回答: be similar to [英][bi: ˈsimilə tu:][美][bi ˈsɪməlɚ tu] 与…相似; 类乎; 类;例句:1. They would be similar to the fiscal costs of a war. 这将类似一场战争所需的财政费用.2. This task was meant to be similar to learning about animal species in a biology lesson. 这项任务意味着与在生物课上学习动物物种差不多

暨标18128802895问: secret后跟的介词到底是of还是to? -
禹城市创成回答: secret后面可以的介词可以跟of,也可以跟to,具体要是句子语意而定. 1、secret of :表示某人/某事的秘密,后接名词.如: (1)The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. 成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易. (2)I made no secret of the ...

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