
作者&投稿:丙万 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ta l e n t e d是什么意思?
talented [英][ˈtæləntɪd][美][ˈtæləntəd]adj.有才能的,有才干的; 能干的;比较级:more talented 最高级:most talented 1,For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on...

英语You’re really talented怎么翻译?
"You're really talented" 可以翻译为 "你真的很有才华"。这句英语 "You're really talented" 表示对对方才能的赞赏和肯定。在翻译时,要理解句子的含义和语境,准确传达出对对方才能的赞赏。注意修饰性副词的使用和形容词的位置,选择符合中文习惯的表达方式,确保翻译自然流畅。以下是这句英语的详细...

1.talented 2.none 3.v adj 现在进行式 4.particulars详细情况 5.get:[v-adj] linking verb to reach a particular state or condition;to make sb\/sth\/yourself reach a particular state or condition.get ready for N.6.ask sb to do sth (要求) Mom asks me to finish my homework.询...

He is talented ___ physics. A. in B. at C. to D. for 请解释一下理 ...
解析:be talented in sth.\/doing sth;在某方面有天赋 have talent 后面用for 指在某方面有天赋 后可跟名词 如 have a talent for music 翻译:他在物理方面有天赋 希望帮到你,祝学习进步

talented ['tæləntɪd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的 truly ['truːli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地 care [keə(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎 serious ['sɪəriəs] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的 mirror ['mɪrə(r)] n.镜子;反映 necessary ['nesəsəri] adj.必要的;必然的 ...

open-minded 开放的 passionate 热情的,有激情的 perfect 完美的 phenomenal 杰出,非同一般 potent 有能力的 polite 礼貌的 peppy 活泼的 ravishing 迷人的 reliable 可靠的 romantic 浪漫的 sweet 可爱,甜心 stunning 惊艳美 special 特别的 smart 聪明,时髦 talented 有天赋的 versatile 多才多艺 ...

3. You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something ...

人才辈出用英文怎么说 人才辈出 [词典] Men of talent e out in suession.; Able men are ing forward in multitudes.; (of a district) give birth to talented people from generation to generation; Large numbers of outstanding people e forward.; [例句]就像是天缘巧合,这个家族不...

1.athlete:A good 【athlete】may have a right size and fit body.2.entered:My elder brother 【entered】 the Amry and became a soldier last year.3.talented:He is 【talented】basketball player.4.pianist:Amadeus Mozart was a great 【pianis】the wrote a great deal of misic.希望...


尘胜13838386725问: Be talented后面介词是什么At还是 in -
都匀市熊胆回答: be talented 后at和 in都可以 因为这本身并不是词组问题 只的是在某方面有天赋 领域之前 这两个介词都可用 只是 in指的领域会相对宽泛一点 这和介词本身一向的性质有关 have talent 后面用for 指在某方面有天赋 后可跟名词 如 have a talent for music

尘胜13838386725问: be talented 后面跟at还是in -
都匀市熊胆回答:[答案] be talented at doing sth擅长

尘胜13838386725问: Be talented后面介词是什么At还是 in?Have talent呢?什么介词 -
都匀市熊胆回答:[答案] be talented 后at和 in都可以 因为这本身并不是词组问题 只的是在某方面有天赋 领域之前 这两个介词都可用 只是 in指的领域会相对宽泛一点 这和介词本身一向的性质有关 have talent 后面用for 指在某方面有天赋 后可跟名词 如 have a talent for music

尘胜13838386725问: be talented in 还是at ? -
都匀市熊胆回答: be talented in具备

尘胜13838386725问: be talented in还是at -
都匀市熊胆回答:[答案] be talented at The boy is talented at singing. 那男孩对唱歌有天赋.

尘胜13838386725问: be talented in还是at -
都匀市熊胆回答: be talented at The boy is talented at singing. 那男孩对唱歌有天赋.

尘胜13838386725问: 是be talent in还是be talented in -
都匀市熊胆回答: 第二个,talent是名词,talented是形容词

尘胜13838386725问: be talent at还是be tallent in -
都匀市熊胆回答: 你好.talent是名词,不是形容词,所以没有这样的结构.正确的表达应该是:possess / have (a) talent for - - - -She had a remarkable talent for music.== She was a remarkably talented musician .

尘胜13838386725问: be talented in和be talented at是都可以的吗?His talent in还是for?真正的英语口语中对这些要求高吗? -
都匀市熊胆回答:[答案] be talented at / in 都是 对什麽有天赋, 有才干的的意思 两者皆可用, 一般来说, 我们通常会用 talented at 或good at 甚至是 gifted in 都常在生活中常用到 例: He is talented at/ in music. have a talent for 是在什麽方面有特殊的才能获天赋 例: He ...

尘胜13838386725问: be born with与be talented in区别 -
都匀市熊胆回答: be born with的意思是“与生俱来...”,而be talented in的意思是“在...方面具有天赋”. 前者既可用来表示褒义也可用来表示贬义.with后面接褒义词或词组时,其意思是“天生就有...优点或长处”;with后面接贬义词或词组时,其意思是“天生就有...缺点或不足”. 后者be talented in始终都是褒义的.

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