
作者&投稿:历屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

? to make to cease, prob. akin to E. few. In compounds, this word appears corresponding to L. ponere to put, place, the substitution in French having been probably due to confusion of this word with L. positio position, fr. ponere. See {Few},and cf. {Appose}, {Dispos...

"When I left college, I e front of house skills. Working for a chain of hotels opened up opportunities and I oted to Front of House Manager after another year. I then moved to a more prestigioushotel ers on menu and ers and organising table reservations. After another 2 years I accepte...

ndian giver(to give only to take back),还有welsh或welch(break a promise or r efuse to pay a debt)。英国人把梅毒叫作the French pox,而法国人则称之为the Engli sh pox。这句话可以改为:The rowdiest of the patrons were hauled off in the polic e van, and the rest soon...

When I become a doctor, I will cherish each lif e regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positio ns and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable.I already have a dream in my heart,so I have t o make every effort to realize it.【As a high sc hool student...

NBA,GPS,IT,e-mail,VIP各是什么意思,你能再写出两个这样的英语吗?_百 ...
nation basketball alliance ---nba gobel positiom systerm ---gps Information Theory ---it Very Important Person---vip most valuable player---mvp electronic mail ---e-mail britsh broadcast company --bbc

经过反复试验,膜的材料、结构有了大的改变,这一改变,更提高了膜的""保温性"",也就产生了""低辐射膜""--LOW-E膜。 二、 玻璃贴膜的结构、性能、种类、及基本施工原理: 膜的最基本构成是:聚酯基片(PET),一面镀有防划伤层(SR),另一面是安装胶层及保护膜。施工安装时,将保护膜揭去...

2、e:对日期设置自定义格式e,结果是公历的四位年份,为2005-1-1显示为2005,完全可以代替yyyy格式符号 第一个格式在EXCEL使用中可能从来也不会用到,权作一个小知识吧 以上是在EXCEL2003下发现的,经检验在EXCEL2000下没有 32、工作表的A1单元格为B1:H1的总和,B1:H1又有其它公式,如何让A1当为负数时,让它不显...

Selfevaluation:严谨务实,以诚待人,团队协作能力强;英语听说读写能力强;充满热情,吃苦耐劳,工作上有较强的管理和动手能力且有较强学习能力;敢于面对挑战,具有良好的适应性和做事情认真负责。Rigorous and pragmatic in dealing with affairs, sincere to treat other people, having strong team ...

格里马第观察到的现象直到1665年才被发表,这时他已经去世。他提出“光不仅会沿直线传播、折射和反射,还能够以第四种方式传播,即通过衍射的形式传播。”(Propositio I. Lumen propagatur seu diffunditur non solum directe, refracte, ac reflexe, sed etiam alio quodam quarto modo, diffracte....

VB 怎么编写DLL
Link2.exe "e:\\vbdll\\Class1.obj" "e:\\vbdll\\Module1.obj" "e:\\vbdll\\Project1.obj" "E:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\VBAEXE6.LIB" \/ENTRY:__vbaS \/EXPORT:mathadd \/OUT:"e:\\vbdll\\ProjectOK.dll" \/BASE:0x11000000 \/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.0 \/VERSION:1.0 \/Dll ...

曾黎13811721249问: be+单词+to的固定搭配有哪些. -
南郑县伪麻回答: (be) about to 刚要,即将 (be) absorbed to 专心于be entitled to 有权…,有资格… be sensitive to sth对某事敏感be accustomed to 习惯于 be blind to 对……视而不见 be close to 靠近,接近 be cruel to 对……残酷,对……无情 be devoted to ...

曾黎13811721249问: be+过去分词+to+副词是什么意思 -
南郑县伪麻回答: 主动语态应该是 speak to old people politely. 所以变成被动式就是Old people must be spoken to politely. speak to是词组 不是to politely.

曾黎13811721249问: be+v - ed+to后接do还是doing -
南郑县伪麻回答:[答案] 视情况而定be + v-ed +to 中的to 如果是介词,后面就接doing,如果be + v-ed 后面本身就接不定式,则to后面用do.

曾黎13811721249问: be compared to,是被动语态还是be加形容词? -
南郑县伪麻回答: 是一个词组,不是被动语态,是be+形容词. be compared to与…相比;把…比作 例:Our work can be compared to a battle. 我们的工作好比一场战斗.注:与be interested in(对...感兴趣)类似,“interested”在这里也是形容词.被动语态的基本形式是 be+及物动词的过去分词,后面一般不接to.

曾黎13811721249问: be+名词+to+动词
南郑县伪麻回答: be able to 意思相当于 can, 可以,能够得意思 不是be+名词+to+动词 呵呵

曾黎13811721249问: be+adj+to的用法! -
南郑县伪麻回答: 不是的. 比如 The water is to hot to drink ,像这样的只可以接动词,如果接名词的话就不伦不类而且不符合语法和人们的日常语言习惯. 关键要看to是动词不定式的标志还是介词.

曾黎13811721249问: be addicted to 把be去掉是什么用法 -
南郑县伪麻回答: 看你头像的份上,回答你,呵呵.addicted是addict的过去式和过去分词,同时又是形容词.第一个意思特指(吸毒)上瘾的,第二个意思,对某物,着迷的,入迷的.这里是系动词(be动词)加形容词构成系表结构,后面接介词to+对象.例如 He is addicted to golf. 他迷上了高尔夫球. 如果去掉be,那么addicted作为形容词就不能单独使用.那么用动词addict,使沉溺,使入迷.但是,现代英语中,这个动词已经很少使用它的动词用法了,addict已经被名词化为这个动作对象的人了.所以翻译为:一:瘾君子,二:对……入迷/上瘾的人. 所以,还是要用 be addicted to sth

曾黎13811721249问: 关于be+adj+to的用法 -
南郑县伪麻回答: be +adj+to+do中的to是不定式. 这类形容词怎么用呢. be reponsible to do sth负责地做某事,然后对号入座就可以了. be reponsible to sb对某人负责?最简单最有效地方法是先辨别to是不定式还是介词. be+adj+to+n中的to是介词,to是不定式,to是介词,to do sthbe +adj+to+do和be+adj+to+n是两个不同的句形

曾黎13811721249问: be+conditioned+to是什么意思
南郑县伪麻回答: be conditioned to 英[bi: kənˈdiʃənd tu:]美[bi kənˈdɪʃənd tu] v.习惯于 双语例句 She could not imagine that a woman, conditioned to accept that she and her family should be beaten by her husband, would ever be able to conceive of herself as being competent to stand for election.她不能想象一个习惯于认可她和她的家人应受其丈夫殴打的女人,能够相信自己有能力参加选举.

曾黎13811721249问: be+过去分词+to do 的结构 -
南郑县伪麻回答: be加过去分词表示被动,动词不定式to do用来表示目的

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