
作者&投稿:郟荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
外语学习 -> 英语翻译~


foreign language learning ;


A small study of foreign language learning in adults compared two methods.



  • CET4 202106 听力音频

    CET4 202106 Section A



    Section A 短篇新闻

    Q1 What did Joe's parents decide to do?

    A)Enrol him ina Newcastle football club.

    B)Send him to an after-school art class.

    C)Forbid him to draw in his workbook

    D)Help him post his drawings onlinc.

    Q2 what did the restaurant, Number 4, do?

    A)Contacted Joe to decorate its dining-room.

    B)Hired Joe to paint all the walls of its buildings.

    C)Renovated its kitchen and all the dining-rooms.

    D)Asked Joe for permission to use his online drawings

    Q3 What is Christine Marshall trying to do?

    A) Get her pet dog back.

    B)Beg for help from the police.

    C) Identify the suspect on the security video.

    D) Post pictures of her pet dog on social media.

    Q4 What does the news report say about Christine Marshall's family?

    A)It is suffering a great deal from the incident.

    B) It is helping the police with the investigation.

    C) It is bringing the case to the local district court.

    D) It is offering a big reward to anyone who helps.

    Q5 What does Guy Wilson say his cafe aims to do?

    A)Provide free meals to the local poor.

    B)Help people connect with each other.

    C)Help eliminate class difference in his area.

    D)Provide customers with first-class service

    Q6 What does the news report say about eggs and bread cafe?

    A)It does not supervise its employees.

    B)It donates regularly to a local charity.

    C)It does not use volunteers.

    D)It is open round the clock.

    Q7 What happens when people start to know each other according to Guy Wilson?

    A)They will realise the importance of communication

    B) They will come to the cafe even more frequently.

    C) They will care less about their own background

    D)They will ind they have something in common.

    CET4 202106 Section B



    Section B 长对话

    Q8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A)A surprise party for Paul's birthday.

    B)Travel plans for the coming weekend.

    C)Preparations for Saturday's get-together.

    D)The new market on the other side of town

    Q9. Why does the woman say it is a good idea to serve foods that guests can help themselves too?

    A)It makes the hostess's job a whole lot easier.

    B) It enables guests to walk around and chat freely.

    C) It saves considerable time and labor.

    D)It requires fewer tables and chairs.

    Q10. What does the woman say about the new supermarket?

    A)It offers some big discounts.

    B)It is quite close to her house.

    C) It is more spacious and less crowded

    D)It ells local wines and soft drinks.

    Q11.What does the man suggest them to do?

    A)Cook a dish for the party.

    B)Arrive 10 minutes earlier.

    C)Prepare a few opening remarks.

    D)Bring his computer and speakers.

    Q12.Why does the woman want to have a car?

    A)For commuting to work

    B)For long-distance travel.

    C)For getting around in Miami.

    D)For convenience at weekends

    Q13. What does the woman say about German cars?

    A)They are reliable.

    B) They are compact.

    C) They are spacious.

    D)They are easy to drive.

    Q14. What does the man recommend the woman do?

    A)Buy a second-hand car.

    B)Trust her own judgment.

    C)Seek advice from his friend.

    D)Look around before deciding

    Q15. What do we learn about the Loinbo's friend from the conversation?

    A)He sells new cars.

    B)He can be trusted.

    C)He is starting a business.

    D)He is a successful car dealer.

    CET4 202106 Section C



    Section C 听力篇章

    Q16. What do we learn about early pigs in north America?

    A)Many escaped from farms and became wild.

    B) They were actually native to North America.

    C) Many got killed in the wild when searching for food.

    D) They were hunted by Spanish and Russian explorers.

    Q17. Why are wild pigs a threat to humans?

    A) They often make sudden attacks on people.

    B)They break up nature's food supply chain.

    C) They cause much environmental pollution.

    D) They carry a great many diseases.

    Q18. What does the passage say about the native foxes on a U.S. island?

    A) They lived peacefully with wild pigs.

    B)They ran out of food completely.

    C)They fell victim to eagles.

    D) They reproduced quickly.

    Q19. What are a pair of entrepreneurs planning to do?

    A) Taste coffee while in outer space.

    B) Roast coffee beans in outer space.

    C) Develop a new strain of coffee bean.

    D)Use a pressurised tank to brew coffee.

    Q20 . What does the passage say about coffee beans roasted on earth?

    A) They can easily get burned.

    B) They float around in the oven.

    C) They have to be heated to 360°C.

    D) They receive evenly distributed heat.

    Q21. What did the two Italian companies do in 2015?

    A)They charged a high price for their space-roasted coffee beans.

    B) They set up a branch in Dubai to manufacture coffee roaster.

    C) They collaborated on building the fist space coffee machine.

    D) They abandoned the attempt to roast coffee beans in space.

    Q22. Why do a lot of people come to the village of Takotna every March?

    A)It is the best time for sightseeing

    B)A race passes through it annually.

    C)They come to clean the lditarod Trail.

    D)It is when the villagers choose a qucen.

    Q23. What is the village of Takotna famous for?

    A)Its children's baking skills.

    B)Its unique winter scenery.

    C) Its tasty fruit pies.

    D) Its great food variety.

    Q24. Who comes to help with the event of the year?

    A)The contestants.

    B)The entire village.

    C) Jan Newton and her friends.

    D) People from the state of Idaho.

    Q25. What does the passage say about Jane Newton?

    A)She owned a restaurant in Idaho.

    B)She married her husband in 1972.

    C) She went to Alaska to compete in a race.

    D)She helped the village to become famous.


    NEWS 1

    And finally in tonight's news, a nine-year-old boy named Joe told not to draw in class wins a job decorating a restaurant with his drawings rather than shutting down the habit of drawing in his school's workbook.

    (1) Joe's parents decided to encourage his creativity by sending their son to an after-school art class. His teacher recognized Joe's talent and posted all his work online, which led to something pretty wonderful. (2) A restaurant named Number 4 in Newcastle contacted Joe's teachers to ask if the nine-year-old could come and decorated the dining room with his drawings. Every day after school, Joe's dad drives him to theOY restaurant, so he can put his ideas straight on the wall.

    Once he's all done, the work will remain there permanently. Joe's dad says, Joe is a really talented little boy. He's excellent at school. He's great at football, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about.

    Q1. What did Joe's parents decide to do?

    Q2. what did the restaurant, Number 4, do?


    NEWS 2

    Christine Marshall, a-34-year-old mum of one posted a tearful video on social media, Wednesday, begging for the safe return of her beloved pet dog. After combing through the security video outside a global’s shop, (3) Christine has now posted an image of a man suspected of stealing the dog. The image appears to show a man carrying the dog in his arms.

    Christine also believes the video obtained from the shop shows the dog being stolen by a man before driving off in a car, which had been waiting nearby. (4) The family is now offering a 5,000 pound reward for the safe return of the dog after launching a social media campaign to find the thief, the dog is six and a half years old and was last seen wearing a red collar.

    Christine said “We will pay that to anyone who brings him home, as long as they are not responsible for his disappearance, please on investigating the incident”.

    Q3 What is Christine Marshall trying to do?

    Q4 What does the news report say about Christine Marshall's family?

    NEWS 3

    London's eggs and bread cafe offers a boiled eggs, toast, jam, and bacon, as well as tea, coffee, and orange juice. But at the end of the meal, customers don't have to worry about the bill. Hungry customers can pay whatever amount they can afford to eat at the cafe or nothing at all. (5) Owner Guy Wilson says his cafe aims to build community rather than profits. He wants to provide a bridge for people to connectWANGYI in an area that has been divided by class and wealth, by providing affordable breakfast. (6) The cafe is open in the mornings every day of the year. And has two members of staff or supervisors on shift every day. The cafe doesn't use volunteers, but pays its staff to ensure consistency in its service. It doesn't take donations and doesn't want to be seen as a charity. Mr. Wilson says when people start to know other people around them, (7) they realize they're not that different and whatever their financial background or their educational background, most people will have something in common with each other. He says it's important that his cafe can offer his customers security and permanence

    Q5 What does Guy Wilson say his cafe aims to do?

    Q6 What does the news report say about eggs and bread cafe?

    Q7 What happens when people start to know each other according to Guy Wilson?


    M: So what time do you think we should have the party on Saturday?

    W: How about inviting people to come at 6:00 PM then we'll have the afternoon to prepare food and drink and stuff like that?

    M: Yes. I was thinking that around six would be good too. What food should we provide?

    W: Well, I had thought about baking a cake and some biscuits, and now I think we should prepare some sandwiches and snacks and some other kinds of food so that people can just help themselves rather than getting everyone to sit down at the table to eat a meal. I think that's a bit too formal. It's better to let people walk around and talk to each other or sit where they like.

    M: Yes, that sounds good. I'll go to the supermarket to get some drinks. I think I might try that big new supermarket on the other side of town, see what they have. I've not been there before. I think we should get some beer and wine and some fruit juice and other soft drinks. What do you think?

    W: Sounds great. I think those drinks will be enough. And I heard that the new supermarket offers some big discounts to attract customers, so going there should be a great idea. What should we do about music?

    M:Maybe we should also ask Pual to bring his computer and speakers so that we can play some music. He has a great collection of different stuff. Yes. All right.

    Q8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    Q9. Why does the woman say it is a good idea to serve foods that guests can help themselves too?

    Q10. What does the woman say about the new supermarket?


    W: I’m thinking of buying a car. I wouldn't need to use it every day, but I think it would be very convenient to have one for the weekends.

    M: That's exciting. Would this be your first car?

    W: Nope.

    M: I actually owned a car for a little while when I lived in Miami. You see, in America, many cities don't have good public transport.

    So most people need their ownOY car to get around.

    W: I see.

    M: So have you got your mindset on a specific model?

    W: No, not really.

    (13) I've heard that German cars are very reliable, but I haven't decided on a specific model yet.

    I'd also like it to be small so that it's easy to drive in the city.

    M: I have a friend who sells secondhand cars. In fact, I think his family owns the business.

    He's a really nice guy and he knows a lot about cars. I could give you his phone number if you want, and you could call him and ask him questions.

    W: Hmm. That's nice of you, but I don't want to feel obliged to buy one of his car.

    M: Oh no. He's not like that. He's a good friend of mine and he would never try to pressure you.

    W: Well, if you trust him, then I guess it should be okay. To be honest, I could use some help in deciding what type of vehicle would best suit my needs.

    Speaking to an expert would be a good idea.

    M: Exactly. You have nothing to worry about. He's a lovely guy and he'll be happy to help.

    Q13. What does the woman say about German cars?

    Q14. What does the man recommend the woman do?

    Q15. What do we learn about the Loinbo's friend from the conversation?


    Passage one.

    Pigs are not native to north America. They were first introduced to California by Spanish and Russian explorers and settlers many centuries ago. In the early times, pigs were allowed to wander freely and search a food. This practice also allowed many pigs to escape from farms and live in the wild, which became a problem.

    In fact, as one of the most damaging invasive species on the continent, wild pigs caused millions of dollars in crop damage yearly. TheyOY also harbored dozens of diseases that threaten both humans and farm animals. Forest patches with wild pigs have been found to have considerably reduced plant and animal diversity.

    In addition to either eating other animals or their food supply, wild pigs damaged native habitats by reaching up crosses and rubbing on trees. Their activities may also create opportunities for invasive plants to colonize these areas. Wild pigs will eat almost anything containing calories. Mice, deer, birds, snakes and frogs are among their victims.

    They can also harm other wild species through indirect competition rather than eating them or shrinking their food supply. On one particular United States island, wild pigs themselves became an attractive food source for a species of mainland eagle. Eagles began breeding on the island and also feeding on a species of native fox. The foxes were almost wiped out completely.

    Q16. What do we learn about early pigs in north America?

    Q17. Why are wild pigs a threat to humans?

    Q18. What does the passage say about the native foxes on a U.S. island?


    (19) A pair of entrepreneurs are planning to build and launch a spacecraft that would carry and roast coffee beans in outer space. The craft will use the heat of re-entry to roast coffee beans, as they float inside it in a pressurized tank. The effect would be to roast the beans all over and produce perfect coffee. (20) The businessmen say that on earth, beans can easily break apart and get burned in the roaster. But if gravity is removed, the beans float around and heated oven, received 360 degrees of evenly distributed heat and roast to near perfection. The spacecraft will reach a height of around 200 kilometers. The beans would WANGYI then be roasted and the heat generated by the crafts 20 minute re-entry into earth's atmosphere. Temperatures and the pressurized tank will be kept to around 200 degrees Celsius. Once back on earth, the planet's first space roasted beans would be used to make coffee that would be sold for the first time in Dubai. This is where the Pairs company is based. It is not clear how much they would charge for a cup. Surprisingly, the space roaster concept should it go ahead will not be the first attempt to take coffee into space. (21) In 2015, two Italian companies collaborated on the construction of a similar type of spacecraft, which was the first coffee machine designed for use in space.

    Q19. What are a pair of entrepreneurs planning to do?

    Q20 . What does the passage say about coffee beans roasted on earth?

    Q21. What did the two Italian companies do in 2015?


    Passage three

    In cold and snowy Alaska, there’s a village called Takotna. It has a population of a mere 49 adults. Each March, this tiny village swells up in numbers because it is located in the middle of a race that takes place every year. It is a seven-day race called “The Iditarod Trail”. And participants stop at Takotna for the obligatory 24 hour rest.

    Lucky for them, Takotna is famous OY for its delicious fruit pies. Weeks before the competitors arrive, the residents of Takotna start preparing what is without question their biggest event of the year. The whole village chips in to help, including the kids, who end up developing their baking skills at an early age. Exhausted and hungry racers are greeted with delightful pies of all kinds, such as apple, orange, lemon, or banana.

    They consume the pies and a stomach warming race fuel. The toughness of the race allows for racers to eat pretty much whatever they want. The more calories, the better. Takotna has gained a reputation for its dessert-based hospitality since the 1970s. It started with one person, Jane Newton. Jane moved from Iditarod with her husband in 1972 and opened a restaurant. A rich and filling fruit pies quickly got the races attention, and the village gained some fame as a result. Proud residents then started to refer to Jane as queen of Takotna.

    Questions 22 to 25, or based on the passage, you have just heard

    Q22. Why do a lot of people come to the village of Takotna every March?

    Q23. What is the village of Takotna famous for?

    Q24. Who comes to help with the event of the year?

    Q25. What does the passage say about Jane Newton?



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蓍朱舒康: 当主语是单数第3人称时,动词加s 比如He reads book. 当动词以s,es,th,sh,o结尾时,动词应加es 比如He goes too fast. 当句子是现在进行时时,动词加ing 如:He is reading book. 】 第三人称单数后面动词要加s,动词结尾是ch,sh,x,s的时候加es...

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蓍朱舒康: draw的读音为英 [drɔ:] 美 [drɔ] .具体释义如下: draw 英 [drɔ:] 美 [drɔ] 1、动 vt.& vi.吸引;绘画;拖,拉;招致 vt.画;吸引;拉 vi.汲取;移动;拔出剑;皱缩 例:Pencils and markers to write and draw. 用来书写和绘画的铅笔和记号笔. ...

洪江市17694848198: 什么时候加s 什么时候加es
蓍朱舒康: 1)一般情况下加-s 2)以s ,x ,ch , sh结尾加-es 3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加- es.注意以元音+y,直接加s 4)以f或fe结尾,复数变f或 fe 为v再加-es

洪江市17694848198: 英语什么情况加S?满意的重赏80分! -
蓍朱舒康: 可数名词单数变复数--------终结版 可数名词分单数复数.复数是由单数变来的.变化规则如下: 1.一般来说,词尾+s, desk----desks friend --------friends 2.以s, x, sh, ch结尾,+es, bus --------buses box------boxes fish-----fishes watch---watches 3.以辅...

洪江市17694848198: 什么时候加S,ES`? -
蓍朱舒康: 首先只要动词后面有个e,就直接加s,无论是怎样的动词. 如果动词后面不是e,就有几种情况了 1、大多数动词在词尾加“S”①stop-stops ②read-reads ; play-plays 2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后在加“es” 如...

洪江市17694848198: He has -- books in his study. A选项 several tho usands B选项 some thousands of -
蓍朱舒康: 答案因该是B 这应该是高中的英语题吧? 高中英语常考点 thousand如果后面加 of 的话是可以用复数的 thousands of +n. 可是如果thousand后面直接加名词的话 就不能加s 这里的some是副词 意思是大约的意思 是用来修饰thousands 的 million hunderd 之类的用法也是一样的

洪江市17694848198: He's interestand in - --(draw) -
蓍朱舒康: drawing.如果楼主是初三的学生,应该学过一个词组.be interested in doing sth.或者是be interested in sth.意思为对做某事有兴趣或者是对某物有兴趣.在这里,draw作为绘画的意思,是动词.应该用动词的ing形式

洪江市17694848198: 英语:一般过去时和现在进行时语法知识(包括语法及例句)!多答点,每个各要4页 -
蓍朱舒康:[答案] 现在完成时过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果 过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态 句型 ... Up to/till now he's read many story books. 至今他已读过好多故事书. I've been to New York three times so far. 至今我已到纽...

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蓍朱舒康:[答案] 七年级英语语法上册下册总结: 七年级英语语法虽然是从简单的一些日常用语出发的,但语法中常会有一些知识点看起来很... 一)在后面加s.如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas 二)x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es.如:boxes, glasses, ...

洪江市17694848198: HeⅰsdrawⅰηgαpⅰCture是什么意思? -
蓍朱舒康: He is drawing a picture.他正在画画.主谓宾结构.

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