
作者&投稿:轩梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

overweight 英[ˌəʊvəˈweɪt] 美[ˌoʊvərˈweɪt]adj. 超重的; 过重的; 超过规定重量的;n. 超重; 偏重; 优势;vt. 使…装载过重; 使…负担过重; 在重量上超过;[网络] 增持; 增持股份; 加码;[例句...

Dominic都文历*Dominica多文历卡(属于主的)E Earl依奥*Earlene依伦(贵族之首)Edmund阿曼*Edmonda阿曼达(有钱的保护者)Edric阿积*Edrea阿积拉(有力量的幸运操控者)Edward爱德华*Edwardina爱德莲娜(有钱的守护者)Egbert爱拔*Egberta爱拔拉(亮丽的宝剑)Eldred爱积*Eldrida爱叙亚(在老树下生活的人,...

someone like you里面有几句不会,请大家帮我用谐音标注一下。_百度知...
that 佛 米 一特 一扔特 哦ver。

1.奥特 - - 2.欧ver(ver就是你上排牙齿咬住下嘴唇一半,再念)

Hi,I'Liu Wei and l'm the Mandarin teacher at an i

give over和give up的区别
1、读音不同 give over 英 [ɡiv ˈəuvə] 美 [ɡɪv ˈovɚ]give up 英 [ɡiv ʌp] 美 [ɡɪv ʌp]例句:Tell him to give over. 告诉他到此为止吧。Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive...

请问 遗余褋兮醴浦中的遗读音是yi还是wei
(3) 送交;交付 [turn over;hand over;pay]遗赵王书。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》遗魏王及公子书。——《史记·魏公子列传》遗权书曰。——《资治通鉴》以书遗操。(4) 又如:遗书(投书;寄信);遗使(遣使);遗秉(发放粮食);遗大(赋予重大任务)(5) 输送 [carry]强国之民,父遗其子,兄...

Early the founders of China's biological disciplines such as physiologist Lin-sheng, zoologist and botanist Law-Hussein cheated, Liu Shen-e are all very entrepreneurial spirit of the well-known scholars, but their fate and academic life of the idea of building Not the same, which reflects the...

In Chapter 33 ("The Prince's Tale") Snape's memories reveal that he loved Harry's mother Lily Evans, but their friendship ended over his association with future Death Eaters and "blood purity" beliefs. When Voldemort killed the Potters, a grieving Snape vowed to protect Lily's child, ...

09 Ring On The World Heart Of Air 《Z.O.E》片尾曲 10 风のとおり道 杉并児童合唱団 《龙猫》插曲 11 めぐる季节 井上あずみ 《魔女宅急便》插曲 12 Strength 小泉恒平 《X 予兆》片尾曲 13 地球ぎ 松泽由美(松泽由実) 《圣斗士星矢 冥王十二宫篇》片头曲 14 Refrain Of Memory ...

贸莘17715695430问: A overweight B用法? -
建始县西艾回答: overweight: [ '?uv?weit ] a. 超重的词形变化: 动词过去式:overweighted 过去分词:overweighted 现在分词:overweighting 第三人称单数:overweights 例句与用法: 1. The baggage is two kilos overweight. 那件行李超重两公斤. 2. Be my ...

贸莘17715695430问: be overweight and still reduce your risk of - (die) -
建始县西艾回答: 答:“ 冒... 的危险”习惯说:take the risk of doing sth.而不说:take the risk of sth. 也就是说,作介词of 的宾语,一般要用动词的-ing形式,而不说名词形式.例如: There's not much risk of losing money if you bet on the horse. 假如你押那匹马,输钱的风险不大.

贸莘17715695430问: 1I always eat too much,so I'm -- .2Because Iate too much,I have -- weight.3What is your--? -
建始县西艾回答: 1.overweight 形容词,放于be动词之后. 意为:超重的;增肥了的2.put on. 过去分词结构,与have搭配构成谓语动词. 意为:体重增加了3.weight 名词. 意为:体重

贸莘17715695430问: You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still -
建始县西艾回答: you may drink ,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of … early,这一块也可以用death,如果是death的话那么early就是形容词做后置定语,early death 早逝

贸莘17715695430问: overweight是什么意思 -
建始县西艾回答: overweight [英][ˌəʊvə'weɪt][美][ˌovɚˈwet] adj.超重的; 过重的; 超过规定重量的; n.超重; 偏重; 优势; vt.使…装载过重; 使…负担过重; 在重量上超过; 例句Between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. 25到30被视为超重.

贸莘17715695430问: 英语!“您的行李超重6公斤”怎么翻译? -
建始县西艾回答: not 是多余的

贸莘17715695430问: overweight 英语解释 -
建始县西艾回答: overweight = too fat/ too much body fat/ obese 中文意思是 超重

贸莘17715695430问: over类似于overwight的用法. -
建始县西艾回答: over有”过了“的意思,比如说overweight.weight是重量的意思,over+weight,就是过了体重,也就是超重.另外比如说有overnight,过了晚上,就是过夜的意思!

贸莘17715695430问: 98: being serverly overweight 在句中作什么成份呀? -
建始县西艾回答: include 为动词.high blood pressure 和 being severely overweight均为名词性质的短语,在句中作include 的宾语

贸莘17715695430问: “据说超过百分之十的学生超重”的英语翻译 -
建始县西艾回答: “据说超过百分之十的学生超重”1 It is said that over 10% of the students are overweight. 2 Over 10% of the students are said to be overweight.

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