
作者&投稿:薛德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

区别在于 (1) exciting:adj.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的 主语是物或事 e.g. This movie is so exciting.这部电影真让人兴奋、激动。(2) excited:adj.兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的 主语为人较多 e.g. she's so excited about the upcoming holiday.对于即将来到的假日,她兴奋不已。

exciting:adj.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的 主语是物或事 e.g. This movie is so exciting.这部电影真让人兴奋、激动。excited:adj.兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的 主语为人较多 e.g. she's so excited about the upcoming holiday.对于即将来到的假日,她兴奋不已。还有一个词这里补充一下 ...


exciting是主动用法,表示某物让sb很兴奋,令人兴奋的 excited的被动用法,表示sb因为sth而兴奋.e.g.the football match is exciting.这场球赛真令人兴奋.he was excited by the football match.一般V+ing 变成adj表示主动.意思是使人.的,令人很.的:surprising,disappointing,pleasing...而V+ed,变成adj...

Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你要去北京了o,感到兴奋吗? 2。He told us an exciting story yesterday。 他昨天o给我们讲了p一t个l使人s激动的故事。 4。It's nothing to get excited about。 这没什1么e可值得激动的。 2。I've got an exciting piece of work。 我得到了...

exciting这个单词我熟,难不倒我。exciting表示某事物令人兴奋,exciting一般用于修饰物(而excited一般用于修饰人)。一、exciting 的含义 读音:英 [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] 美 [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ]基本解释:adj. 令人兴奋的;令人激动的;使人兴奋...

excite 英音:[ik'sait]美音:[ɪk'saɪt]及物动词 vt.1.刺激;使兴奋;使激动 What are you so excited about?你为何这么激动?The news excited everybody.这消息使每个人都兴奋了起来。2.引起;激起 The professor's lecture on Shakespeare excited our interest.那位教授关于莎士比亚的...

d e t x c i e组成一个什么英语单词
excited 兴奋地

Tom was e什么 about the coming science fair?
e字母后面的什么应该是excited (兴奋,激动),Tom was excited about the coming fair. (汤姆对即将到来的科学展感到很激动。)

why are you so___?(excited,exciting)
填excited 兴奋的。exciting是令人兴奋的意思。

成王邰13192797429问: 有be excited in这个词组吗 -
莒南县安舒回答:[答案] 有 be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property. 就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动心.

成王邰13192797429问: 有没有be excited in这样的说法,是什么意思呢 -
莒南县安舒回答: 没有吧, 像楼上说的只是介词词组作地点状语,excited 是形容词,形容人的状态,形容人很兴奋.

成王邰13192797429问: be excited in,be excited at,be excited about哪个对,或者有什么区别? -
莒南县安舒回答: be excited at “在......的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动”She is very excited about/at winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已.常可以互换be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property. 就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动心.

成王邰13192797429问: be excited in和be excited to do
莒南县安舒回答: be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited in doing sth是指做某事赶到兴奋 be excited to do sth是指因为兴奋去做某事 意思有点儿不同

成王邰13192797429问: be excited in doing sth?be excited about doing sth?区别
莒南县安舒回答: be excited in doing sth 是指兴奋于做某事 偏向于主动性的个人喜好 不止一次的的做可能一直在做 be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited about doing sth 则是对做某事感到兴奋 偏向于客观性的 只是对这件事兴奋 其实我感觉平时不用分这么细哈,差别很小的

成王邰13192797429问: excited in和excited to和excited about的区别 -
莒南县安舒回答: 这3个常与be动词组合使用,为 be excited in, be excited to和be excited about be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property. 就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动...

成王邰13192797429问: 至少25个关于“ be+形容词+介词”结构的短语 -
莒南县安舒回答: 1 be able to 能够 2 be interested in 对……感兴趣 3 be excited at 对……感到兴奋 4 be worried about 对……感到担心 5 be surpriesd at 对……感到吃惊 6 be friendly to 对……很友好 7 be absent from 缺席8 be proud of 对......自豪 9 be weak in 在.......

成王邰13192797429问: be exicited at 和be excited on有什么区别和共同点
莒南县安舒回答: be at :从事于,做 be on:已经开始了.be exicited at/on.它们的用法以及意义基本一样,只是时态稍有不同.据个例子:I am exicited at the basketball tomorrow.明天的篮球赛让我感到很兴奋.这种情况就不可以用excited on 因为球赛还没开始呢.I was exicited on the basketball yesterday.昨天的篮球赛让我很兴奋.一个很大的共同点就是at和on都是是介词 所以这两个短语的后面都只能加 名词或 动名词.

成王邰13192797429问: be excited in doing sth?be excited about doing sth?区别be excited in doing sth和be excited about doing sth区别不是有be interested in?为什么没有be ... -
莒南县安舒回答:[答案] be excited in doing sth 是指兴奋于做某事 偏向于主动性的个人喜好 不止一次的的做可能一直在做 be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited about doing sth 则是对做某事感到兴奋 偏向于客观性的 只是对这件事兴奋 其实我感觉平时不用分这么细哈,差...

成王邰13192797429问: be excited about 对不对?be excited in对不对? be excited at对不对?be excited with对不对? -
莒南县安舒回答: 我的第一感觉是楼主在说绕口令>.<好吧,解释给你听~————————1.Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动 Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics/the 2010 World Cup? I was excited about a job interview. 我对那个面试老激动了...

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