even though your needs are greater when you hsve

作者&投稿:武左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know h_____ to find his seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, “Could you help me? I can’t find my seat.” The air hostess s_____ him the seat and told him to sit d_____ and fasten the seat belt. She told Henry not to m______ about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henry’s ears might feel a little s______, but he didn’t need to worry about it b_______ many people felt like that. When the plane was f_______ very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could e______ read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would b_____ food and drinks. Henry could e______ the flight and arrived home soon.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _______ 4. _____ 5. ____ 6. _____ 7._______
8. _____ 9. ____ 10. ______
KEYS: how, showed, down, move, strange, because, flying, either, bring, enjoy

The u________ means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars and the space b________ them. Many of the stars are so f_____ away that we can not see them. The moon, our satellite, travels a______ the earth. It has already been visited b______ man from the earth. Man-made satellites have been sent up i______ space by many countries. They go round the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more a______ the earth, the weather and other things. They are also used for sending and r_______ messages. It makes people f_______ different countries understand each other much better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much s_____ place. People call the small place “the global village ”.
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______
8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______
KEYS: universe, between, far, around, by, into, about, receiving, from, smaller

If you don’t use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they will gradually (逐渐地) become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the s____ with memory. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he d_____ give it enough chance to become stronger.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k_____ that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his p_____ are to blame, and f_____ of us know that it is just his own fault.
Have you e________ found some people can’t read or write but they usually have b_______ memories? This is b_______ they cannot read or write and they h_____ to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.
So if you want a good memory, l________ from these people: practise remembering.
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______
7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______
KEYS: 1. same 2. doesn’t 3. know 4. parents 5. few 6. ever 7. better 8. because
9. have 10. learn

Let me tell you a story. A good friend of mine lives with six hundred animals on an island. Ever s___1___ he left school, he has travelled all over the world l___2___ for animals for his own zoo. He writes books about his travels, and about his wonderful a___3___. The money for his books helps him to p___4____ for all the animal food. My friend told me that when he was looking for water last week (There is not enough water on the island, though there is a lot all around it ), he f___5___ oil. He n___6___ money for his travels and for his zoo, and a little oil would buy e___7___ water for a long time, but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it, it will be the e___8___ of his zoo and his life’s work. So I think he will not tell anybody e ___9___ you and me about what he found — because oil and water can’t be p___10___ together. Oil may bring greater trouble to his animals than not having enough water. Do you think so?
1. _____ 2. ____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____7. _____ 8. ______
9. ______ 10. _____
KEYS: 1. since 2. looking 3. animals 4.pay 5. found 6. needs
7. enough 8. end 9. except 10. put

Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs i_________ (1) of people. They say that at a circus (杂技场), for e__________(2), we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q ________(3) skillful things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely , you may find that the trainer (驯兽员)always g ________(4) the animal some sugar o r a piece of fruit as a reward. The scientists say that many d_________ (5) animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f________ (6) doing that.
Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to l__________(7) after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t __________(8) have used geese to give warning (警报) by m _________(9) a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f ____________ (10).
1.______ 2.______ 3. ______ 4 .______ 5. ______ 6._______ 7.______
8. ______ 9.________ 10. _______
KEYS: 1. instead 2. example 3. quite 4.gives 5. different 6. for
7. look 8. times 9. making 10. factories

Which animal do we need m 1 ? Dogs? Horses? No! The a 2 to the question is cows. Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our most important k 3 of food.
Suppose(假设)that all the milk cows make in one year were put i 4 bottles. And suppose these bottles were put side by side. The line of bottles would go all around the world 400 t 5 . That is a lot of milk, less than half of it is used for d 6 and cooking. Most of it is u7 to make butter cheese, ice cream and many other things. It takes many cows to give us that m 8 milk. But not as many as it used to. A cow used to give only about 1,500 quarts(夸脱)of milk a year. Now a fine cow may g 9 more than 3,000 quarts in a year.
Why do cows give more milk today? Now farmers have better cows. The cows get better c 10 and better food.
1. m_______ 2. a______ 3. k_______ 4. i_____ 5. t________
6. d_____ 7. u______ 8. m_______ 9. g______ 10. c________
1. most 2. answer 3. kinds 4. into 5. times 6. drinking 7. used 8. much
9. give 10. care

Here’s a part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving some advice to his son in college. “When I was young, I often met t_________ (1) about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to worry about those things. I o________ (2) did them once a year or once a lifetime. I________ (3), I should try to do well those things, and I do them every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to c________ (4). I need to talk to o________ (5) every day, so I should learn how to work with d ________ (6) people and know how to s ________ (7) well. I walk every day, so my s _______(8) should be all right and comfortable. Every night I sleep, so my bed should let me have a good rest. Taking care of the e_________ (9) things m________ (10) that you do a better job of the one in a lifetime things as well.”
1.________ 2. __________ 3.___________ 4. ___________
5 . ______________6.________ 7. __________ 8.___________
9. ___________ 10 . ______________
1. trouble(s) 2. only 3. Instead 4. cook 5. others 6. different 7. speak
8. shoes 9. everyday 10. means

(S=salesgirl; H=Han mei )
S: Good morning. Can I help you?
H: Yes. I ______ this blouse last week, but there's something wrong with it. When I _____ it, the colors ran. I can't _____ it now. I want you to _____ this blouse or give me my _____ back.
S: Let me see. Did you wash it in _____ water?
H: Of course not.
S: It ______ as if it hasn't been washed following the _______. Did you leave it in water ______ you washed it?
H: No, I didn't do that, ______. I didn't put it cold water until I washed it.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____
9. _____ 10. ______
KEYS: bought, washed, wear, change, money, hot, looks/seems, instruction(s), before, either,

When you go to England you may find the traffic there is different from ours. As a f_______ (1) you must be c_______ (2) in the streets, because the traffic d______ (3) on the left. You must look to the right and then the left before you cross a street.
In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very b______ (4). Traffic is most d_______ (5) then.
When you go by bus in England, you have to take care, too. Always r______ (6) the traffic m ______ (7) on the left. You have to t______ (8) a look first or you will go to the w_______ (9) way.
In many English cities there are big buses with two f______ (10). You can sit on the second one. From there you can see the city very well.
1. ______ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. ______ 6. ________ 7. _______
8. ______ 9. ______ 10. _______
1. foreigner 2. careful 3. drives 4. busy 5. dangerous 6. remember
7. moves 8. take 9. wrong 10. floors

Seumas Mcsporran is a very b____ man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel. Seumas l_____ and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in s_____ 150 tourists come by b_____ every day. Every weekday Seumas gets up at six and makes b_____ for the hotel guests. At eight he drives the island’s children to s_____. At nine he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the s_____.He says:“Margaret likes being busy, too. We n_____ have holidays and we don’t like w_____ television. In the evening Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At ten we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. P_____ our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it.”
1._____ 2 _____ 3 ____ 4 _____ 5 ____ 6.___ 7 ____ 8 ______ 9 ______ 10
KEYS: 1. busy 2. lives 3. summer 4. boat 5. breakfast 6. school 7. shop 8. never 9. watching 10. Perhaps

Tim spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a good s________, no assistant will come near to you and say , “Can I h______ you ?” You needn’t buy a________ you don’t want. You may try to find out where the book you want is. But if you w_______, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested i_____ selling any books at all.
There is a story which t_______ us about a good shop. A medical student found a very useful book in a shop, but it is too expensive for him to b______. He couldn’t get it from the library, e_______. So every afternoon he went there to r______ a little at a time. One day, however, he couldn’t find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his s________, the assistant pointed to the book in a corner, “I put it there so as not to be sold out .” said the assistant . Then he let the student go on with his reading.
1 _____ 2 ____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 ____ 6 _____ 7 ____ 8 ______ 9 _____ 10 _____
KEYS: store, help, anything, want, in, tells, buy, either , read, surprise

Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It l 1 in the north of Europe.It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an a 2 of 450, 000 square kilometers and the population of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is c 3 with trees. It is one of the r 4 countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Today less than one third of the people are f 5 .
Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prizes are awarded. Many people who have been to Stockholm, the c 6 of Sweden, must have visited the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded.
The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first f 7 language in schools. Many middle-school students can s 8 two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people,men and women, o 9 and young, can speak English. So there is no p 10 to speak with them in English.
KEYS:1.lies 2.area 3.covered 4.richest 5.farmers 6.capital 7.foreign 8.speak 9.old 10.problem

还有19篇 不放了 自己去看吧

小题1:meet小题2:turning小题3:providers小题4:easier小题5:weakness小题6:unusual小题7:but小题8:how小题9:your小题10:In 试题分析:这篇短文主要讨论了当我们遇到困难时是否应该向别人求助的问题。从而告诉我们人们之间互相帮助是我们人生道路上不可缺少的内容,别人帮助了我们,我们也可以以同样的方法回报他们。小题1:联系上下文,可知此处指的是满足这些需求。结合前文不定式符号to及所给选项,可知填原形动词meet,遇见,满足。小题2:联系上下文,可知此处指的是转向你的家人和朋友求助,短语turn to求助于,本句中about是介词,后面接名词或者动名词作宾语,结合所给单词,可知填动名词turning,转向。小题3:联系前文support groups 支援团体,可知此处指的是帮助提供者,结合所给选项,可知填复数名词providers提供者.小题4:联系前文描述,可知此处指的是他们发现度过困难更加容易,结合所给单词,可知填形容词比较级easier,更容易的,作定语.小题5:联系上文,可知此处指的是求助显示了自己的懦弱,结合所给选项,可知填weakness,虚弱,懦弱.小题6:联系上下文,可知这句话的意思是,所有这些感觉都是正常的,结合前文not,可知填unusual,不同寻常的。小题7:联系上下文,可知前后是转折关系,结合所给单词,可知填转折连词but,但是。小题8:联系下文to act ,可此处指的是如何行动,结合所给单词,可知填how,怎样。小题9:联系前文when you ask them to cook a meal 可知此处指的是让他们在放学后去接你的孩子,结合所给选项,可知填物主代词your,你的。小题10:联系下文,可知考查短语in turn轮流,转而。结合所给选项,可知填介词In,转而,你也能以同样的方法帮助和支持他们。点评:选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据文章前后句子之间意思推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。注意在叙事性短文中,谓语动词多为一般过去时态及现在完成时态,说明性短文中谓语动词多为一般现在时态。在解题方法上,此类题型也适用于排除法。即先完成较为简单的选项,将一时没有把握的选项留待最后再来完成。

easy, meet, in, how ,weak, turn , usual ,you ,provide, but
, L( _8 I8 S0 W' F; e
Even though your needs are greater when you have big trouble, it can be hard to ask for help to ____【小题1】____those needs.
To get the help you need, think about ___【小题2】_____ to family and friends, others who also have trouble, people you meet in support groups and even help ____【小题3】______.
No one needs to face big trouble alone. When people in trouble look for and receive help from others , they often find it___【小题4】____ to live through.
You may find it hard to ask for or accept help. After all, you are used to taking care of yourself. Maybe you think that asking for help shows___【小题5】_____. Or perhaps you do not want to let others know that some things are hard for you to do. All these feelings are not___【小题6】_____. As one man with a great difficulty once said:“I had always been the strong one. Now I had to turn to others for help. It wasn’t easy at first,____【小题7】_____ the support of others helped me get through a lot of hard times.”
People feel good when they help others. Your friends may not know what to say or ___【小题8】____to act when they are with you. Some people may even avoid you. But they may feel better when you ask them to cook a meal or pick up__【小题9】____ child after school. There are many ways that family, friends, other people who have similar troubles and many others can help. ___【小题10】____ turn, there are also ways you can help and support them!



美姑县17031409448: even though是什么意思 -
权狠酪酸: 即使的意思. even though是连词,引导让步状语从句 如:Even a little child can answer such a simple question He won't go out even if he finishes his homework

美姑县17031409448: even though 和 even的区别 -
权狠酪酸: even though 是虽然、即使的意思;而even是更加的意思

美姑县17031409448: “你虽然英语很好,但是我很讨厌你!你的性格不好!”用英语怎么说啊~~急急急急
权狠酪酸: Although you are good at english,i hate you because your bad characteristics

美姑县17031409448: even though your needs are greater when you hsve -
权狠酪酸:[答案] easy, meet, in, how ,weak, turn , usual ,you ,provide, but , L( _8 I8 S0 W' F; e Even though your needs are greater when you have big trouble, it can be hard to ask for help to ____【小题1】____those needs. To get the help you need, think about ___【小...

美姑县17031409448: 英语翻译Even though you're nice.But I'm still not sure,if it's going to last.I'm afraid that the relationship between us.If we move too fast,it might be weak and won't ... -
权狠酪酸:[答案] Even though you're nice. 尽管你很美 But I'm still not sure,if it's going to last. 但我不确定会不会长久 I'm afraid that the relationship between us. 我很担心我们之间的恋情 If we move too fast,it might be weak and won't last for long. 如果我们动作太快,关系...

美姑县17031409448: 即使你失败了,我也会挺你到最后用英语怎么翻译 -
权狠酪酸: I'll always back you even when you fail.即使你失败,我也会一直挺你.back是后背的意思,也有支持的意思.用来形容“挺”再适合不过,就好像在你要摔倒的时候有人在你背后“顶”了你一下,便是支持了.back是英语中非常常见的表示“支...

美姑县17031409448: 你还是应该坚持练习 如何用英语说 -
权狠酪酸: Even though your handwriting is difficult to improve in a short time, you should insist on practising.

美姑县17031409448: even if 和 even though的区别 -
权狠酪酸: even if 与 even though 这两个词组大致意思相当,但强调的侧重有所不同.《麦克米伦字典》上的解释: even if: used for emphasizing that although something may happen or may be true, another situation remains the same e.g.He's determined ...

美姑县17031409448: eventhough和although的用法上有什么区别?eve?
权狠酪酸: even though有假设和预想的意思,而although表示事情已经存在.比如: Even though everybody hates you, I will not.所有人恨你的事情没发生,只是假设,就用even though. although everybody hates you,I do not 虽然每个人都狠你,我不恨.所有人恨你是已经存在的事实,就用althoug

美姑县17031409448: 英译汉You're always on mind,eventhough you're far away -
权狠酪酸: “我始终记得你,即使你我相距甚远.” 或者“虽然你离我那么遥远,但你时刻留在在我脑海之中.” 意思大概就是这样,“英译中”总会有些出入.希望我的回答可以帮到你.

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