
作者&投稿:魏弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

形容美好品质的英语单词有nobel 高贵的、 kind 善良的 、helpful 乐于助人的 、Striking 令人瞩目的、 perfect 完美的 、dutiful 尽职的 、able 有才干的 、active 主动地,活跃的 、energetic 精力充沛的等。

9. l,m helpful为题的英语作文100个 I am helpfulI am a helpful girl,because i often help my mom do some housework.There is a big house in my family,and my parents are all busy with their work.I e back home earlier than my parents,and i know that they are tired after...

求大神发英语周报高二课标2016-2017第20期答案。。今天晚上之前跪求在 ...
31-35 BADAC 36-40EBDAG 41-45 CBABD 46-50CABAD 51-55 CBDCD 56-60ADCDB61. or 62.where63. was founded 64.the65. under do67. unusual 68.complaining69. behaviour 70.challenges短文改错:71. ... a variety of activity ... activity → activities72. ... got involved it. ...


[单词积累]able\/ˈeɪb(ə)l\/adj. 能够,有能力的;聪明能干的_百 ...
进阶技巧:掌握结果状语从句像例句3所示,机器鱼的引入让研究者得以密切关注海洋生物,Now, researchers may be able to keep a close eye on fish and discover undersea secrets<\/,这正是技术进步带来的可能性。巩固练习:对于学生们来说,能够掌握一门外语是无比有益的<\/,用It’s very helpful ...

单词以 e 结尾复数发音?有什么规则?
终结归纳:e加上复数(三单同理),加上s\/es,发音是发[s]\/[z]看与e构成音节尾的发音是清辅音还是浊辅音,或者是原音。清辅音后发[s]\/[ts],反之原音与浊辅音后发[z]\/[dz]一句话:清后清,浊后浊,元后浊 Hope it'll be helpful!参考资料:不要妄想超链接进哥结构无比精妙的大脑 ...

谁能给我几个经典句型 我要考四级了 写作用 要翻译的 谢谢了 我全部的...
e.g: [1]. Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be recognized in a wide way . [2]. There is no quick method to the issue of .., but .. might be helpful\/benefical. [3]. The great challenge today ...

急,牛津高中英语模块六第一单元Reading 课文
I felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. 我发现家庭作业也没有我以前的学校所布置的多了,但是起初它对于我来说是一个挑战因为所有的功课都是英语。我感到...

helpful\/helpfl\/adj. 有用的;有帮助的 p.26fromtime to time 时常;有时 p.26score\/skO:(r)\/ n. & v. 得分;打分 p.26background\/b{kgraUnd\/ n. 背景 p.27interview\/Int@(r)vju:\/ v. 采访;面试n.面试;访谈 p.27Asian\/eISn, eIZn\/ adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的 n. 亚洲人 p.27dealwith 对付...

一、在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly 二、以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily 三、某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾和以-...

彩蒲18374864964问: being helpful at school英语作文? -
兴县洛威回答: being helpful at school的意思是在学校乐于助人,意思就是写一篇乐于助人为主题的英语作文.In fact, it is not difficult to be willing to help others. Being willing to help people in need is to be willing to help others. Therefore, as long as everyone ...

彩蒲18374864964问: helpful at home和helpful意思一样吗 -
兴县洛威回答: 前者是在家能干,在家能派用场的意思,后者没有在家的意思就是形容词,表示有用的;有益的;有帮助的;愿意帮忙的

彩蒲18374864964问: 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空. 1.I .( )[be] helpful at hom -
兴县洛威回答: am do cook me any

彩蒲18374864964问: are you helpful at home 是什么意思 -
兴县洛威回答: 在家有帮助”是比较错误的译法,“friend”是“朋友”,加了s表示是复数; “at home”可以理解为“在家”,也可以理解为“在国内”; “help”是“帮忙”,加了“ful”这个后缀,变出的新单词的意思可以是“有用的;能帮上忙的;帮了...

彩蒲18374864964问: be helpful to后面可不可以加sth.? -
兴县洛威回答: 这是形式主语的句型和主谓宾结构 It is +形容词+for sb. +to do sth. It is helpful for me to study my English.

彩蒲18374864964问: be helpful什么意思,一个词语前面加个be是什么意思 -
兴县洛威回答: be 在这里是系动词,后接形容词.比如你这里的helpful就是“有帮助的”(adj.)

彩蒲18374864964问: Be helphul at home!的意思是什么? -
兴县洛威回答: 要根据语境呢 不过应该是 你在家要多帮(父母)忙

彩蒲18374864964问: she is very helpful at home?这句语法怎么解释 -
兴县洛威回答: She---主语 is----系动词 very----副词,修饰形容词helpful very helpful----表语 at home-----(地点)状语 be helpful是本句的重点

彩蒲18374864964问: be helpful to还是for -
兴县洛威回答: 对不起,没有第二种说法 be helpful to:对xx有帮助 be helpful for sth:为了sth乐意帮忙 只有一种,help做名词 He is the help to me when I am at school.他在学校是我的救星.

彩蒲18374864964问: help 与 helpful 的用法 -
兴县洛威回答: 我觉得两个都对,前者更趋向于拟人化一些,因为创可贴和动词帮助应该是主动地关系.前者可以翻译为:创可贴可以帮的上忙.后者帮忙的形容词,有帮助作用的,可以翻译为,你的创可贴会是有用的,其实意思是一样的,只是前者会好些,因为用到了修辞,英语并不是太绝对的.浅薄见解,希望有用.

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