
作者&投稿:周喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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surpriser前是a还是an 要用 'a'。an 用在以修饰母音(A E I O U)开头的字。例:an apple an orange an elephant an eye 但:a car a boat a house a tree 而 surprise 的开头'S'不是母音,所以要用 'a': a surprise。很希望会对你有帮助。

参考: Hope I Can Help You^_^ Surprised (感到惊讶的) A surprise is an unexpected event fact or piece of news. If you are surprised at something you have a feeling of surprise because it is unexpected or unusual. It can be good or bad. e.g. Tom seemed surprised to find ...

surprise 小学生怎么记
单词根据发音来记是最方便的,s [s] ur [e] p [po] ri [rai] se [z]

法语: une fête surprise . 为什么fête 和 surprise都是名词...
这里surprise不是名词,是形容词surpris修饰阴性名词 fête加e变阴性而来的。

...for lana……为什么用surprise而不用surprising?
亲你的想法是正确的,形容令人惊喜的事或物,要用surprising,形容人很惊喜用surprised。以上这都是形容词来形容名词,还有一种用法是名词修饰名词,比如:country life,乡村生活,country是名词,life也是名词,这是一种修饰方式,来表达比较复杂的思维,也叫名词定语。亲你提问的 surprise party 也是名词...

为什么surprise的副词是去e+ing 再+ly?surprisingly。而hurry的副词...

马达加斯加的企鹅2 第二季有多少集?

have a surprise party,为什么要用surprise

英文原文:You must have a great surprise for receiving this letter.英式音标:[juː] [mʌst] [hæv] [ə; eɪ] [greɪt] [səˈpraɪz] [fɔː; fə] [rɪˈsiːvɪŋ] [ð...

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at+sth.再说下be surprised to和be surprised at的区别? -
安宁市骨痨回答:[答案] 对 i'm surprised at the news

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at sth.和be surprised to do sth.各是什么意思? -
安宁市骨痨回答: be surprised at sth对……感到很惊奇 He is surprised at dragons. be surprised to do sth 惊奇地做某事 She was surprised to find she was lost.

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at sth 造句 -
安宁市骨痨回答: I am surprised at the surprising news.

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at sth.还是sb. ?
安宁市骨痨回答: 1. be surprised at / by sth 对某事感到吃惊 2. be surprisedto do sth 或 be surprisedthat + 从句 对做某事感到吃惊3. 没有be surprised with/about sth.4. 令某人吃惊的to one's surprise

超黄15210343303问: 求surprised的用法区别和举一些例句,不要太深的例句.be surprised at sth 和 be surprised that+从句,和be surprised to do sth说明他们的用法区别 -
安宁市骨痨回答:[答案] surprise [sə'praiz] 基本释义 n. 惊奇,诧异;突然袭击 vt. 使惊奇;奇袭 adj. 令人惊讶的 Surprise!时时给她惊喜;给你一个... 它们能偷袭它们吃的小动物. Japan launched a surprise attack on the Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 日本对位于夏威夷...

超黄15210343303问: be surprise at sb对吗? 什么意思? He was very surprised at the man .是什么意思? -
安宁市骨痨回答: (1)be surprise at sb 不对!应该是:be surprised at sb. 意思是:“对....(谁)吃惊”;(2)He was very surprised at the man. 那个男令他很吃惊.注意:surprise、surprised、surprising的用法:(1)surprise 既可以做名词,又可以作动...

超黄15210343303问: be surprised to和be surprised at有什么区别 -
安宁市骨痨回答: surprising和surprised都是由surprise变换而来的,前者有主动含义,后者有被动含义,surprising的主语通常是物,而surprised的主语通常是人.Be surprised at + n. (v. + ing) 对……感到惊讶,be surprised后还可接不定式和that引导的从句.例如...

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at doing sth有这个短语吗? -
安宁市骨痨回答: 可以呀!口语多数说法: so surprise by doing something.

超黄15210343303问: 有 Be surprised at doing这个词吗还是be surprised at sth
安宁市骨痨回答: 都有,be surprised at sth/doing sth

超黄15210343303问: be surprised at 从句还是 that 两种句型我都见过 -
安宁市骨痨回答: 1.Be surprised at 后面可以加 动名词,名词,名词短语等,因为at 是介词,be surprised at 是一个短语 surprised that 只能跟一个完整的句子,这是一个表语从句

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