
作者&投稿:鄂浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【释义】:When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up. 第三组:get credit for 和 take up get credit for 因...而受到好评【释义】: If you get credit for something, you receive ...

Mr. Fool Wants to Move the Mountain There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high.Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man ...

这两句话由从属连词“because”连接。,The clause that stands alone is “I don’t like cake” and can form its own separate sentence. The clause “because it’s too sweet,” however, cannot stand alone and instead subordinates to the first clause. “I don’t like cake”,这个...

最大的活土地动物,其特点是,只要躯干(细长上唇和鼻子) ,柱状的腿,和巨大的头部颞腺和宽,平坦的耳朵。大象是灰白色,以棕色肤色,他们的身体毛发稀疏和粗。他们发现,最常在稀树草原,草原,森林,但占据一个范围广泛的栖息地,包括沙漠,沼泽,高原,在热带和亚热带地区的非洲和亚洲。非洲热带稀...

The wear of each chromosome silk grain break asunder, each 2 of chromosome dye list body respectively separate but become two independence of chromosome, and at spindle silk of lead bottom to move respectively to two pole.Move to two pole of chromosome number is complete similar, ...

浮点运算 是什么?
extended Real 80 bit 3.37e-1932 to 1.18e4932 Packed BCD 80 bit -1e18 to 1e18 双精度数和扩展精度数表示范围对一般应用来说已经足够大了!1)整数,以补码形式存储,正数的补码是其本身,负数补码是其绝对值的各位变反后加1,下面是实际存储的例子:0024 var1 dw 24 FFFE var2 dw -2 0000...

(E) A painting whose abstract shapes evoke familiar objects in a natural landscapeEcholocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of each species—that contain both frequency-modulated (FM) and constant-frequency (CF) signals. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel ...

The Constitution determines the qualifications of members of Congress, e.g., members of the House must be at least 25 years old and members of the Senate at least 30.A check that Congress has on the president is that the Congress must vote on whether or not it will fund the...

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。8.If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee?With silence and ...

老拼错单词...怎么分清a, i , e?
从你给出的几个单词来看,你自己没有总结过a和e的发音规律,a很少发|e|的,一般只发|a| |ei|和|耳|(长短音不分),e紧随常发|e|。如果你经常接触英语的话,自己得注意总结,花不了多少时间,外国人也是人,不可能创造一套完全没有规律的语言的。刚学英语的时候,记单词是连音标一起抄的,...

允法15260457916问: be separate from 和be different from 有什么区别 -
望花区胜寒回答: be separate from 和be different from 的区别区别 前者指“与┉┉分离开”;后者指“与┉┉有所不同”.如: This patient should be separated from the others.这个病人应该隔离.Compliance function shall be separate from internal audit function...

允法15260457916问: be divided into与be separated from的区别 -
望花区胜寒回答: 劈等手段的、割,一般是要通过切separate一般指是从……分离、挑拣出来的意思,常用的词组有separate from,也就是从一个大的整体里分出来,是把一个大的整体分成几个小的部分 很不错哦,常用的词组有divide sth into. divide一般是把……分成几部分的意思

允法15260457916问: be separate from与be sepatated from区别 -
望花区胜寒回答: 第一个separate词性 形容词,强调状态,单独的,分开的状态,与其余部分关系不大第二个separate是动词被动式,强调动作,被分开,使之与另一部分分离开

允法15260457916问: bedividedinto和seperatefrom有什么区别?
望花区胜寒回答: 学习英语动词很重要的一点是:要留心它是及物动词,还是不及物动词.或者,它既... be divided into 显然主语是动作的承受者,而 separate from 主语是动作的发出者.(2....

允法15260457916问: 求separate所有用法, -
望花区胜寒回答:[答案] be separated by 被 ...隔断 be separated from 和...分离开,和...分散 separate into 分离成 分离的;独立的 this raises two separate issues.分开,隔离 When did they separate last night?...

允法15260457916问: is separated into 是固定的词组吗? -
望花区胜寒回答: be separated from 和...分离开, 和...分散be separated by 被... 隔断separate into 分成这三个都是词组.

允法15260457916问: 分析一个英语句子.. -
望花区胜寒回答: be distinguished as 表示“辨明为,称之为”,后面加原因,be separate from作为原因,因为as是介词所以为being separate from.这与because of being +形容词差不多一个意思.计算机科学不是称之为独立于数学和工程学的一面学科.

允法15260457916问: The children are___(分开) the good apples from the bad ones. -
望花区胜寒回答:[答案] 答案:separating 根据题干,可知孩子们正在把好苹果和坏苹果分开.把…和…分开,separate…from….根据be+doing…,可知用现在进行时,应该用现在分词.故填:separating.

允法15260457916问: 单词“Separate”什么意思?
望花区胜寒回答: 分开,使分开的意思,比如Be separate from就是于…分开的意思

允法15260457916问: divide into&separate from的用法有什么不同? -
望花区胜寒回答: separate 把原来连在一起或靠近的“分隔开来”,常与from搭配.The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian.台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了.Please separate the white shirt from the colored ones.请把白衬衫与其他颜色的衬衫分开.divede 指把整体“划分”成若干份,常与into搭配.The island is divided into two parts.这个岛屿初分成两部分.

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